August 30, 2010

Role of Money in Politics is Not Only Abuse

Adams mentions Fritz Hollings, who wrote a book Making Government Work about the current malaise in the US Government system. Hollings notes that even with constitutional protections journalists fail to keep people informed. Instead they broadcast and publish propaganda misleading the voters. Money can buy news stories and time on air. Without integrity from jornalists just removing money will not suffice. Read the extreme bias in Boston media to see how bad it is. Not only is there a one party system of government imitating Saddam Hussein but also the media is a one party media with intense animosity toward anyone who questions what they write. Why is there no concern from Mass Vote and Common Cause about no opposition party, and biased media to make this constitutional democracy work?

[From article]
"Publicly financed campaigns will finally secure our election system against special interest dollars. Publicly-financed campaigns is how democracy should work."

Guest commentary: Citizens need to change the game, not just play it
By Adam Friedman
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Aug 30, 2010 @ 11:41 AM

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