March 30, 2014

Meta Data Reveals Personality Types

[From article]
A group of researchers from the MIT Media Lab found that your metadata — including, but not limited to, the way in which you use your phone, how you make calls, to whom, for how long, etc. — can serve as an indicator of your personality.
Here’s how they figured it out. The researchers, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Jordi Quoidbach, Florent Robic and Sandy Pentland, had 100 students fill out surveys to determine their personality along five distinct personality types:

Neurotic: Defined roughly as a higher than normal tendency to experience unpleasant emotions
Open: Defined as broadly curious and creative
Extroverted: As in, looks toward others for stimulation
Agreeable: As in warm, compassionate, and cooperative
Conscientiousness: Self-disciplined organized and eager for success

How the NSA Can Use Metadata to Predict Your Personality
Patrick Tucker March 28, 2014

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