July 26, 2009

History of Harvard's Gates?

[Comment by Taharqa on Boston Herald under the below article]

"An interesting excerpt from an interview of Dr. Gates conducted years ago by Brian Lamb of Booknotes: LAMB: At one point you had a line in [the book Colored People], something to the effect, "My mother despised white people." GATES: My mother hated white people. ... She never trusted white people. She didn't like white people. She didn't want to live with white people. LAMB: And is your wife white? GATES: Yeah. She's white. LAMB: How did your mother react to the -- did she go to the marriage? GATES: Oh, yeah. ... But my mother took a long time to decide how she felt about my wife. And they had many confrontations, many bad -- my mother used to do things like say, "I bet you hate black people, right?" ... And we'd all laugh and my wife got used to it, but she fought my mother back. The key was to stand up to my mother. My mother wanted to see what she was made of. And I'll probably do crazy things like that when my daughters bring their lovers home. I mean, who knows? Who knows? indeed."


Arresting incident sparks race debate
By Tom Mashberg
Boston Herald
Sunday, July 26, 2009 - Updated 5h ago

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