September 15, 2013

Imposing Democracy on Nation With No History or Knowledge of It

[From article]
Egypt existed for thousands of years before there was a United States of America. In all those millennia, Egypt has never had a free or democratic society. Nor is Egypt unique in that.
Of all the different nations that have existed at various times and places throughout recorded history, it is doubtful that even ten percent were free or democratic.
[. . .]
Barack Obama's Middle East interventions have replaced stable and neutral despots in Egypt and Libya with anti-Western despots and chaos. Such is the price of pursuing ideological mirages.
After contributing to the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood to power, and the disastrous aftermath of that, the Obama administration is now publicly lecturing Egyptian leaders, and trying to micro-manage them from thousands of miles away.

Jewish World Review
August 20, 2013/ 14 Elul, 5773
Reality Versus Mirages in Egypt
By Thomas Sowell

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