July 15, 2008

Blog Cowards

Blog Cowards

Here below is an entry and my reply from the Chronicle Blog regarding the
article on sameness.


Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM

Handicapped [says]

If you are disabled and you want representation then campaign on your/our issues
like everyone else. Calling everyone Black, Brown, White & Yellow bigoted and
racist is a non - starter. It's not right and falls on deaf ears and that was
some useful advice you received "get a life".

[my reply]
Roy Bercaw

Hello Clueless Anonymous Handicapped,
Thanks for your advice and good wishes. I am not a politician. I am a citizen
with constitutional rights. I think you are a coward by attacking me
anonymously. If you had any courage you would at least identify yourself. Anyone
can use the word handicapped, even the Deputy City Manager who loves to censor
me at meetings. What police agency do you work for? You would deny me another
right, the right to petition the government for redress of grievances, a First
Amendment Right. You sound like the limousine liberals who only want to hear
pleasant words about how great they are.
If you look into a dictionary you will see that the word bigot applies to these
people. You may not be the target of bigoted people who ridicule you and
humiliate you. Perhaps you do not see this as an abuse. Perhaps you share the
belief that persons with disabilities are not whole persons. Cambridge city
leaders, including the Handicapped Commission and the Human Rights Commission,
who refused to act for more than ten years created this situation due to their
bigotry, the proper word. Police ignored ten years of criminal abuse and then
joined in the abuses. After ten years of being polite and being ignored by city
officials, I decided to be direct. If you have other means of being heard good
for you I do not. And by the way just because you do not like what and how I
complain, does not make what I say illegal. You join in the abusers trying to
silence my complaints about criminal abuse. You want to join the bigots, go
right ahead. But don't expect me to defend you when it happens
to you.

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