December 23, 2014

Pursuit of Non-Truth, Led to Killing of Two NYC Policemen

[From article]
Leftist Lies — killing people for 225 years (I’m starting with the French Revolution).
[. . .]
We noticed that on his “Million Marchers” day (Dec. 13) when “protesters” in NYC chanted “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”
[. . .]
Then we had NAACP President Cornell William Brooks on CBS's "Face the Nation" saying it was “unfair” to link the NYC killings, by Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, to Obama, Holder and Bolshevik Bill de Blasio.
[. . .]
“Hands up, don’t shoot!” It’s a lie made meme by contemptible manipulators. There was never good reason to believe it described the facts of the Mike Brown shooting, but, as liberal teachers boasting about “not just teaching facts” have made clear, facts can’t compare to useful fiction. And even once forensic evidence and witness testimony exposed conclusively that “hands up” was made up, liberals — even congressmen on the House floor — kept repeating it, saying it was a “symbol” of a wider struggle, a “metaphor.” It doesn’t matter that it’s not literally true.
[. . .]
Apparently today, DWW is a no-no.
That’s “defending while white.”
[. . .]
But leftists couldn’t care less about right and wrong; all that matters is winning, as they define it.
Note that there are low-information occasional voters who to this day believe Brown was on his knees when his criminal career was ended.
[. . .]
But the idea that words don’t matter is an expedient of the moment, like the notion that “character doesn’t matter” was when the left wanted Bill Clinton elected, or the idea that truth doesn’t matter is whenever the left wants anything. They don’t really believe it.
[. . .]
It goes without saying that words matter. Were it otherwise, corporations wouldn’t spend billions to influence people via advertising, courses in rhetoric wouldn’t exist, sappy suckers wouldn’t have been fainting at early Obama speeches (now they just don’t show up) and he wouldn’t be in a bigamous relationship with a Teleprompter, and Hitler wouldn’t have been able to move masses with oratory.
[. . .]
They care that something is “racist,” “sexist” or “homophobic,” as they define it at the moment.
They care that something is contrary to their agenda, as it’s constituted at the moment.
But Truth? It doesn’t exist in liberals’ relativistic world.

December 23, 2014
Liberal Lies Killed the Two NYC Cops
By Selwyn Duke

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