June 30, 2010
Oksana Grigorieva Social Climber
The Truth About Mel's Ex
by Nicole LaPorte
Daily Beast
June 28, 2010
VA Infected Vets with Blood Diseases
"The issue stems from a failure to clean dental instruments properly, the hospital told CNN affiliate KSDK."
VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV
By the CNN Wire Staff
June 30, 2010 10:57 a.m. EDT
Obama Tries to Thwart Constitution
OK for Black Activists to Intimidate White Voters?
Former Justice Department Lawyer Accuses Holder of Dropping New Black Panther Case for Racial Reasons
Published June 30, 2010
June 29, 2010
Obama Lacks Leadership Skills
Obama’s Dilemma: Heavy Leadership Responsibility – Light Leadership Aptitude
by Of Thee I Sing 1776
By Hal Gershowitz and Stephen Porter
June 29, 2010
Russian Illegal Arrests Tip of Iceberg
What the MSM Won’t Tell You: Communist Penetration of White House, American Institutions, Nothing New
Posted by Robert K. Wilcox
Jun 29th 2010 at 12:29 pm
Russian Throws Money Away in Car Chase
Russian official tosses millions in cash onto road
29 June 2010
The Scotsman
21 Things Not to Purchase New
21 Things You Should Never Buy New
By Wise Bread
Mon Jun 28, 10:26 am ET
Love and Sex by Chemcals and Electricity
Boston Herald
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
June 28, 2010
US In Secret Talks with HAMAS
Hamas says asked by US to keep silent on talks
Islamist group source says senior American officials request contacts remain secret 'so as not to rouse Jewish lobby'
Israel News
June 25, 2010
Tea Party Tries Recall of US Senators
Tea party recalls could backfire
June 20, 10 9:14 PM EDT
Open Access to NJ Beaches Re-Evaluated
SUNDAY Jun 20, 2010 10:58 ET
This sand's not your sand; this sand is my sand
By WAYNE PARRY, Associated Press
Computer Generated Music
How a Computer Program
Became Classical Music's
Hot, New Composer
Christian Science Monitor
by Matt Rocheleau
More on the ''birth'' of Emily Howell here: http://tinyurl.com/y9yca4r
Small sample here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOjV5eDXkyc
Cruel Accurate Evaluation of Obama
Obama's Character Described 2,500 Years Ago by Aesop
A Dog in the Manger Presidency
By Kelly O'Connel
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Blago Judge Withholds Obama FBI Interview
Judge to Blagojevich lawyers: You can't see President Obama's interview with FBI
By Natasha Korecki
June 28, 2010 1:28 PM
Reporting with Sarah Ostman
Obama's Rev. Wright Speaks
"During a five-day seminar Wright taught last week in Chicago, he was back at it, claiming that whites and Jews are controlling the flow of worldwide information and oppressing blacks in Israel and America.
[. . .]
Wright referred to Italians as "Mamma Luigi" and "pizzeria."
[. . .]
he told a Virginia newspaper that the only reason he and the president were not speaking at the moment is that "them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me."
Obama's race-rant Rev. rages on
'White folk done took this country'
New York Post
Last Updated: 5:00 PM, June 27, 2010
Posted: 2:35 AM, June 27, 2010
June 27, 2010
Obama In Over His Head
"Make it official: Everything Barack Obama touches turns to mush. Not because he wants to screw up everything, but because he's simply in over his head as president of the United States.
He is the quintessential wrong guy at the wrong time"
http://www.lvrj.com/opinion/incompetence-catches-obama-97255519.htmlJun. 27, 2010
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal
Incompetence catches Obama
Can't fake leadership
The Living is Cheaper
"there are only four areas that have become more expensive over the last century as measured in their "labor price": housing, cars, higher education and medical care. With the arguable exception of a college degree, all are marked with wildly improved quality. And the main reason for rising medical and college costs (and to a lesser degree housing costs) is that the government has distorted the market by "helping."
Eggs of the modern golden goose
Jonah Goldberg
New York Post
Last Updated: 5:11 AM, June 26, 2010
Posted: 1:11 AM, June 26, 2010
Labor Secretary Ignores Immigration Laws
"The woman in charge of enforcing our employment laws doesn't give a hoot about our immigration laws -- or about the fundamental distinction between those who followed the rules in pursuit of the American dream and those who didn't.
Dissolving the border
Labor secretary's new policy
Michelle MalkinNew York Post
Last Updated: 5:11 AM, June 26, 2010
Posted: 1:14 AM, June 26, 2010
Sen Leahy Attacks Court for Exercising Power
"Prosecutors have wielded the 1980s law -- making it a crime "to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services" -- against corporate defendants like Skilling, accusing them of scamming shareholders and others.
Court gift for 'grafters'
Supremes toss key law used to nail 'honest services' crooks
By GEOFF EARLE Post Correspondent
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:33 AM, June 25, 2010
Posted: 2:26 AM, June 25, 2010
Why vote?
What can Scott Brown do? Plenty
By Howie CarrBoston Herald
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Elders Abandoned by Relatives and Taxpayer Funded Corps.
Road-age crisis rages
Elder-driver law fails to tackle safety issue
By Margery EaganBoston Herald
Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 26, 2010
Toronto Police Use Sound Weapons
Jill Mahoney
Globe and Mail
Update Published on Friday, Jun. 25, 2010 10:50AM EDT
Last updated on Friday, Jun. 25, 2010 3:59PM EDT
Police TASER Bedridden 86-year-old Woman
Courthouse News Service
Thursday, June 24, 2010 Last Update: 12:54 PM PT
Police Said to Taze Grandmother
June 25, 2010
Obama The Modern Commodus, Roman Emperor Dandy
June 25, 2010
Commodus Castigates a Centurion
By Jeannie DeAngelis
American Thinker
Trio Steal $800 K from NY Subway
$800K MetroCard scammer gets a year in the clink
By Leonard Greene
New York Post
Last Updated: 2:54 AM, June 25, 2010
Posted: 3:37 PM, June 24, 2010
June 24, 2010
Government Threat to Individual Rights
48% See Government Today As A Threat to Individual Rights
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Rasmussen Reports
BP Pays Both Parties
"When it comes to BP, the Democrats are just as dirty as the Republicans -- dirtier, even.
Faced with the mother of all public-relations nightmares, BP has hired an army of Democratic lawyers and lobbyists for Capitol Hill damage control.
Topping the list is Tony Podesta, an ex-Ted Kennedy aide whose Podesta Group is arguably the most influential (and profitable) lobbying outfit in Obama-era Washington.
[. . .]
Or that President Obama was the single largest recipient of BP political donations of the last two decades?"
BP's Democratic shills
Ne York Post
Last Updated: 12:40 AM, June 23, 2010
Posted: 11:47 PM, June 22, 2010
Fannie and Freddie Still Bleeding
"The federal government's explicit commitment to Fannie and Freddie now surpasses $2 trillion. On top of that are $8.1 trillion in Fannie and Freddie securities now outstanding -- obligations that both Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner have stated their unwavering commitment to meeting, should Fannie and Freddie need assistance."
Fannie & Freddie: still bleeding your $$
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:38 AM, June 23, 2010
Posted: 11:21 PM, June 22, 2010
Terrorists Cross Borders Too
If just a tenth of 1 percent of the post-9/11 wave of visitors from these five, high-risk Muslim nations turn out to be jihadists posing as tourists, that's 735 new potential terrorists casing, plotting, "sleeping" inside our borders."
Time to stop importing terrorists
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:48 AM, June 22, 2010
Posted: 12:43 AM, June 22, 2010
Bomber Blames Voters
" Shahzad -- whose plot was financed by the Pakistani Taliban -- retorted, "The people select the government. We consider them all the same."
"Including the children?" Cedarbaum asked incredulously.
"Well, the [US military] drone hits in Afghanistan and Iraq, they don't see children, they don't see anybody," Shahzad coolly replied. "They kill women, children -- they kill everybody. It's a war, and in war, they kill people. They're killing all Muslims."
Homicidal brainiac's taunt
Times Sq. bomb bozo pleads guilty and sneers at America
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:05 PM, June 22, 2010
Posted: 2:38 AM, June 22, 2010
Cultural Change
"What we’re undergoing right now, says Florida, is the end of that consumer-driven postwar economy and the rise of one built on knowledge work and the service sector."
Out with the old
This is not just a recession. It’s a fundamental shift in how we work
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:38 AM, June 22, 2010
Posted: 12:43 AM, June 21, 2010
Scalia Notes Ways of Tyrants
"remember this — neither Hitler, nor Lenin, nor any despot you could name, ever came forward with a proposal that read, ‘Now, let’s create a really oppressive and evil society.’ Hitler said, ‘Let’s take the means necessary to restore our national pride and civic order.’ And Lenin said, ‘Let’s take the means necessary to assure a fair distribution of the goods of the world.’"
Advice for a new grad
New York Post
Last Updated: 3:49 AM, June 20, 2010
Posted: 1:06 AM, June 20, 2010
PBS Refuses FOIA Request
"How ironic: It’s a public network, meant for and funded by the public, but it won’t make its documents public.
Which raises these questions: Why the hell is government still in the TV business, anyway? And on such a grand scale?"
Move on, Big Bird
New York Post
Last Updated: 3:39 AM, June 20, 2010
Posted: June 20, 2010
Obama and Incompetent Academics
"The president said he had consulted among others “experts in academia” on what to do about the calamity. This while noting, again, that his energy secretary has a Nobel Prize. There is a growing meme that Mr. Obama is too impressed by credentialism, by the meritocracy, by those who hold forth in the faculty lounge, and too strongly identifies with them. He should be more impressed by those with real-world experience. It was the “small people” in the shrimp boats who laid the boom."
A Snakebit President
The Wall Street Journal
Peggy Noonan
June 18, 2010
June 23, 2010
Borderline Women, Formerly Nutty and Slutty
Sex on the Edge
by Gina Piccalo Info
Gina Piccalo spent a decade at the Los Angeles Times covering Hollywood. She's now a contributing writer for Los Angeles Magazine and her work has appeared in Elle, More and Emmy. She can be found at ginapiccalo.com.
Getty Images
June 22, 2010
Letter Says Obama Puts Israel in Jeopardy
An open letter to President Obama from Jon Voight
11:06 a.m., Tuesday, June 22, 2010
June 22, 2010
Science Can Read Minds
Now scientists read your mind better than you can
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
Here is What's Wrong With Public Schools
Guest commentary: A Cambridge Public School dictatorship?
By Brian Kwoba
Cambridge Councilors Openly Abuse the Constitution
Cambridge council dismisses pol’s quest to nix housing residential preference
June 21, 2010
Is USA on Road to Tyranny?
Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny?
June 21, 2010 Posted 06:13 PM ET
Investor's Business Daily
Money Missing At Abortion Promoters
Planned Parenthood's missing millions
New GAO report reveals disturbing financial discrepancies
Washington Times
June 18, 2010
52 Shootings on Chicago Weekend
8 dead among 52 shot across city over weekend