November 10, 2009

Air Force Develops Mind Incapacitating Weapons

[Comments by Cheryl Welsh, Director Mind Justice ]

This article described what [mind control] victims describe, the general cluster of symptoms.

Of course this research was discovered back in the 1940s, 50s, even earliers roots, if you read psychology etc, Pavlov, fight or flight, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system was studied extensively, acetylcholine, etc. the biological foundation for learned helplessness, etc. Reporters should ask tougher questions instead of joking it off.

The 2002 Converging Technologies Report is now proposing similar research
thirty years later. This report describes what is classified and the science of mind control weapons, I think. Researchers today don't conduct the "EMR approach" to research. The military has classified and monopolized EMR research since WWII. Reporters should ask scientific/historical questions. Page 355-6 of the report;

Non-drug Treatments for Enhancement of Human Performance, Robert Asher,
Sandia Laboratories

Drug companies spend an average of $800 million to develop new drugs that
may have negative side effects. An alternative is to develop non-drug
approaches to human performance enhancement. ...Consider the use of
externally applied, non-dangerous electromagnetic fields ...that enhance
human performance.

...What other changes can be engineered by a specifically shaped
electromagnetic pulse that might enhance human performance without
pharmaceuticals? ...This investigation may spawn a new industry in which the
human is enhanced by externally applied electromagnetic pulses so shaped as
to enhance specific biochemical changes within the body without drugs...

Fund work towards the goal of understanding in detail the effects of
electromagnetics on cellular systems and on cognition.

Consider cellular electrochemical and structural changes and actions
imposed by electromagnetics.

Fund work towards electromagnetic and biochemical dynamical modeling of
cellular systems in order to both understand electromagnetic and biochemical
aspects, as well as to optimize the shape of electromagnetic pulses to
impose desired cell changes without inducing side effects.


"The Air Force is looking to harness advances in bio-science so they
can "degrade enemy performance and artificially overwhelm enemy
cognitive abilities."

"Resisting stress is good, but destroying your enemy with stress is
even better. "

Air Force: 'Overwhelm Enemy Cognitive Abilities' with Bioscience
By Katie Drummond
November 4, 2009 | 12:06 pm

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