July 31, 2009

FDA Approves New Use for Invega


FDA approves new use for antipsychotic Invega
The Associated Press
31 Jul 2009 06:13 PM E
Obama Shows Lack of Compassion


July 31, 2009
Obama's revealing body language (updated and expanded))
Thomas Lifson
American Thinker

Police Report of Arrest

Clueless Cambridge City Council Discusses Harvard Gates Arrest

For interesting discussion showing how unaware elected officials are in Cambridge MA, at below link click on the July 27, 2009 City Council Meeting for video streaming. The first one hour and 45 minutes is public comment only a few about the arrest. Fast forward to get to where the City Manager and the Police Commissioner answer Council questions. Do the elected officials in Cambridge play any role in this debacle? They cannot even agree on whether the event was racial or not. They are as clueless as the general public. One Councilor is a "close friend of Gates."


Police Report of Arrest

Why Cut Only Harvard President's Salary?

What if the elected criminal class and their crony appointees also took pay reductions? (Thomas Grillo, "Students call on Harvard’s prez to accept pay cut,"
Boston Herald, July 24, 2009) An end to raising taxes and killing the economic growth of the nation? Eliminating wasteful spending is a larger waste of taxpayer funds but that is considered an entitlement like the perks of the government criminals. Finally how about cutting millionaire thug athletes' and movie stars' salaries? Most of them have no clue what to do with all of their money and time. Illegal drug use and gun possession would dramatically drop if they were under control and got paid what they deserve.


Students call on Harvard’s prez to accept pay cut
By Thomas Grillo
Boston Herald
Friday, July 24, 2009 - Added 7d 11h ago
Old People Keep Killing the Young

35-year-old woman. That's old O-L-D!! How many more innocents will 35-year-old women kill before the compassionate state government acts to curb the abuses of 35-year-olds? Stop the carnage, take their licenses, their income and their homes now. Use their organs to save younger more deserving people.


Man killed, woman in custody following Taunton crash
By Associated Press
Boston Herald
Friday, July 31, 2009 - Added 3h ago

July 30, 2009

Woman Hurt by Accusation of Racism


Accusations ‘hurt me,’ 911 caller tells nation
By Jessica Van Sack
Boston Herald
Thursday, July 30, 2009 - Updated 9h ago
Honor Killings of Women


More Honor Killings In The West, Yet No Outrage?
by Pamela Geller
Human Events
July 27, 2009
Media Double Standard

Compare the relative silence of US journalists regarding the murders of Iranian protesters in Iranian jails with the wall to wall coverage of the Abu Graib (Iraqi military jail) "abuses" of humiliating prisoners. No prisoner in US custody was murdered or had his nails pulled.


Reports of Prison Abuse and Deaths Anger Iranians
New York Times
July 28, 2009

July 29, 2009

Biden Has Secret Meetings


Joe Biden update: Lots of closed meetings, a poll number under Cheney
LA Times
NY Gov. Paterson's Attitude Toward Police Unlike Harvard's Gates

NY Gov. David Paterson, legally blind and black by design tells of his experience with police and a burglar. Unlike Harvard's Gates the Gov. was grateful that the police protected him.

"In line with last week's story of the black Harvard professor's arrest, the Gov. recalled when he was much younger and in the house all alone. He heard a robber enter the front door. Scared to death, he jumped out a window. Arrested, the cops wouldn't let him go until he proved, by a photo he knew was inside, that it was indeed his home. 'But,' says the governor now, 'I wasn't angry. I was just so grateful I had police protection from whoever might still be in that house.'"


New York Post
Last updated: 3:35 am
July 29, 2009
Posted: 2:32 am
July 29, 2009
Free Speech? Not in New York City or Boston

Deputy Press Secretary of Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer was forced to resign after posting negative comments about President Obama on her Facebook page.


New York Post
Last updated: 11:47 am
July 28, 2009
Posted: 9:11 am
July 28, 2009

* * *

Then Boston Police Officer Justin Barrett was suspended for calling Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. a "jungle monkey."


Officer suspended for Gates slur in e-mail
July 29, 2009 07:35 PM
By Matt Collette
Boston Globe Correspondent
Biden vs Biden on Stimulus

"The care with which we are carrying out the provisions of the Recovery Act has led some people to ask whether we are moving too slowly. But the act was intended to provide steady support for our economy over an extended period — not a jolt that would last only a few months."

- Vice President Joe Biden New York Times, July 26, 2009.

"The Recovery Act, as we call it, provides a necessary jolt to our economy to implement what we refer as “shovel-ready” projects, meaning projects that were on the books that were needed in the municipalities and the states that would improve the quality of life for our constituents, the competitiveness of our businesses, but were unable to be funded."

- Vice President Joe Biden, Remarks at The Progressive Governance Conference, March 28, 2009.


Joe Biden vs Joe Biden on the Stimulus
Posted July 27th, 2009 at 2.55pm
The Foundry
Heritage Foundation
By Conn Carroll
US Homeland Security Ignores EMP Dangers

Here is one more example where technology has outrun not only the minds of ordinary citizens but also the laws, the government and the departments whose mission is to protect the nation. With a self destructive, inept administration that is undermining the principles of the Constitution and their ignorance of the dangers, it is not hopeful that this nation will survive much longer.


An EMP attack: Thinking the unthinkable
By James Carafano
Washington Examiner Columnist
July 27, 2009
Obama Destroys Democracy

In this article we learn how Obama is thwarting the legislative process, corrupting independent oversight mechanisms, placed into the governmental process, and deceiving the public.
It is clear that Obama is destroying the democratic government in this country and trying establish a totalitarian government with no dissent.
In view of the sheeple among the voters and the journalists he will have no trouble doing so.


How a Bill Becomes Law: Chicago Style
Rory Cooper
Then Foundry
The Heritage Foundation
July 27th, 2009 at 6.18pm

July 28, 2009

Gates,' Obama's Priorities

2 hours ago
Report Abuse
Yes this is racial profiling, but not by Crowely, but by Prof Gates. and by the man who holds the higest most prestegious job in the US, Obama, on national TV. All of these Meetings, and training, and teaching moment should be done to teach Gates and Obama how not to be racist. At 58 I watched the many blacks who paid a high once for things they shouldn't have had to. But they acheived so much, all with Pride and Dignity. How sad that they have had to watch the nextt generation crying and whining about how awful they have been treated, they don't have any idea of what racist treatment. is about. As for true racial profiing it is present still. But the other side of this are the daily crimes that the young blacks continue to commit. This may sound racist but I live in the greater Cincinnati area and every morning there is at least one person shot and killed by another young black cihild. Instead of using this bs about Gates. why not start focusing on the black on black crime and stop whining about non-issues. Give the child solutions to help them grow into productive adults. How many children were murdered in Chicago. Teach these kids to be proud and dignified and that they may look forward and leave the rumination and whining in the past. Teach them the strength, and pride and dignity that their Great grand parents displayed that enabled the next generations to be able to achieve
things and let go of the past so that they may achieve the very roles of Hayes and Obama, Oprah, and so many successful people. Make a learning experience of honoring their past, but stop using the excuses to not be more

One more note, the next time Gates has a break in, how about calling his good friend Obama to help him?


AP: Gates, Crowley meeting at the White House Thursday
By Staff reports
Wicked Local
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Jul 27, 2009 @ 11:04 PM
Last update Jul 27, 2009 @ 11:10 PM

Police Report of Arrest


July 26, 2009

History of Harvard's Gates?

[Comment by Taharqa on Boston Herald under the below article]

"An interesting excerpt from an interview of Dr. Gates conducted years ago by Brian Lamb of Booknotes: LAMB: At one point you had a line in [the book Colored People], something to the effect, "My mother despised white people." GATES: My mother hated white people. ... She never trusted white people. She didn't like white people. She didn't want to live with white people. LAMB: And is your wife white? GATES: Yeah. She's white. LAMB: How did your mother react to the -- did she go to the marriage? GATES: Oh, yeah. ... But my mother took a long time to decide how she felt about my wife. And they had many confrontations, many bad -- my mother used to do things like say, "I bet you hate black people, right?" ... And we'd all laugh and my wife got used to it, but she fought my mother back. The key was to stand up to my mother. My mother wanted to see what she was made of. And I'll probably do crazy things like that when my daughters bring their lovers home. I mean, who knows? Who knows? indeed."


Arresting incident sparks race debate
By Tom Mashberg
Boston Herald
Sunday, July 26, 2009 - Updated 5h ago
Green Party Corruption?

"Some New Jersey residents said they feared the investigation was motivated by another mob that wanted to "clear the ground" for its own operations."

"I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican," he is said to have told Van-Pelt. "I'm a member of the Green party. Green is cash."


Last update - 04:40 26/07/2009
New Jersey DA: Religious leaders allegedly acted like 'crime bosses'
By Natasha Mozgovaya
Haaretz.com Correspondent
Racism among Harvard Students Runs Amuck

In this photo of a Cambridge police officer's car, the discussion runs off the road making his license plate into a racist taunt. One person who knows the officer explains his license plate which has no racial intent or meaning. But with the distorted discourse at Harvard where common sense is a rare commodity, the discussion makes the officer into a racial issue.

A few years ago a member of the Washington DC government was fired for using the word "niggardly." Due to the ignorance of journalists and residents they used a harmless word which sounds like another word to fire a person. Will the same maroons rule in Cambridge at Harvard?


Cambridge Cop's Unfortunate Vanity Plate: WHY-TEE
By Gabriel Snyder
6:40 PM on Fri Jul 24 2009

July 24, 2009

Censorship of Black Racist Multiple Murder


The Knoxville Horror: The Crime and the Cover-Up
Report; Posted on: 2007-05-15 01:04:38
"What does this Knoxville crime—horrible enough without the unsubstantiated elaborations—tell us about race and crime in America?"
Western Voices World News
by Nicholas Stix
Special to AR News, May 14, 2007
[American Renaissance]

July 23, 2009

FBI Arrests 44 N.J. Officials, Rabbis


Rabbis charged with illegally laundering $3M
Lakewood housing official charged with taking thousands in bribes
Asbury Park Press
By Jean Mikle • STAFF WRITER
July 23, 2009

July 22, 2009

Gov. Palin Signs Tenth Amendment Assertion


Palin to feds: Alaska is sovereign state
Constitutional rights reasserted in growing resistance to Washington
Posted: July 20, 2009
11:08 pm Eastern
Spineless Mall Owner Allows Totalitarians to Censor Protected Speech

A mall owner in Concord NC refused to renew the lease of a man selling bumper stickers which criticizes Obama administration policies. As usual Obama's kool-aid drinkers accuse the man of racism, sexism etc. all major crimes of protected hate speech.
This is not a unique problem. Spinelessness is pervasive among politicians journalists and businessmen. They fear standing up and supporting the right to free expression. It is why totalitarian censors are thriving everywhere in this nation of cuttlefish. Even the ACLU censors speech and deceives their members, their supporters and the public in the name of fund raising. See Wendy Kaminer's new book, Worst Instincts.



Conservative kiosk not allowed at mall
12:09 PM EDT on Wednesday, July 22, 2009
By BETH SHAYNE / NewsChannel 36
E-mail Beth: BShayne@WCNC.com
Smart People?

Henry Louis Mencken said "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

If there was ever living proof of the accuracy of Mencken's observations I copy below some of the comments from the web pages of the Cambridge Chronicle a local weakly newspaper run by young homosexuals who have little perspective, little history and little common sense. The comments are about several reports of an arrest for disorderly conduct of a Harvard professor who is an international expert on black studies. You might have guessed that the professor is black. They are followed by comments from the Boston herald. But you can read the same sort of comments on most sites that allow them. The Boston Globe does not.

Cambridge MA is one of the most liberal and politically correct cities in the world. The police threaten white males if they talk to women, and if they are accused of discriminating against illegal aliens. Cambridge is home to MIT and Harvard University. The residents think of themselves as superior to others. They are the most conformist group of humans I ever lived amongst. The city government and the state government are the most corrupt government I ever lived under.

The Mayor of Cambridge is a proud black lesbian single mother of two. The Governor of MA is a black Harvard corporate lawyer, and the President is a black Harvard lawyer as well. If after you read these comments you are unable to understand why a man as deceptive as Barack Obama was elected President of this country you need at least as much help as the citizens of Cambridge who commented on this event. Are we approaching a race war in this country? If I cry racism will the police stop harassing me?

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Tell the Truth
20 hours ago

This is so Totally awful if it is true. Why are we giving into this person, no matter who he is or thinks he is. I'm a black man and charges wouldn't just be dropped for no reason for me. This will just anger more people and perpetuates thing. We have a court system, let it go to court like everyone else. I have been in the same exact situation in Cambridge and went through my front window. I had no problem identifying myself when the Cambridge Police showed up. And I was quite frankly please that first, a neighbor called and second that Cambridge Police responded so quickly. If a neighbor had called and police responded to Mr. Gates home the first time, maybe his door never would have been broken. It is a crime if they just drop this case. It will destroy the Cambridge Police image as well as the District Attorney's Office. What a Shame!
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19 hours ago

You're missing the point. Although I am in agreement that it is great that the police department was doing its job by promptly responding to a 911 (?) call, the police officer certainly overstepped his jurisdiction by arresting Mr. Gates and taking him in handcuffs after ID was shown and evidence all around the home demonstrated that this, in fact, was his home.

It is obvious to me that the officer/s in question realized that they had overstepped their authority when he/they refused to give their ID # and name to Mr. Gates. This 'attitude' is beyond the realm of being fixed by training or seminars, but it is arrogant, discriminatory, and illegal. He/they should loose their badges and find other career paths because it is obvious that they are not in it to 'serve and protect'.
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19 hours ago

In that mug shot photo, he looks guilty.
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Mr Smith
19 hours ago
dhump, You miss the point. Try reading the police report. The officer said he believed he lived there. The arrest was made outsdide the home for disorderly conduct. Fortunately, you don't run the city or the PD.
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cambridge resident
18 hours ago
Where is the formal apology from the police department to Prof Gates?
Sgt. James Crowley should be suspened without pay. He is an embarrassment to the Police Department and the City of Cambridge.
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18 hours ago
dhump totally missed the point - and also can't read. The officer identified himself even though Prof. Gates refused to. They're required to follow up on these calls. Anyone else would be glad the police were doing their jobs, this guy just wants any excuse to validate his career - I think this is some sort of record for how quickly someone threw in the race card.
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18 hours ago
It is apparent that once again the minority (read African American Male) in this incident is the victim no matter that he was being disorderly and verbally abusive towards a uniformed police officer. The officer states in the report that he identified himself and the other officer confirms the behaviour of Mr. Gates as being loud and disorderly. The police officer followed procedure whereas Mr Gates continued to pursue the officer and continued to threaten him with retaliation for 'messing' with him. This incident is a crying shame and Mr Gates should indeed be ashamed for his behaviour towards the police officer and his attempt to make this out to be racially motivated. It is a crime against those who are minorities and who have legitimate complaints but who cannot get their charges dropped because they are not a high profile loud, abusive and obnoxious college professor. This is a crime also to those white male uniformed police officers who when attempting to do their job must wonder if someone they arrest will play the race card when in fact nothing of the sort happened. This is what happens when we allow the minority voices to speak louder than the majority who know the facts but would rather hide from them.
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18 hours ago
Oh and just in case anyone missed it I was being very sarcastic with the 'victim' statement. Mr Gates is no more a victim than the police officer was wrong for doing his job.
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cambridge resident
18 hours ago
In the statement, the spokesperson for Commissioner Haas, stated there was probable cause for the arrest....Gates showed ID and was on his property. He can say WHATEVER he wants on his property!
Also, no one invited the police inside the house, Crowley should have NEVER walked in the house.
Commissioner Haas should have spoken at the press conference-no backbone.
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17 hours ago
What's amazing and shameful is Police actually think 'a bad attitude, signs of annoyance, anger and questioning of them is a crime. Now, that's amazing. Many people are arrested because they have talked back to police, looked at them the wrong way, and other trivial matters. Some people don't realize or won't admit that some of our police officers don't use good judgment or common sense. In this case, the officers were wrong to arrest after ID and proof was presented. Again, police have proven they can do anything they want because their the police.
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17 hours ago
this city is a joke he a well known professor so what he get what everyone else that was in this type of matter would get but know let my cry the race card and i will get off this world will never change do the crime pay your time i am going to try that next time i get caught by the police
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15 hours ago
In the police report, Sgt. Crowley didn't identify himself until asked, which was after he wanted info from Mr. Gates. I wouldn't give ID to someone who appeared at my door wouldn't identify himself first. After finding out Sgt. Crowley was with Cambridge Police, Gates did identify himself, as it says in the police report. He says he *initially* didn't identify himself, which may have been because the officer hadn't first. The officer after getting two forms of proper identification didn't apologize and say it was a misunderstanding, he called for Harvard Univ. Police back-up!! Outside the house were a number of police officers attracting attention as if Mr. Gates had done something wrong that needed a several officers. I'd be livid, too. The guy just got home from China and was treated like a common criminal. Cut him some slack for reacting to police mistreatment in his own home, and yes, I consider the porch part of his home.
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15 hours ago
A big question is, 'is the police report accurate'? If it is not, then the police may have behaved improperly and covered it up w/ a non-accurate report. If it is accurate, then the police are not going to charge w/ disorderly w/o disorderly in the report. Disorderly is not a big item. It is not a felony. If the report is accurate, then I think Mr. Gates is guilty of disorderly.
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14 hours ago
Problem is that blacks are almost never given the 'benefit of doubt' in situations like these, whereas whites most often are. This frustrates blacks and sometimes causes them to react pre-emptively. This is something whites just do not understand.
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13 hours ago
AS police do not exercise a right in the official performance of their duties, they cannot determine 'disorderly conduct'.

Only a citizen can claim the violation of this right.

This is a subjective call by a citizen whose rights are being violated by someone.

If no one complains, there is no disorderly conduct.

As the law is unlawfully applied, a 'ham sandwich''could be arrested for 'disorderly'.

How many people being 'frightened' is needed to assert 'disorderly'?

How tumultuous must a person be to be 'disorderly'?

A cop cannot make these determinations.

Only a citizen can claim the violation of a right, not a cop.

Once identified, Gates should have been given the name of the cop and the cop should have left as the cop was now a trespasser as his lawful business was no longer authorized at the house.

Gates will have an eternal arrest record on CORI, CRIMINAL OFFENDER database, unless Gov. Patrick expunges it.
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12 hours ago
I wonder if Mr. Gates benefits in any way from this incident; and if so, how, and to what extent, does he benefit. If he is looking for int'l attention, then he got it. Will he write a book about the incident?
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12 hours ago
Jameel - what blacks don't understand is these incidents happen to white people too. I have had a police officer point a gun at me on 3 seperate times while I was in my car and I didn't do a damn thing.

Once because there was a robbery nearby and I had the same color car. Another time because I drove around looking for a spot and the officer thought I was buying drugs. The 3rd time was in Europe when I was in a rental on vacation and apparantly I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This time the police had pointed machine guns on each side of the car at me and a friend. I didn't speak the language and one false move and I would have been a goner.

If I could have claimed racism and sue for $1M I would be a rich person. When it comes to racism we need to do a better job picking our battles. This incident is absolutely ridiculas. National news for this ? Did someone get murdered ? Did Michael Jackson come back to life ?
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9 hours ago
The police report does not justify the police officer's conduct. Calling the Harvard police AFTER seeing Professor Gates' identification only escalated the incident. Why didn't he simply leave when he saw the ID? Why didnt the officer give his name and badge number if he were doing the right thing? Obviously Prof. Gates was agitated being confronted in his own home. I am sure he thought that being a Harvard professor insulated him from the usual indignities that blacks encounter every day. What upset him was learning that he was not immune, even at the highest pinnacle of academia. This was shocking to him, as shocking as my having a law degree and attempting to shop in a New York department store, with my briefcase, while being followed around the store... or being called the 'N' word in Harvard Square by envious locals from Somerville. You do everything the majority tells you to do to improve your situation and it is never enough. That is what Professor Gates probably felt. We simply cannot escape the racial indignities. I hope the professor will use this as a teachable moment about race in America. We are by no means near a post racial society, even with an African-American president.

Now, I understand why the colonials needed a Fourth Amendment.
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9 hours ago
This was a clear case of racial profiling at its best!! Cambridge PD is very known for this type of tactics!! Now they look like fools licking there wounds!! kudos to you Pro.Gates for standing up to the police and finally putting this issue in the
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5 hours ago
Gates is a racist and makes a living off being one. He has clealy showed how to play the race card and play the system. Crime in this city is out of control. The police did their job and responded to a 911 call for a house break-in which there have been many. Gates disrepected them and acted like a child and made a big scene.

With the economy like it is and Obama being the president, Gates saw the opportunity to bolster his career and keep the race card alive and well. This is called job security. Gates and Sharpton need to justify their roles because they fear being outsourced.
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2 hours ago
Who's crying Now?
The Knoxville Horror
The crime and the media blackout.
by Nicholas Stix
On Saturday, January 6, 2007 Channon Christian, 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23, of Knoxville, Tennessee, went on a date from which they would never return. Outside the home of another couple they were visiting, they were carjacked and kidnapped. Over the next 24 hours they were beaten, gang-raped, tortured and murdered.
There can be little doubt that if Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom had been black and their killers white, everyone in America would know their names. Because they were white and their killers are black, their fate has been shrouded in a thick silence that has given rise to a host of lurid rumors. Their story highlights the strange and twisted nature of race relations in America, which makes it nearly impossible for the authorities or the media to deal honestly with events that violate official assumptions about race. It also represents both a strength and weakness of the Internet: Mischief-makers of various political persuasions spread falsehoods rather than correct them, but they built up a demand for facts that became so great the authorities eventually had to come clean.
The men who kidnapped and killed Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom have not yet gone to trial, so they are theoretically innocent. This account as accurate as possible under what sometimes amounted to a news blackout is based on documents filed in federal and state courts, and on sometimes vague and contradictory press reports
Sometime after midnight, Miss Christian and Mr. Newsom were in the parking lot of Knoxvilles Washington Ridge apartment complex, where they were visiting friends. Letalvis Cobbins, 24, along with his brother Lemaricus Davidson, 25, and George Thomas, 24, kidnapped them at gunpoint, and carjacked Miss Christians 2005 Toyota 4-Runner. Mr. Davidson had already been convicted of carjacking and aggravated robbery in Tennessee in 2001, but despite conviction for a death penalty-eligible offense and a bad record as an inmate, had served no more than five years in West Tennessee State Penitentiary. Recently released, he had been a member of the Black Gangster Disciples at least since prison.
The three men tied up their captives and took them in the 4-Runner to a rundown rental house at 2316 Chipman Street in black East Knoxville, where Mr. Cobbins and Mr. Davidson lived. Mr. Cobbinss 18-year-old girlfriend, Vanessa Coleman, met them there.
Their story highlights the strange and twisted nature of race relations in America.
All four, including Miss Coleman, then engaged in an orgy of rape and violence. They anally gang-raped Mr. Newsom, and orally, anally, and vaginally gang-raped Channon Christian. They brutally beat both victims and poured cleaning fluid down Miss Christians throat. They killed Mr. Newsom, leaving him with multiple gunshot wounds, and set his corpse on fire. Knoxville police refuse to say how Miss Christian was murdered, but an assistant U.S. attorney suggests she may have been choked.
On January 8, the day after the carjacking-gang-rape-murder, Lemaricus Davidson robbed an employee of a Knoxville Pizza Hut at gunpoint, and tried to rob a customer. Likewise on January 8, Miss Christians father, Gary, found her Toyota 4-Runner abandoned near railroad tracks, not far from where a railroad employee found Mr. Newsoms desecrated corpse that same day. There was a fingerprint from Lemaricus Davidson inside the vehicle, which led to a search of his apartment on January 10. There police found Miss Christians corpse in a garbage can in the kitchen.
A fourth man, Eric Boyd, has been charged as an accessory in the carjacking case for having helped Mr. Davidson try to escape justice, but not in the rapes and murders.
Knoxville authorities have promoted the view that the rapists poured cleaning fluid down Miss Christians throat to destroy DNA evidence. They and the media have also insisted that the torture/murders were a crime of opportunity, a carjacking that somehow got out of hand, and that the criminals had no racial motivation.
This picture appears to be wrong on all counts, and is an insult to the publics intelligence. The defendants are charged with premeditated murder and, according to court documents, had already decided to kill Miss Christian before they made her swallow cleaning fluid. They also did not bother to clean her vagina and anus, which were stuffed with DNA evidence.
The carjacking-gone-wrong theory is not plausible either. Carjacking is armed robbery of a vehicle, in order to possess or sell it, but these assailants had no interest in the 4-Runner. They dumped it after only a few hours.
Nor was there any reason for things to go wrong; the victims cooperated, and Lemaricus Davidson was an experienced carjacker. While carjackers sometimes rape their victims, anal gang-rape is very rare, especially of male victims. On the other hand, black jail and prison inmates often target white prisoners for anal gang-rape as a method of racial terrorism (see Hard Time, AR, April 2002). And while carjackers sometimes murder their victims, it is hard to imagine black carjackers treating black victims in such a loathsome manner.
Finally, a hate crime is one committed wholly or in part for reasons of racial animus, and use of racial epithets is considered strong evidence of racial animus. Do the authorities expect us to believe that these black killers raped, tortured, and murdered white victims, without ever using racially insulting language? This reporter believes the carjacking was just a way to kidnap, gang-rape, torture and murder whites, and that the killers used the cleaning fluid for the sole purpose of further torturing Miss Christian.
Until mid-May, this story was strictly local news, but it assumed a certain notoriety on the Internet where, not long after the first newspaper reports, a story with the following headline began circulating:
White Couple Abducted; Both Man and Woman Were Raped, Beaten, Cut Apart and Killed. Five Blacks Arrested In Case. No Media Frenzy Over Racist Attack.
The report, with photographs of the victims and the suspects, continued as follows:
The animals pictured below raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!
Channon Christian, was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breast and put chemicals in her mouth and then murdered her.
The earliest version of this story seems to have appeared around February 21 on the web page of New Jersey radio host Hal Turner. Many of the details, including the amputations and urination, have not been in other reports, nor are they mentioned in court documents.
I asked the Knoxville police to confirm or deny Mr. Turners claims. Public Information Officer Darrell Debusk was unfailingly polite, but would tell me nothing. Were the victims mutilated? Were they alive or dead when this happened? That is something that we have not discussed in public, and is information that will come to light during the trial Right now, were not discussing the details of the investigation. Officer Debusk would not even give a cause of death: Again, thats evidence in a trial that will be presented during the trial. (Only later did I learn from court documents that federal authorities had already reported that Mr. Newsom had been shot.)
The claim that the investigation is ongoing, was plainly untrue. The suspects had been arrested, indicted, and bound over for trial. Prosecutors bind over defendants only after the police have finished their investigation. When I asked for a copy of the Knoxville police preliminary report, which had been released to local reporters, Officer Debusk was happy to oblige so long as I dropped by in person at department headquarters in Knoxville. If that wasnt convenient for someone living in New York State, I could have a local person pick one up for me, or a Tennessee resident could pay for a copy and ask that it be sent to an in-state address. Clearly, Officer Debusk just didnt want me to see the report.
Other Knoxville officials at the county medical examiners office, sheriffs department, and criminal court all referred me back to the Knoxville Police Department. Chief Sterling Owen, IV himself established this stonewalling policy, and the information has been so tightly sealed we cannot even assume the trial transcript will be available to the public.
The refusal by police to release the autopsy reports has left even the mainstream media dueling over how Miss Christian died and what was done to her corpse. The Knoxville News Sentinel claimed Lemaricus Davidson strangled her but left her corpse intact. ABCs and CBSs Knoxville affiliates reported she was dismembered, though neither was clear whether this was how she was killed or whether her corpse was cut apart after she was murdered. CNN claimed Miss Christian asphyxiated after she was forced into an airtight garbage can.
When it suits them, the Knoxville police can be very forthcoming with information. On May 22, just-released black career criminal Dwayne Hill, 39, celebrated his third day of freedom with an attempted carjacking in East Knoxville. When police stepped in, he fought them, was tasered, and died. Within 24 hours, the department produced a report showing that Hill had an illegal substance in his system, and had died of a condition unrelated to the tasering. When a back man dies at the hands of officers, and there is a chance the community might be unhappy, the police are quick with the facts. Whites do not merit the same treatment.
* * *
54 minutes ago

Here is the leading court ruling on 'disorderly'.

Why did Cambridge police call Harvard police after
GATES showed his ID?

What constitutional function was performed by the Cambridge cops doing this?

The world wants to know..............................

If the below action of a citizen is not 'disorderly', does everyone see how 'disorderly' is abused by cops in Massachusetts!

U.S. Supreme Court

HESS v. INDIANA, 414 U.S. 105 (1973)
414 U.S. 105


No. 73-5290.

Decided November 19, 1973

Appellant, who was arrested during an antiwar demonstration on a college campus for loudly stating, 'We'll take the ****ing street later (or again),' was subsequently convicted for violating the Indiana disorderly conduct statute. The State Supreme Court affirmed, relying primarily on the trial court's finding that the statement 'was intended to incite further lawless action on the part of the crowd in the vicinity of appellant and was likely to produce such action.'

Held: Appellant's language did not fall within any of the 'narrowly limited classes of speech' that the States may punish without violating the First and Fourteenth Amendments, and since the evidence showed that the words he used were not directed to any person or group and there was no evidence that they were intended and likely to produce imminent disorder, application of the statute to appellant violated his rights of free speech. Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 . See also Terminiello v. Chicago, 337 U.S. 1, 4 .

___ Ind. ___, 297 N. E. 2d 413, reversed.

Below are comments from the Boston Herald. There are now over 1000 comments on related stories. Huffington Post has over 6000 comments on one story June 20, 2009.

[Posted regarding opinion column by staff writer Peter Gelzinis]
Hey Pete,not very politically correct on your part. Did you forget the liberal mantra ..."Everything's whitey's fault".
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Posted 8 hours ago
? +12 Good Comment -1 Poor Comment
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Sad to see that this will only fuel more hatred. Opportunists like Gates, Sharpton and Jackson only continue to perpetuate racism. They offer nothing but a gasoline can to pour on the fire. Divide and conquer.
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Posted 8 hours ago
? +7 Good Comment -1 Poor Comment

I think that perhaps Prof. Gates has a mental problem, perhaps only temporary. If one reads the police report this guy seems to be not right.
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Posted 8 hours ago
? +6 Good Comment -1 Poor Comment

The typical Mo of most elite folks, Cry racism and then go to the Media. This Professor is a joke, did he really think Al sharpton would give him any crediblity? Let me guess if it wasn't for him crying to the Media, his problems more than likely stop after the first court apperence at worst. But now he opened a can of worms that he and the Governor and the Mayor of cambridge will regret.
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Posted 8 hours ago
? +9 Good Comment -1 Poor Comment

Gates' actions and not the police caused this incident. He's an angry, arrogant, and mean-spirited black man. I'm glad this windbag is not my neighbor, friend, or teacher.
* * *
Posted 7 hours ago
aretharespect replying to PBKingman
? +5 Good Comment -1 Poor Comment

I agree PBK i thought that (mental illness/brain misfire or maybe even early dementia) as I read the article....or perhaps he intentionally did this to elicit the desired response so he could exploit the situation. After all, we have a black president so there aren't really too many causes any more to aim for...Affirmative action has done it's job. Now let's end it.
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Posted 7 hours ago
? +7 Good Comment -1 Poor Comment

Gates was interviewed while on the Vineyard, how PC. Of course his house is now off limits to Police so go ahead and hit it druggies. Your safe the cops will never show up.
* * *
Posted 6 hours ago
? +2 Good Comment -10 Poor Comment

Wow. Every single one of the comments posted here exhibits a close mindedness beyond belief. No wonder America has not made the progress it needs to get beyond racial strife. You all seem to be the proud carriers of a torch filled with hate.
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Posted 6 hours ago
? +7 Good Comment -1 Poor Comment

I was sickened when I read that a Police Sergeant in the performance of his responsibilities to his community and fellow police officers is being treated in this manner. Conversely, if the Police Sergeant did not take the steps he did in making sure everyone on scene produced identification, he would be derelict in his duties. Mr. Gates has the moral and legal responsibility to be respectful and courteous to the police, especially when they are acting in their official capacities as police officers. Instead of Mr. Gates cooperating with the police, which would be consistent with a well known educator, he has and continues to use circumstances where his actions are at least suspect, for his own self-promotion (PBS Documentary) and grandiose martyrdom.
* * *
Posted 5 hours ago
? +8 Good Comment -1 Poor Comment

Gates is exploting this now for the Money & his inflated ego.. He will now charge thousands for speaking fees and be on Larry King & Oprah...Not much better than a Carnival Barker as Sharpton is involved. He should show some Class but only is showing the last 3 letters of the word.

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This is a link to comments about this on Craigs list.


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Some more from the Boston Herald and another article

? +7 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment

It wouldn't surprise me if he set this whole thing up. He sure wants to capitalize on it.
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Posted 9 hours ago
? +7 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment
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What a giant baby. Heaven help us all.
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Posted 9 hours ago
? +8 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment

Welcome to victimnation. It's all you have to cling to. Take away your mantle of victimhood and you are a drowning man clinging to nothing.
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Posted 9 hours ago
speakeasy replying to victimnation
? +5 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment

Put an end to all victimization. That's what this is, that's what bringing us all down in this country. Freak out on police officers? Just claim you are disabled when they try to put cuffs on you. Buy a house you can't afford? Blame the feds and the mortgage companies for tricking you into signing. Victimnation sucks victimnation. lol.
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Posted 9 hours ago
? +6 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment

“I’m outraged. I can’t believe that an individual policeman on the Cambridge police force would treat any African-American male this way, and I am astonished that this happened to me,” What a racist statement. Also shows his elitism. Liberal scum who is just another opportunist looking for their payday.
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Posted 9 hours ago
? +4 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment

Now his has experienced the prison system. What prison was he sent to. And his claim of claustrophobia....was the Cambridge police station or cars more claustrophobic than the aircraft he regularly travels on? He is laying the ground rules for a lawsuit.
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Posted 8 hours ago
? +5 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment

While interviewed on the Vineyard he was quoted as saying he was shaken. But not too shaken to travel to the Vineyard. Did he fly there on one of those very small planes? If so how did he so quickly overcome his claustrophobia? He is a Vineyard regular. How does he get there with is disability? The ferry isn't very large and spacious. Does he swim there? Enough of the lies.
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Posted 8 hours ago
? +5 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment

How could Harvard University hire such a unprofessional loser ? This punk clearly has an agenda. The police officer should not apologize because he did nothing wrong.
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Posted 7 hours ago
? +4 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment

All this does is open up the gates for every crack dealer in the cambridge projects.Bad economy?What bad economy,nice job gates old boy,overdoses,shootings& stabbings on the house.Cops don't want to get indicted for doing their job.
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Posted 7 hours ago
? +4 Good Comment 0 Poor Comment

Typical Elitist Liberal Dirt bag, I hope you don't need the police anytime soon. The notion that Deval and the Mayor of Cambridge openly questioned the Police motives are shocking. I hope decval isn't counting the Police Votes in his up and coming election I doubt if any police officer will vote for that Cop Hating turd that is our Governor.

* * *

July 20, 2009

Books on Propaganda


Books on Propaganda
Submitted by Sheldon Rampton
Center for Media and Democracy
July 7, 2009 - 3:11pm.
Pelosi Censors Republicans from Exposing Democratic Hypocrisy


Pelosi Censors Republicans
by Rep. John Carter
Human Events
July 16, 2009

July 17, 2009

Paranoid Boston Democratic Hit Piece

Mark up another hypocritical, double-standard hit piece by paranoid hate-filled Boston Democrats. (DAVID S. BERNSTEIN, "$arah™, Inc.," Boston Phoenix, July 15, 2009) Raising $100 million for Obama's campaign was good for America. Republicans doing the same is bad for the nation. In his front page story about Gov. Palin Bernstein threads acts by others into the narrative associating their abuses to Palin who "might" or "possibly" or "seems" or he "assumes" to do what they did. As he says the "punditry was left puzzling over what she could possibly do next."

Bernstein quotes political insights of Alaska's Man-of-the-Year whose major accomplishment was getting a teenager pregnant showing how desperate Bernstein is for something negative to say about the Governor. He reaches back to her high school nickname for more disparagement. Was Bernstein the high school grad most likely to deceive?

Focusing on money is a great way to understand what is behind puffing politicians. But Bernstein describes only Republicans abuses as if the Democrats are gentle, loving, and totally altruistic. Ahem! Where was the bottomless "well of right-wing money" in 2008? Is Bernstein clueless about the $100 million raised by the ACLU which now focuses on fund raising rather than civil rights?

Bernstein exposes evil practices of non profits suggesting that Palin will take advantage of them. Are there no non profit abuses in Boston where Democrats rule?

One-third of this hit piece is not about Palin. Suggesting that the Governor is not a committed Republican why does Bernstein associate their efforts with her? Obama is not guilty by association with Ayers or Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Why is Palin guilty for what Gingrich, Keyes, and Reagan do?

The McCain campaign did not create the image of Palin as "maverick reformer." She was that before chosen. Bernstein says, "Religious conservatives idolize Palin for" giving birth to her son Trig. Stereotyping all religions in diverse Boston? Rupert Murdoch who endorsed Hillary Clinton is an "arch conservative opportunist?" Is John Kerry an "ultra liberal elitist" opportunist?

It is beyond (Bernstein's limited) imagination that Dick Morris' book could debut "at number one on the (sic) New York Times bestseller list" without Sean Hannity. Huh?

Bernstein reveals his political conformity contrasting Mitt Romney's strategy glad-handing "with elites at $1000 a plate" with Palin's. The attraction for voters is Palin's authenticity. Would a genuine human being do what politicians do? Cynical conformist journalists are incapable of thinking outside the box. They will not find Gov. Palin there. That is why they are all confused.


From Jester to Esther
Talking Politics
$arah™, Inc.
The biggest brand name in conservative politics is about to enter the burgeoning right-wing marketplace — and she's perfect for it. Ka-ching!
Boston Phoenix
July 15, 2009

July 15, 2009

Obama's Silence

Obama demands recognition of removed Honduras' President Zelaya. He urges Iran to recognize their opposition, but he remains silent when journalists and civil rights activists are found kidnapped and murdered in Russia. Obama the constitutional law professor and Harvard Law Graduate shows weak support for Free Speech but creates a new "right" to health care? Hello? If Obama does not support free speech a part of the Constitution, what good will a non constitutional right be? Obama shows his deceptive rhetoric he used to fool the voters. Without reading the $787 stimulus bill he signed he expects the sheeple to believe what he says.


Russian rights activist kidnapped, found dead
Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:07pm EDT
By Aydar Buribayev and Amie Ferris-Rotman
Rational Report on Gov. Palin


Out of Alaska
Sarah Palin on why she resigned and what it means for her future.
by Matthew Continetti
Weekly Standard
July 20, 2009, Volume 014, Issue 41
Questions About Obama's Birth, School Records Remain


Obama: Where have all his records gone?
Footprints of president's own history either vanish or remain covered up
Posted: June 09, 2009
8:34 pm Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

* * *


Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace
Posted: July 14, 2009
9:53 pm Eastern
Chelsea Schilling and Joe Kovacs
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

* * *


Thursday, Jul. 16, 2009
Retired general, lieutenant colonel join reservist’s lawsuit over Obama's birth status
General, lieutenant colonel join suit similar to 2 already thrown out
By Lily Gordon - lgordon@ledger-enquirer.com
Ledger-enquirer Columbus GA

July 14, 2009

Monkey Moves Robot Using Mind Control


Monkey Moves Robot Using Mind Control
9:01am UK, Monday July 13, 2009
Thomas Moore, Health Correspondent
Sky News (UK)
Racism for thee but not for me?

"fk4711" suggests moving into the 21st Century. Yes where the Attorney General insults white people. Where the President of the US refers to the "typical white person." And where the latest Supreme Court nominee says she knows better than white males. Is the 21st Century where all victims become oppressors? Is the 21st Century where racism against white males is not racism at all but protected speech? Why is only hate speech toward black people a problem? When will the animosity toward white persons be addressed by sheeple journalists?


Jindal and the 'Racist'
by The Daily Beast
The Daily Beast
July 13, 2009
What are the journalist's priorities?

Is that why the liberals bashed George Bush for 8 years? Because he did not cheat on Laura? Was Bill Clinton a hero because he did cheat on Hillary? What makes it a matter of extraordinary achievement? That fact that Pedroia is a millionaire athlete? Or that he is a man? Priorities of contemporary journalists are weird and inconsistent.


A most valuable player - on and off the field
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 13, 2009

Swearing is Good for You


Swearing can make you feel better, lessen pain
(Writing by Belinda Goldsmith, Editing by Miral Fahmy)
Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:51am EDT
Mississippi Town Elects Black Mayor

Some youngsters ran into Mr Fava’s store to taunt him. “They was pulling down their pants, shouting, ’Kiss my black ass, because we got a black mayor’, swinging their things around and throwing stuff,” said Jennifer Green, 31, a black mother of 10.


Down the Mississippi: Barack Obama effect ends white rule in Deep South town
A tiny Mississippi delta town has elected its first black mayor after the white incumbent, unopposed for 30 years, faced a young challenger inspired by President Barack Obama's feat in winning the White House.
Telegraph (UK)
By Toby Harnden in Alligator
Published: 4:13PM BST 12 Jul 2009

July 12, 2009

New ID Technology Makes Tracking People Easy

Gigi Zenk, a spokeswoman for the Washington state Department of Licensing, says Americans "aren't that concerned about the RFID" in a time when "tracking an individual is much easier through a cell phone." Americans are not concerned about the loss of Free Speech right. They are not concerned about forced drugging of children by school officials. They are unconcerned about using vulnerable persons for medical research. They are unconcerned about 90,000 deaths each year due to medical negligence. That is no argument for or against anything in this country with a large number of clueless citizens who vote.


Chips in official IDs raise privacy fears
Jul 12, 6:10 AM (ET)

July 10, 2009

Rational Discourse on Gov. Palin


The Truth About Sarah Palin’s Resignation
by John Ziegler
July 9, 2009
FOX 25 Boston Prejudiced

On Friday July 10, 2009 on the 5:00 AM news, Keba Arnold read a story about the man accused of robbing a blind man at an ATM. She said, "His family says he is mentally ill." What is the connection between mental illness and crime? Journalists and police conflate the two contrary to logic and common sense. It is an example of prejudice, discrimination against persons with disabilities. Secondly are his relatives psychiatrists? On what basis is their diagnosis reported as fact? Again one more example of prejudice. If anyone says a person is mentally ill journalists report it like parrots. Why does FOX25 do this? Letters and calls to your station and to a few news directors over ten years were ignored. WFXT-TV shows bigotry. WFXT-TV would never suggest that being homosexual or being black or being a woman or even an illegal alien is the reason for crime. Also you adopt the political position of NAMI which is a front organization funded by the drug companies. US Sen. Grassley is investigating this now. But journalists are clueless about these PR abuses because of inabilities to over come prejudice. Thanks for your attention.

Undeserved Awards

Undeserved Awards

[An edited version of this letter appeared in
the Boston Phoenix on July 17, 2009 page 5;
Second letter at this link]

Dan Kennedy includes "free-speech stories in New England" compiled by [among other sources] "the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)." (DAN KENNEDY, "The 12th Annual Muzzle Awards," Boston Phoenix, July 8, 2009) The subtitle is "A look at the dishonorable enemies of free speech and personal liberty in New England." Why did this prominent media critic fail to reveal that the ACLU itself is censoring stories, expression and speech by its own board members?

No recent phenomenon, this year national ACLU board member Wendy Kaminer published her book Worst Instincts about this multi year abomination. It is a sign of the times that the ACLU is censoring speech and media critics omit reporting the fact.

The last time I researched the issue of truth as a defense to slander, the exception was that if a statement is on its face slanderous, truth is no defense. That would apply to allegations of a loathsome disease, e.g., mental illness or AIDS. Aside from the unscientific nature of mental illness and its arbitrariness, imagine a malicious person following another and telling everyone that the first person met that he was mentally ill in order to discredit and to isolate the person. That is an example of what the law generally describes in the Juan Torruella award [MGL Chapter 231 Sec. 91 states "unless such statements were published in pursuance of a general scheme to defame or otherwise injure the plaintiff."] Broadcasting irreparably harmful speech does not enjoy protection under the US or the MA Constitutions.

In the Boston Police award Kennedy says, "The arrest [of Shepard Fairey] was clearly a publicity stunt, based on old warrants." This is spinning the facts. Police in most jurisdictions do not chase down suspects for outstanding warrants. When a suspect is stopped by an officer, or if the suspect files a complaint with the police e.g., they check for outstanding warrants. In this case Fairey became an object of police attention due to the publicity of the suspect. Clearly this is a deceptive statement by Kennedy.


The 12th Annual Muzzle Awards
A look at the dishonorable enemies of free speech and personal liberty in New England.
Boston Phoenix
July 8, 2009

July 9, 2009

Government Censorship




LAPD's public database omits nearly 40% of this year's crimes

The map, touted as a way for residents to monitor the safety of their neighborhoods, doesn't include about 19,000 serious crimes reported in other LAPD data. Officials say they're looking into it.
By Ben Welsh and Doug Smith
Los Angeles Times
July 9, 2009
Blacks Attack Whites: Not Hate Crime?


Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family
By Phil Trexler
Beacon Journal staff writer
POSTED: 07:44 p.m. EDT, Jul 07, 2009
Explaining the Hate

In this essay focused on the double standard of the main stream media, and its intense hatred toward Gov. Sarah Palin the writer notes as few journalists do, the attacks on Gov. Palin's baby who has a disability. This kind of abuse of persons with disabilities is pervasive among the media and politicians.




Hating Palin
By Ben Voth
American Thinker
July 09, 2009
Sarah Palin: The Beginning




Sarah Palin: It’s Her Party And She’ll Resign If She Wants To
Big Hollywood.com
by Chris Stigall
July 8, 2009

July 7, 2009

More Things Change, More they Stay the Same

More Things Change, More they Stay the Same

Joseph Saccardo said, It was very difficult in those times to trust anyone in law enforcement from the FBI on down. What has changed since then? Was there a police investigation of the police? Was there an FBI investigation of the FBI? Aside from Bulger being a fugitive, what changed?




Ex-cop tells of secret search for mob victim
By Laurel J. Sweet
Boston Herald
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 6, 2009

Margery Eagan's Disappoints Readers

Gov. Palin is a gracious, elegant, courageous woman with a spine. We have so many spineless shameless public officials because of relentless insults by creepy-crawly cowards. Not just the unwashed use personal attacks. Highly educated journalists like Margery Eagan lowered the level of their discourse.




A half-baked Alaska plan by Sarah Palin
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 3, 2009

Quotes by Gov. Sarah Palin


July 2, 2009

Sen. Kerry Attacks Gov. Palin; She responds

Sen. Kerry Attacks Gov. Palin; She responds
[with selected reader comments]




Quick-draw Sarah Palin takes long shot at John Kerry
By Joe Dwinell
Boston Herald
Saturday, June 27, 2009


Palin needs to stay in Alaska and protect us from the Russians she see's from her window. She is pathetic and the reason Mccain isn't the president

platousa replying to sunrunner34

One more brainwashed liberal. It was Tina Fey who said she could see Russia from her house not Gov. Sarah Palin. Power of the media misleading weak minds?


Augie, you can count my family members out while your at it, and don't forget about, "I can see Russia from my backyard."

charactermatters replying to Ellen

Ellen I don't account for the results of any election. If you saw the actual interview, you'd see how she was subsequently misquoted, the media ran with it, and the public bought it. If you go to the video, you'll see that you are one of them.

theshadow replying to Ellen

A lot of the misinformed such as yourself believe Sarah Palin said the "I can see Russia from my back yard" line, but it was actually Tina Fey. Google it if you doubt me.

platousa replying to Ellen

Here's a Republican who believes the mass media lie. It was Tina Fey who said she can see Russia from her house, not Gov. Palin. Not only liberals are mush minds. Take a look at Media Malpractice by John Ziegler. Goes to show that Mark Twain was right: The lie gets halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on. Just because you can write does not mean should.
Psychiatric Theory Adopted as Science?




Unlocked: the secrets of schizophrenia
Scientific breakthrough offers hope of new treatments for mental condition
By Steve Connor science editor
Independent (UK)
July 2, 2009
Obama:Jews Can't Live There!


Joseph Farah
Obama tells Jews where they can live
World Net Daily
Posted: May 29, 2009

July 1, 2009

Rwandan Government Denies Forced Sterilization of Mental Patients




15:14 GMT, Wednesday, 1 July 2009 16:14 UK
Rwanda denies sterilisation plans
BBC Online
Ousted Honduran President Accused of Drug Link




Zelaya accused of drug ties
By FRANK BAJAK, Associated Press Writer
Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:11