September 29, 2014

Massachusetts Governor Shares Misguided Policies With President

[From article]
It’s not like Massachusetts isn’t attracting enough volunteer freeloaders from every banana republic in the western hemisphere. Now we’re forcing actual taxpayers onto welfare — against their will.
Might have been a big national story, but Deval, with his little feet, was big-footed yet again by Barack Obama, who went to CENTCOM in Florida and delivered the following blood ‘n’ guts statement:
“Because in an uncertain world full of breathtaking change, the one constant is American leadership.”
And if you don’t like how constant American leadership is, just wait five minutes, because it’ll change again. Obama and Kerry said Assad was a reformer before he was Hitler before he was a partner in the peace process, although we’re still arming his opponents, the Free Syrian Army, who are our staunch allies even though some of them apparently sold Foley and Sotloff to ISIS to be beheaded.
Compared to Barack’s bungling, what’s an Annie Dookhan here, a Justina Pelletier there, 60 or so deaths in the New England Compounding Pharmacy.
Deval and Barack, not to mention the fake Indian. Harvard Law must be very proud.

Carr: Deval Patrick basking in shadow of President Obama
Friday, September 19, 2014
By: Howie Carr
Boston Herald

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