May 2, 2012

Dr. Phil's Audience Supports Killing Disabled Child

Here is an effort by ethicists like Peter Singer who is a professor at Princeton University to make acceptable the murder of persons with disabilities. Pediatricians encourage women to abort their children if they see an indication of a severe disability before they are born. But Singer and his acolytes believe parents should be allowed to kill their disabled babies up to the first six months of life. His argument is that will increase the amount of happiness in the world. He says parents would likely have another child who may not be disabled. 

Here too is a pervasive pattern of the human services industry. They or a relative speak for their disabled clients. Judges allow lawyers to speak for their disabled clients not asking for testimony from the disabled person him or herself. The laws usually applied to denying rights to persons with disabilities are not functioning in the court system or in the human services industry. 

Not mentioned in this article is the potential to begin killing children who are accused of having a mental illness. Mental illnesses are fiction. They are created by consensus not science. The psychiatric industry and the drug industry spend millions on campaign contributions and public relations campaigns in the media to maintain their images. Only psychiatrists can see mental illnesses. They have no pathology. Mental illnesses are speech and behavior that the psychiatrist finds objectionable or that they do not understand. Much of it is protected speech. But again psychiatrists do not care about laws. They know better and have superior intellect and morality.
What will ,stop the murder of persons accused of mental illness?

Glenn Beck discussed this issue on his show. He said the killing of disabled persons began in Nazi Germany. But that is incorrect. It began in Massachusetts with the Eugenics Movement. Hitler congratulated the progressives who ran that effort.

Dr. Phil: Promoting Killing People with Cognitive Disabilities - And a Close Encounter in 2002

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[Link to video on this issue embedded]

Dr. Phil Show: “Mercy Kill” People with Disabilities
by Cassy Fiano
Washington, DC
4/16/12 12:17 PM

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