September 22, 2014

Sadistic Terrorism, Not Psychopaths

[From article]
psychopaths don’t feel guilt about hurting other people, but sadists take active pleasure in committing horrors that civilized people can’t even look at. In his pornographic novels the Marquis de Sade wrote about taking sexual pleasure from torturing and even murdering innocents. That is where we get the term “sadism.”
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For those eager recruits, murderous barbarism for some cult delusion is a magnetic attraction. They need a faith, any faith, and if they feel desperate enough, ISIS will do. These were the same kinds of kids who wanted to join the Hitlerjuegend and a hundred other totalitarian youth cults in the last century.
Raw sadistic cults are much more dangerous than merely psychopathic ones. The mafia pays psychopaths who kill without qualms, but it’s strictly business. The mafia is self-restrained because too many murders are bad for business -- even in Chicago.
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Ayatollah Khomeini’s waves of indoctrinated kids on motorcycles wearing green plastic “Keys to Paradise” around their necks, ready to blow themselves up in Saddam Hussein’s minefields during the Iran-Iraq War.
The ruling cult in Iran today consists of survivors of that suicide war --- which is why mullahs with nukes are much more dangerous than, say, the French. The French aren’t into mass suicide, but the mullahs talk about it every day. It’s therefore not the weapons, but the crazies in charge who are so dangerous. Naturally, the Obama admin doesn’t get the basic truth.
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The rise of sadistic war cults is not an accident. It has been well-funded ever since the Saudis got rich from oil. What we see today is the highly predictable outcome of billion-dollar hate campaigns launched since the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973.
If you want evidence, the website features daily English translations of videos and political news stories from Arab, Iranian, and Urdu mass media. MEMRI gives you the daily Rogue’s Gallery of the Jihad War. It is indispensable. It also rings an international danger bell that only our willfully ignorant media can ignore. Normal people can now see the stream of war propaganda, day after day, and get around media censorship.
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Truth doesn’t matter -- it is the pleasure of hating together that counts. Like any kind of racial hatred, it is monomaniacal, compulsive, and addictive. Race hatred always has only a single target -- no other explanations are tolerated.
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The rise of sadistic war cults represents a great primitivization of world politics. Europeans still remember the hate propaganda of the Nazis and fascists, and have laws against it -- but new mass demagogues like Italy’s Five Star Movement easily get around the laws by using the web, and by recruiting ignorant young teenagers who are easy bait. Today Five Star controls a quarter of the Parliament in Rome, about the level Mussolini reached before he staged his coup d’etat.
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The key to victory, like the Cold War, is to separate the sane Muslims from the crazies. There are plenty of sane Muslims (see The civilized world desperately needs to help and support them, to defeat sadistic war cults like ISIS and its ilk.

September 22, 2014
The worldwide rise of sadistic political pathology
By James Lewis

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