June 15, 2010

Obama Care is as Bad as Critics Said

[From article]
"Late last week saw the first leaks of the administration's draft regulations for imple menting the ObamaCare law -- and everything is playing out just as the critics warned.
[. . .]
The ObamaCare law references the Secretary of Health and Human Services almost 2,200 times and uses the phrase "the secretary shall" more than 725. Each reference requires HHS to set new rules on medical care, giving control to an existing federal office or one of 160 new agencies that the bill created.
[. . .]
this would force all but the very wealthiest Americans into a single government-designed insurance scheme.
[. . .]
Saying "we told you so" is no consolation to those who took the president at his word."


You're losing your plan

ObamaCare's true face emerges

Last Updated: 4:33 AM, June 14, 2010

Posted: 1:16 AM, June 14, 2010

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