September 7, 2009

ObamaCare and Persons With Disabilities

[Quotes from the below report]
"ObamaCare would more likely see to it that people like Trig [Gov. Palin's son who has Down's Syndrome] never even make it out of the womb."

"about 90 percent of American babies with Down's Syndrome are now aborted."

"Department of Veteran's Affairs has been caught telling disabled veterans that their lives aren't worth living if they're a 'severe financial burden on' their families."

"The National Institutes of Health have even put a price tag on how much Uncle Sam saves when disabled babies are aborted."

A Massachusetts woman was pressured to abort her baby "because (she was told) he would be 'hanging on her and drooling' for his entire life."

ObamaCare's brave new world
Disabled just won't make it to birth
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:06 AM, September 7, 2009
Posted: 12:54 AM, September 7, 2009

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