February 4, 2014

Obama Continues to Demonstrate Contempt For The Constitution

[From article]
Very soon after first taking office, as I've reported previously, President Obama actually prevented trials from being held accusing him of unilaterally using "renditions" -- kidnapping alleged terrorists from the streets of their countries to be taken to nations known for torturing suspects. He used the state secrets privilege to close off our system of justice more often than Bush ever did. Since then, Obama has not forbade renditions. And because renditions are classified, we don't know who has been taken where.
And as I often remind you, because most of the media has gone to sleep on this, in 2011, Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, which, for the first time in our history, permitted the military to arrest and detain U.S. citizens indefinitely -- including in this country -- for allegedly being "associated" with terrorists, without evidence presented before an American court.
[. . .]
in case of a war or national emergency, the federal government has the authority to take over almost every aspect of American society. Food, livestock, farming equipment, manufacturing, industry, energy, transportation, hospitals, health care facilities, water resources, defense and construction."
All of this could come under the control of President Obama -- or whoever is holding the office.
"The order empowers the president to dispense these vast resources as he sees fit during a national crisis [. . .]
"The executive branch is arrogating responsibilities precluded by the Constitution without even asking the permission of Congress. The order gives Mr. Obama a blank check to erect a centralized authoritarian state ..."
[. . .]
How many kids in school now (and those to come) have any debatable idea of what's going on with our Constitution? Do they understand how Obama's uses of executive power have changed what used to be America's rule of law and our globally distinctive values?


Jewish World Review
Jan. 29, 2014/ 28 Shevat, 5774
Obama keeps showing why he's impeachable
By Nat Hentoff

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