October 26, 2014

Protest Of Statue At Alfred University Indicative of National Education Priorities

King Alfred The Great

[From article]
From 871 to 899, Alfred was the King of Wessex, one of the four kingdoms that would eventually become England. During his reign he revived the tradition of learning that had died with the fall of the Roman Empire. He required all of his nobles be literate and increased their education by translating the great Latin texts into English. Additionally, he has the honor of being the first king in English history to write a book, preceding King James by eight centuries. Thus, he is known as the "education king."
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For Alfred, being a DWEM (Dead White European Male) means that his great achievements are to be ignored because they do not fit into the ideologically-driven, anti-Western civilization, revisionist history that is currently being taught in schools.
Sadly, Alfred U is not the only place in academia where the truth is sacrificed to the ideology of leftism.

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Not being able to match his research, they quickly resorted to the use mockery and name calling to discredit him.
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As David Coleman, a designer of the Common Core curriculum and current president of the College Board, recently stated, "History is not about facts, it is about narratives." MacFarlane's research just does not fit the revisionist narrative that they want to present to the unquestioning young minds that fill the classrooms each year. This is why the works of historical revisionists such as Howard Zinn is now common in the history curriculum of high schools. This has resulted in generations of people whose entire worldviews are based on an ideological revision of history that has no factual foundation.
Today, after several decades of being taught distorted history, every field has been infected by Marxist trained ideologues. What makes it so nefarious is that they do not even realize they are the purveyors of the distortions, myths, and lies that are destroying the greatest economic and political system ever created by man.


October 25, 2014
The Left and the Distortion of History
By John L. Hancock

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