September 22, 2013

NRA Blames Mental Illness For Gun Violence. No Different Than Liberal Nonsense That Guns Cause Violence.

Wayne Lapierre, Executive Vice President and CEO of the NRA

[From article]
The nation's mental health system is "in complete breakdown," resulting in not enough of the mentally ill being committed to psychiatric hospitals, National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre told NBC's "Meet the Press."
"If we leave these homicidal maniacs on the street ... they're going to kill," he said. "They need to be committed is what they need to be. If they are committed, they're not at the Naval Yard."
[. . .]
Doctors who treated Alexis should have carried out "a complete mental health status exam," Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., told CBS' "Face the Nation."

So if the mental health industrial complex is "in complete breakdown" the answer is to round up the people accused of mental illness? Is that like putting all people with broken legs into jail; because the hospitals are not working properly? Liberal misguided policy is to blame guns for deaths of innocent people. The NRA blames mental illness. Neither makes sense. They might as well blame the devil. Human beings are evil and can do the most depraved things. The high priests of the psychiatric industry claim they have superior knowledge of which humans that might be. But they have been making  predictions in and out of court for 100 years and they are not getting better. Unless the government control freaks are willing to put all non police in jail to prevent murders by civilians there is no way to stop the meaningless killings. Compared with the annual deaths from  medical negligence this is nothing. 90,000 to 100,000 patients die each year due to medical negligence, which can be overcome by human diligence. Only God can change the nature of man.  This article is filed under "politics" on Fox news. Politics is another word for bull crap. Where are the facts to support any of this rubbish promoted by the NRA?
NRA: Get 'homicidal maniacs' off streets
Published September 22, 2013

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