May 14, 2012

Union Officers Live Like Pashas

This account of wild salaries and benefits makes complaints about welfare fraud laughable. At most a welfare recipient can steal maybe $10,000 a year. These guys are getting salaries which could be used to house scores of persons without homes. Union leaders are greedy like politicians and have no shame.

[Reply from American82]
One CEO could cover all the salaries of all the union execs in the country. How come you aren't complaining about them not paying for housing for the poor?

[My reply]
The difference for me is that corporations are dedicated to making profits. That is their mission. If you ask why CEOs are compensated when they put the corporation out of business I would agree with you. But non profit, tax exempt unions allegedly exist to help their members. The same applies to politicians who earn hundreds of thousands and in some cases millions, while humans live in  shelters. You can deal with profit oriented people. But it is difficult to deal with people who say they are trying to improve society as they rob taxpayers.


Hefty salaries, perks for union leaders raise eyebrows
By Judy L. Thomas
McClatchy Newspapers
May 13, 2012

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