October 24, 2010

Lawyer Whines, No High-Paying Jobs

This young man whines before leaving the womb. "Get me a job Big Daddy." The court system is rigged to protect and to serve lawyers. With a law degree all you have to do is stand in line at the courthouse to get indigent clients. Taxypayers pay you good cash money no matter how badly you represent your clients. Some lawyers get paid by taxpayers to defend their clients, and get more money from interested parties who framed the clients NOT to put on any defense. Most judges do not care who wins as long as they do not have to work before 10 AM and after 2 PM. Get your dimwittted behind to the nearest court house and get your taxpayer money. Lawyers run the legislatures which appropriate funds for lawyers. Stop whining.

How about one defendant and seven lawyers, all of whom were paid to not put on any defense? Is the one defendant's experience unique? Was that pattern the only instance in MA state and US courts? It is very doubtful.

You contadict yourself. You say the matter needs to be investigated. Do you think the defendant did not try? Then you say I speak from "profound ignorance." How is that different from ordinary ignorance? An investigation requires an attorney with integrity who will work for free. Do you think that an indigent defendant has money to pay for a high priced investigator of attorneys? Does your profound wisdom lead you to believe that indigent defendants get adequate (if not competent) representation, when the Supreme Court of the US says that a homicide defense lawyer who sleeps in court is competent counsel? Your personal attacks may be valid in court where parties and witnesses cannot respond. But in the real world your attacks reveal a profound lack of rational arguments. Sticks and stones, young man.

Above two posts were supposed to appear as replies to comments replying to my original comment. But the replies came with no names attached to them so my replies were sent to no one. The Herald online needs to investigate this no less the criminal abuses of attorneys in court. Fat chance of that happening in this state. Hahaha.

For the record previous comments replying to my comments were sent from esqpainting. The last two had no identifier.


BC Law student asks for money back

By Jessica Heslam
Boston Herald
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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