September 22, 2014

More Warnings About Ebola Virus

[From article]
Unfortunately some scientists, as well as governments, are ignoring important segments of the scientific literature, and are thereby coming to erroneous conclusions about Ebola transmission. Read the hyperlinked articles, because ignorance is not bliss, particularly when one considers that over 300 million Americans are unvaccinated and therefore vulnerable to Ebola. One must also wonder if any of our national leaders have already received Ebola vaccination, thus positioned above the fray

September 22, 2014
Ignorance (of Ebola) is Not Bliss
By Ronald R. Cherry

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[From article]
As I wrote at the beginning of this article I was surprised not to find a lot more breaking and developing news about Ebola, that is because the story is neither sexy or fast breaking. It just pounds away in an unsettling and disturbing way slowly building on itself. Americans can neither run or hide from this reality in our ever shrinking world. The bottom-line is we cannot wish Ebola away or ignore it and hope for the best. There could be "profound and devastating implications" for the U.S. and the world even if there is no immediate threat of an outbreak on American soil.

If this virus continues to spread the economic cost as well as the humanitarian toll will be massive. It has the potential to end most travel and reduce human interaction everywhere. A worldwide Ebola pandemic would change everything. If Americans and people throughout the developed world think a bad strain of the flu is a reason to panic they had better get concerned. Anything we can do to halt or slow the spread of the Ebola virus is crucial and will allow us more time to develop vaccines or weapons to deal with Ebola down the road. We can only hope the virus does not morph or a mutant strain develop that spreads much easier or is even more dangerous and deadly.

Monday September 22, 2014
Ebola May Have Reached Critical Mass!
Bruce Wilds

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