December 24, 2009

Obama Thwarts Intent of Constitution

"the fundamental framework governing the relationship between the citizens and the government [. . .] has survived longer than any other written constitution in the world; it has survived a wrenching war between signatories; it has survived assassinations of presidents, the corruption of legislators and the voting of a largely uninformed public. To put this in perspective, in the 212 years of the American Constitution, the enlightened French have blazed through eight different constitutions."
[. . .]
"for the first time ever, citizens will be forced under the threat of prison to purchase a good, whether they want it or not"
[. . .]
"Now that police power of the state can be used to force citizens to pay for health care, how long will it be before those same powers are used to force citizens to pay for food that is provided at the direction of the government, to pay for clothing provided at the design of the government, to pay for transportation or leisure activities provided or approved by the government?"

I think I’d rather have a stocking full of coal…
Posted by imperfectamerica
Tuesday, December 22nd at 6:12AM EST

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