December 30, 2009

Janet Incompitano

the Homeland Security secretary said "the system worked" when a man boarded a Christmas Day flight from Amsterdam to Detroit with explosives in his underwear that he couldn't quite manage to ignite.

a Dutch filmmaker leapt on him, ripped a smoldering object from near his crotch and put it out with his bare hands. Or as Napolitano put it, "Everybody played an important role here."

At a cost of $30 billion since 2004, we've implemented security procedures ideally suited to harassing innocent passengers who only want to travel from Point A to Point B with minimal inconvenience. It's only the terrorists we have trouble handling.

The same Napolitano who initially portrayed the near-miss on Christmas as a vindication did her utmost to avoid even uttering the word "terror" at a congressional hearing earlier this year, preferring the absurd neologism "man-caused disaster."

It's the incompetence, stupid
Rich Lowry
New York Post
Last Updated: 6:50 AM, December 29, 2009
Posted: 12:42 AM, December 29, 2009

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