October 15, 2010

Psychiatry Wastes Taxpayer Funds

This action by the judge exposes one of many institutionalized wastes of taxpayer funds by the psychiatric industry. After an arrest the state sends some suspects for "competency evaluations." This proceeding is supposed to determine the fitness of the defendant to stand trial. The standard has a low threshold, requiring knowing what a court is, what a lawyer is and why the person is in court. It takes about 5 minutes. But the psychiatric industry often takes weeks to make the determination. Many months if not years later the defendant is brought to court for trial. He appears based on the earlier evaluation which means little. But that does not stop the lawyers and judges from working with the mental health industry to rob taxpayers ordering evaluations when they serve no purpose.


Shrink's cleaver killer needs psych exam; trial delayed
New York Post
Last Updated: 6:41 PM, October 15, 2010
Posted: 6:15 PM, October 15, 2010

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