April 19, 2011

Woodward's False Persona

According to Len Colodny in his book, Silent Coup, Bob Woodward was a briefer for the Joint Chiefs of Staff before he became a journalist. He briefed Alexander Haig and denied he knew the General. When Woodward appeared at Harvard's School of Government to get an award I asked him during a public session why he denied those facts. He became upset and told me that I should get my client's name right. He thought I was a lawyer and that Robert Gettlin ( I called him Rich Gettlin) co-author of Silent Coup was my client. He did not answer the question. There were audible gasps from the audience who worshipped him. Woodward is part of the liberal media-government cabal which for the past 50 years uses propaganda as reporting. Nixon was hounded from office for allegations and for helping persons he thought were loyal to him. Non of the liberal media discuses the infiltration of the Nixon administration to embarrass him from within. Nixon was a threat to the Eastern liberal elites who ran the country since its beginning. Nixon was transferring wealth and political power from them to new interests in the South and Western parts of the country. Watergate was a retaking of power by the Eastern liberal elites.


Watergate's 'last chapter'
4/19/11 6:20 AM EDT

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