January 20, 2013

Academic Lapdogs Approve Blaming Victims of Psychiatric Abuses

NBC quotes Paul Appelbaum, who is now a titled expert on ethics. He wrote an essay published in 1995, 
"Mental Illness and Competence to Consent to Treatment" in which he concluded that mental patients have lucid moments when they can give informed consent to being used for medical research. But they are unable to exercise rational thought when it comes to owning guns. Isn't that convenient? And isn't that a troubling opinion to quote on this attempt by government to demonize all persons accused of mental illness? Margaret Hagan Professor of Psychology at Boston University exposed the fraud of mental illnesses in her delightful tome, "Whores of the Court." 

Appelbaum and others quoted by NBC share the interests of the drug industry. Appelbaum is affiliated with the New York Psychiatric Institute which conducted extreme experiments on patients without consent. Columbia University is enormously invested in the pharmaceutical industry. They place the blame on persons who are often forced to ingest psychiatric drugs which are a known cause of suicidal thoughts and violence. Even the drug-company controlled FDA requires a black box warning label on those drugs. Yet over paid misguided journalists and spineless politicians continue to divert attention from the cause of violence. It is the drugs not the troubled persons who are taking them that is the problem. So much for informing the electorate who favors more abuses of humans. More psychiatry will only increase the amount of violence. This is one more example of the upside down arguments by the misguided and misdirected control freaks who seek to eliminate individual freedom in the name of security.

Hitler and Stalin both took guns from the population, and used psychiatry to take freedom from others who did not comport with the wishes of the leaders. Journalists indicate their beliefs that American psychiatrists have had their genes cleansed of mendacity, greed and sadism. Appelbaum demonstrated his duplicity in published articles. Yet he is now a "respected ethicist?" How very comforting to drug industry interests. That is what passes for watch dogs in contemporary society. The watch dogs in the media and among academics have become lap dogs. 

NBC says, "If there’s one thing Republicans and Democrats can agree on, it’s that mentally ill people should not have access to firearms." Republicans and Democrats are unable to manage the budget. Now they are experts on predicting who is violent? Not even the omniscient and morally superior mental health priests can accurately predict the future. But that does not mean they are ever held accountable for their errors. Mental illness is now a political issue. It has never been a scientific discipline and perhaps enough scrutiny will expose it for the fraud that it is. Petitioning for more taxpayer funds is just exacerbating the waste and abuse of taxpayer funds. 


Anger, violent thoughts: Are you too sick to own a gun?
By Matthew DeLuca, Staff Writer,
NBC News
January 19, 2013

* * *
On conflict of interest between psychiatry and drug companies.


Is psychiatry committing 'professional suicide'?
By Maia Szalavitz,
updated 10:09 AM EDT, Tue October 9, 2012

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