May 30, 2011

Liberal Cambridge Elitist Censorship

Below is a response by a Cambridge MA discussion list moderator to a member of the list. The moderator says that one is not permitted to "misrepresent the opinion of others." Wouldn't it be nice if national pundits had the same restrictions? And what about politicians in the US Senate, and the White House? What if Chris Matthews was unable to accuse Republicans of wanting to throw grandma into the street? What if Bill Maher was unable to misrepresent what Sarah Palin believes. But in Cambridge as in other liberal only jurisdictions dissent is not permitted. What happened to those ACLU buttons saying "Dissent is Patriotic" when Bush was President? There is always a reason why someone is not allowed to say something unpopular. In Washington DC liberals openly support having the government deny expression to conservatives. In Cambridge it is anyone who disagrees with the liberal elitist home owners who run local neighborhood associations and their discussion lists.

"C. Notice of censorship.

Bob -- The right to express your opinion does not include misrepresenting the opinions of others. Nowhere in her statement does [omitted] favor destruction of the environment. If you want me to accept your message, please delete the phrase "including the author below."
Thank you, [omitted] (moderator)"

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