November 17, 2009

Eagan's Facts Wrong on Palin/Oprah

Out of context Eagan? (Margery Eagan, "Sarah Palin at end of her 15
minutes? You betcha," Boston Herald, November 17, 2009) Go to the
tape! First Oprah asked why she resigned being governor. Palin quoted
her father who said “She’s not retreating; she’s reloading.” It was
properly a third person quote. Then Oprah asked what she planned in
2012. Running for president is “not on my radar screen,” Sarah Palin
told Oprah Winfrey yesterday. Not the other way around. Can't even get
the facts straight but Eagan mocks a woman governor. Does Margery
spend too much time among liberal distortionists?

Sarah Palin at end of her 15 minutes? You betcha
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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