December 17, 2012

Holder Has Questionable Explanations For Abuses Of Power

Ah yes, guidelines. Are they the same as statutes and constitutional amendments? The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice Voting Section has dozens of attorneys who refuse to enforce laws in a race neutral manner. They will not prosecute black violators of laws if the victims are white or black. They violate their oaths of office, US law and the US Constitution. But it does not stop these zealot lawyers from abusing their power for personal, political and racial purposes. Guidelines are not laws and can  easily be ignored. Holder is a misguided lawyer at best. But suspicions are justified that he has more sinister objectives like his boss who protects his abuses of power.

[From article]
“The guidelines provide rigorous oversight to protect the information that we have, for authorized and narrow purposes,” Alexander Joel, Civil Liberties Protection Officer for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, told the paper.

Attorney General Secretly Granted Gov. Ability to Develop and Store
Dossiers on Innocent Americans
12.13.121:34 PM

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