September 25, 2009

John Ziegler Continues Defense of Palin

Ziegler notes that "87% of Obama voters wrongly thought that Sarah Palin had said she could she Russia from her “house” when it was actually Tina Fey who had said that on SNL. Then, after I appeared on The View, I was interviewed on Barbara Walters’ radio show and, incredibly, she revealed that even she was under the delusion that Sarah Palin had actually said that." It verifies what Mark Twain said: "The lie gets halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on." But also what Josef Goebbels observed, that if a lie is repeated often enough it becomes believed to be true.

Ziegler asks, "How the hell can the truth win any argument?!" Unfortunately not all people search for the truth. They are more interested in winning.

Palin’s Hong Kong Speech: I Can See Insanity From My Newsroom
by John Ziegler
September 24, 2009

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