April 13, 2011

Celebrating Drug Dealing

This is a review of a book about how Jay-Z a multi millionaire record producer and performer began as a street drug dealer. He is celebrated for his successes. Compare how the FBI broadcast 30 years of character assassination telling local police in many jurisdictions and everyone I met that I was a retired drug dealer. After 30 years f lies it is believed as truth. Jay-Z was a real drug dealer. He is celebrated for having made millions in a legal business. To this day police and FBI informants conduct criminal surveillance and harassment acting on such allegations repeated for 30 years. Is this a racially motivated or simply corruption for personal and political purposes?


60 seconds with Zack O’Malley Greenburg
Author, “Empire State of Mind: How Jay-Z Went From Street Corner to Corner Office”
New York Post
Last Updated: 5:03 AM, April 11, 2011
Posted: 10:35 PM, April 10, 2011

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