March 12, 2014

Extremist Leftists Intolerant of Scientific Evidence

[From article]
Genghis Khan owes his place in history to a sudden shift in the Asiatic climate from the cold, arid period that immediately preceded his ascent as leader of the Mongol empire, to the warmer, wetter weather that allowed his horsemen to expand out from Central Asia.
Scientists studying ancient Siberia pine trees in central Mongolia that date back nearly 2,000 years believe that Khan’s rise to power coincided precisely with a period of unusually heavy rainfall over a couple of decades which allowed the arid grasslands of the Asian Steppe to flourish.

How climate change helped Genghis Khan: Scientists believe a sudden period of warmer weather allowed the Mongols to invade with such success
Daily Mail (UK)
Monday 10 March 2014
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[Comments and replies to replies, for below article]
Global warming in the 12th Century helped Genghis Khan conquer Asia. But now it is cold again. Al Gore a master propagandist.

If anyone opposes science it is Al Gore and his supporters. Science is always open to scrutiny which extremist leftists do not tolerate. According to Harvard University's Astronomy Professor Dimitar Sasselov, the meteorological changes are based on 40,000 year cycles. But for politicians today is all that matters.

What you say is accurate. But unfortunately you make up facts, which is not how it works. You say, "every scientific organization with standing in physical science all over the world supports the mainstream theory of radiative balance and the greenhouse effect and its role in the modern warming trend." I can say they approve the opposite without evidence, just as you do. If Al Gore's "friends" all agreed with him, why did they not appear in his film? Why should anyone believe a man who earned $100 million promoting his junk science. Problem with extremist leftists promoting junk science and speaking for everyone is that they do not tolerate any dissent. It is their way or the mental hospital, Stalin's way. All of science is based on faith, i.e., the Uniformity of Nature Principle. That includes unfounded belief that gravity will continue working as it does now. That water will always boil at 100 C. And thousands of other elements of nature that are often changing. For you what you believe is absolute and never changing. It is that kind of belief that causes catastrophes. Prof. Sasselov puts the issue of global warming in perspective of the history of the universe, not the lifespan of a greedy politician, and his useful idiots.

MARCH 6, 2014 12:00 AM
The Anti-Empirical Left
Science is ignored when it doesn’t support politically correct policy.
By Victor Davis Hanson

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