June 27, 2013

Celebrating Judicial Violation Of The Constitution

Former Harvard University General Counsel, African American, Margaret Marshal, Massachusetts State Supreme Judicial Court, Chief Justice, Retired

Almost always omitted from public discussions about same sex marriage, is that the Massachusetts State Supreme Court decision written by the former Harvard University General Counsel, is flawed. The court did not have jurisdiction according to the state constitution. Massachusetts state constitution states that matters regarding marriage are to be left to the Governor and the legislature. When citizens fulfilled the legal requirements to have the issue placed on the ballot, the state legislature thwarted the purpose of that initiative law preventing it from being voted on. It is curious not so much that journalists ignore the law, they seldom know any law other than what lawyers tell them. But the idea that laws matter in Massachusetts is ludicrous. In Massachusetts especially in Cambridge, laws are optional. Massachusetts economy is dominated by education. Education in turn is dominated by Harvard University. Harvard uses law when its suits them. Harvard ignores laws when it suits them. Inconvenient laws are easily ignored in Cambridge and in Massachusetts.

On a prominent national radio talk show I suggested that once the Supreme Court of the United States legalized sodomy, they opened the door to all kinds of misguided activities. Same sex marriage is not an essential structure for the thriving of society. I said, "The Court announced anything goes now." The host was concerned. Here is one more example of how a small elite with easy access to major media and the elected criminal class, took control of public policy issues. They forced their interests on the majority of the nation, which remains in a coma. It was not just sodomy that made homosexuals different from the rest of the nation, they demand other misguided new practices to make their different sexual interests a minor reason for legalizing sodomy. They demand that the majority comply with their desires and interests. They do not want to be treated equally, they demand that their lifestyles are  the dominant life style, imposing it on the nation.

Celebrating a lawyer, a judge, who thwarted the will of the people, and thwarted the rule of law shows how misguided journalists are in Massachusetts.


Mass. justice’s opinion paved way for ruling
Thursday, June 27, 2013 PrintEmail Comments (2)
By: Margery Eagan
Boston Herald

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