July 17, 2009

Paranoid Boston Democratic Hit Piece

Mark up another hypocritical, double-standard hit piece by paranoid hate-filled Boston Democrats. (DAVID S. BERNSTEIN, "$arah™, Inc.," Boston Phoenix, July 15, 2009) Raising $100 million for Obama's campaign was good for America. Republicans doing the same is bad for the nation. In his front page story about Gov. Palin Bernstein threads acts by others into the narrative associating their abuses to Palin who "might" or "possibly" or "seems" or he "assumes" to do what they did. As he says the "punditry was left puzzling over what she could possibly do next."

Bernstein quotes political insights of Alaska's Man-of-the-Year whose major accomplishment was getting a teenager pregnant showing how desperate Bernstein is for something negative to say about the Governor. He reaches back to her high school nickname for more disparagement. Was Bernstein the high school grad most likely to deceive?

Focusing on money is a great way to understand what is behind puffing politicians. But Bernstein describes only Republicans abuses as if the Democrats are gentle, loving, and totally altruistic. Ahem! Where was the bottomless "well of right-wing money" in 2008? Is Bernstein clueless about the $100 million raised by the ACLU which now focuses on fund raising rather than civil rights?

Bernstein exposes evil practices of non profits suggesting that Palin will take advantage of them. Are there no non profit abuses in Boston where Democrats rule?

One-third of this hit piece is not about Palin. Suggesting that the Governor is not a committed Republican why does Bernstein associate their efforts with her? Obama is not guilty by association with Ayers or Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Why is Palin guilty for what Gingrich, Keyes, and Reagan do?

The McCain campaign did not create the image of Palin as "maverick reformer." She was that before chosen. Bernstein says, "Religious conservatives idolize Palin for" giving birth to her son Trig. Stereotyping all religions in diverse Boston? Rupert Murdoch who endorsed Hillary Clinton is an "arch conservative opportunist?" Is John Kerry an "ultra liberal elitist" opportunist?

It is beyond (Bernstein's limited) imagination that Dick Morris' book could debut "at number one on the (sic) New York Times bestseller list" without Sean Hannity. Huh?

Bernstein reveals his political conformity contrasting Mitt Romney's strategy glad-handing "with elites at $1000 a plate" with Palin's. The attraction for voters is Palin's authenticity. Would a genuine human being do what politicians do? Cynical conformist journalists are incapable of thinking outside the box. They will not find Gov. Palin there. That is why they are all confused.


From Jester to Esther
Talking Politics
$arah™, Inc.
The biggest brand name in conservative politics is about to enter the burgeoning right-wing marketplace — and she's perfect for it. Ka-ching!
Boston Phoenix
July 15, 2009

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