June 5, 2013

Intolerance In The Name of Tolerance

[From article]
Cambridge, it is clear, is a town full of communal narcissists. What's striking about this passage is that while the Cantabridgians quoted are quite articulate in describing their own professed virtues, when the subject turns to the cognitive dissonance caused by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's alleged crimes, they are reduced to blather: "That doesn't mean there aren't big gaps." "There may be more difficulty than people realize." What does any of that even mean?
One is tempted to chuckle at their naiveté and leave it at that. But it's important to understand the way these people think, because their way of thinking has wide cultural influence. And naiveté isn't the only problem with the ideologues of "diversity" or "multiculturalism." They're also quite frequently hypocritical, which is to say that they are selectively and sometimes harshly intolerant even as they extol tolerance. Anyone who's spent time on an American college campus in the past 30 years--and that includes a large proportion of Cambridge residents--is familiar with that phenomenon.
The naiveté and the hypocrisy both are the result of a parochialism that is at the heart of this supposedly cosmopolitan ideology.
[. . .]
A more abstract form of this parochialism is the multiculturalists' frequent insistence that "only white people can be racist." In this view, racism is perhaps the greatest moral failing of which human beings are capable--but nonwhites are absolved of moral responsibility for their racial prejudices.
But moral responsibility is the essence of humanity. It is what sets Homo sapiens apart from other animals. Assigning moral responsibility to whites while denying it to nonwhites is therefore a way of dehumanizing the latter. Multiculturalism
turns out to be a disguised form of white supremacy.

Taranto is aware of the abuses of limousine liberals especially in Cambridge. He does not quote anyone who knows about their hypocrisy and parochialism, who lives among these self proclaimed moralists. They abuse vulnerable citizens in the name of good.

Black racist Cambridge police harass white citizens who dare to criticize their abuses of power and the criminal acts of elected black officials. Harvard University joins in racial abuses of their privileged police powers attacking critics. Self proclaimed moralist black Harvard University Professors designate anyone who disagrees with them as mentally ill, and then use private Harvard University campus cops to harass the people they say have disabilities. It shows how depraved these hyper black elitists are in Cambridge. 


June 5, 2013
Wall Street Journal
The Parochialism of 'Diversity'
Explaining the naiveté and hypocrisy of multiculturalism.
James Taranto

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