September 17, 2009

Curious Media Watch

Curious that Mediafarm scrutinizes obtuse writers then distorts their original expression. M/F says Howie Carr "faulted Kennedy for missing Senate votes while battling cancer." (Mediafarm, "R.I.P./RIP TEDDY," Weekly Dig, September 2, 2009) Carr exposed the hypocrisy of Kennedy's campaign to repeal the US Senate succession law. The state legislature prevented Romney from appointing a Senator IF Kerry won the presidency. Kennedy argued that Massachusetts deserved two senators. But if Kennedy believed that knowing he was ill he would have resigned instead of not being able to vote to represent the state. Kennedy exploited his prominence to the fullest extent. He may have been a great Senator, but he very much exploited his power and wealth. Without the embarrassing repeal of the law he lobbied for vigorously a new senator would have been appointed by now without changing the law back. That was Carr's focus.

R.I.P./rip Teddy
Boston Weekly Dig
September 2, 2009

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