March 31, 2009

Free Speech is for Speech You Hate

Free speech has no meaning without support of the population. High Schools and colleges failed to teach young people that free speech is for speech that you hate. The antidote to speech that you hate is more speech not less. Ancient Athens had no First Amendment or any law promoting free speech. It was a tradition for 1200 years that enabled that society to thrive. Amartya Sen explains in "Development as Freedom," a democracy requires two strong political parties and a free press. Massachusetts has neither. That is why the government is so corrupt and the population is clueless.


Free speech hung out to dry as BC canceled William Ayers
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Tuesday, March 31, 2009 -

March 30, 2009

Psychiatry Excuse is Hate Speech

The defense lawyer in this case says a socially inept young man murdered women because he had Asperger's Syndrome. (By Abby Simons, Impassioned opening statements start Craigslist murder trial," Star Tribune (Minneapolis), Boston Herald
March 24, 2009) At least, he argues, it mitigates the crime. Psychiatry is now used as a business in the courts as an excuse for crime. The lawyers join the psychiatrists in the fraud of psychiatry wasting taxpayer funds.
The lawyer suggests that all persons accused of this illness are killers and violent. This is hate speech toward persons with disabilities.


Impassioned opening statements start Craigslist murder trial
By Abby Simons /
Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
Boston Herald
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 -

Profiling by Web Advertisers Scrutinized in Europe

Profiling by Web Advertisers Scrutinized in Europe

EU to probe web user profiling by advertisers
By Nikki Tait in Brussels and Tim Bradshaw in London
Financial Times
Published: March 29 2009 23:20 | Last updated: March 29 2009 23:20
Lobbyist Enrichment Act


In a Down Time Everywhere Else, K Street Bustles
Lobbyists Find Plenty of Work as Clients Contend for Stimulus Package's Billions
By Ellen Nakashima and Brady Dennis
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, March 30, 2009; Page A12
All Politicians Are Liars

It's easy to tell a career politician from an honest citizen who gets elected. The honest citizen runs saying this is not for me. I love the ones who say, "I'm different from all the rest. You can trust me." Jessica Mitford's observation is helpful: "You can't change the world, but you can embarrass the guilty." Without getting elected you can see them for what they are. They are friendly, they like people, and they like to help people. But they are also crooks, liars, and thieves. They all just want to get in on the action. It is now a business.

Arrogance, thy name is Marian Walsh
By Joe Fitzgerald
Boston Herald
Monday, March 30, 2009 -

March 29, 2009

Whites with Blue Eyes a Minority

Brazil President blamed "the world economic crisis on 'white people with blue eyes.'"
(Editorial, "GORDON BROWN'S ROTTEN MONTH," New York Post, March 28, 2009)
Since white people make up only 16 percent of the world population and less than that have blue eyes it raises the issue why a minority race is permitted to exploit a majority of the world population.

New York Post,
March 28, 2009
Murder is Mental Illness?

Several "psychiatrists" comment on this story without having evaluated or met their client. These untrained "psychiatrists" (Harvard Med School?) declare the murdered suspect as mentally ill based upon his alleged act. They do not know his emotional state. How many of these amateur psychiatrists have any awareness of their own emotions? All humans are driven by their emotions unless they are able to keep them under control by reason. Psychiatry declares that experiencing emotions is mental illness. That makes as much sense as saying that Americans are logical and intelligent.

Brother kills two sisters in Milton
By O’Ryan Johnson and Ira Kantor
Boston Herald
Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 28, 2009

No Spy Cameras But Computer Spying OK!

While the Cambridge City Council and the ACLU focus our attention on security cameras watching the public places, nefarious interests are scanning computers without any concern of these alleged privacy concerned humans. While there is no right to privacy in public there is a right to be secure in your home and papers, which computers are by extension. Why is this not a problem for the city Councilors who promoted wireless internet access which is even less secure than hard wired internet connections? Who got campaign contributions from wireless routing companies and equipment manufacturers? Why is the ACLU silent about this privacy abuse?

Vast Spy System Loots Computers in 103 Countries
New York Times
Published: March 28, 2009

Wide Cyber Attack Linked to China
MARCH 30, 2009
By Ben Worthen
Wall Street Journal
Limbaugh Uses ND Flood to Crack Dike Jokes

Some people really believe that Rush Limbaugh is their opposition. He is a radio personality not a politician. Without Bush the liberals are lost and do not know who to attack.


Limbaugh Uses North Dakota Flooding To Crack "Dike" Jokes [UPDATED]
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Jason Linkins
Huffington Post
March 27, 2009 01:50 PM
Review of Review of Media Malpractice

Ennis says, Ziegler's documentary "alleges the media's broad infatuation with Obama." The film provides evidence, which Ennis can't see. Ennis adds, "no authorities [are] interviewed on media bias." Experts give their opinions usually refuted by other experts. Is Ennis unable to use logic? Ennis demands proof of a conspiracy. Editors and anchors use media access to broadcast propaganda not facts. Ziegler agrees with Ann Coulter in "Guilty," and Bernard Goldberg in "Slobbering Love Affair." They cite facts which Ennis cannot see. Ennis asks, "How can you say the media is horribly biased and wrong [. . .] then cite other clips to support your argument [. . .] from the same sources you just discredited?" Journalists distort facts then admit they distort facts. That is why one cites discredited media, for people (like Ennis) who do not accept facts. Ennis says, "Ziegler singles out Obama [. . .] as a first-term senator without any major legislative accomplishments, then does not hold Palin to the same standard[. . .]." That was not the argument. Obama had no executive or decision-making experience. It shows as he stumbles his way through the economic crisis. Sarah Palin has executive experience leading the largest state in the union and as a Mayor. Obama is speaker without substance or consistency. This shows as he promotes himself on media instead of solving the problems he was elected to solve.


John Wellington Ennis
Filmmaker, Activist, Some Dude
Posted March 27, 2009 | 04:31 PM (EST)
REVIEW: Sarah Palin's Makeover in Media Malpractice
Huffington Post

REVIEW: Sarah Palin's Makeover in <em>Media Malpractice</em>

Ennis says, Ziegler's documentary "alleges the media's broad infatuation with Obama." The film provides evidence, which Ennis can't see. Ennis adds, "no authorities [are] interviewed on media bias." Experts give their opinions usually refuted by other experts. Is Ennis unable to use logic? Ennis demands proof of a conspiracy. Editors and anchors use media access to broadcast propaganda not facts. Ziegler agrees with Ann Coulter in "Guilty," and Bernard Goldberg in "Slobbering Love Affair." They cite facts which Ennis cannot see. Ennis asks, "How can you say the media is horribly biased and wrong [. . .] then cite other clips to support your argument [. . .] from the same sources you just discredited?" Journalists distort facts then admit they distort facts. That is why one cites discredited media, for people (like Ennis) who do not accept facts. Ennis says, "Ziegler singles out Obama [. . .] as a first-term senator without any major legislative accomplishments, then does not hold Palin to the same standard[. . .]." That was not the argument. Obama had no executive or decision-making experience. It shows as he stumbles his way through the economic crisis. Sarah Palin has executive experience leading the largest state in the union and as a Mayor. Obama is speaker without substance or consistency. This shows as he promotes himself on media instead of solving the problems he was elected to solve.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

March 27, 2009

Harvard Campus Police Allegedly Misuse Credit Cards

HUPD Investigated for Alleged Misuse of Gas, Vehicles
Published On Friday, March 27, 2009 2:08 PM
Harvard Crimson Staff Writer
It's the Morality Stupid!

"In short, this generation of political and financial elites has proven itself unfit to govern a great nation. What we have is a system failure that is rooted in a societal failure. Behind our disaster lie the greed, stupidity and incompetence of the leadership of a generation.
Does Dr. Obama have the cure for the sickness that ails the republic?"


Systemic Failure
by Patrick J. Buchanan
Human Events
March 20, 2009
NY Post published a picture of a man with a disability who works at Walmart and has a 250 bowling average. He challenged Obama to bowl with him. What this shows is how some alleged victims of discrimination do not include persons with disabilities in their categories of protected individuals who cannot be criticized. One aspect of this not addressed is that except for the NY Post bowler only officials of the Special Olympics are quoted or parents of children with disabilities. Only persons with disabilities are prevented from speaking about how they feel about being marginalized. Psychiatrists speak for those accused of mental illness. This is accepted by journalists and politicians alike. It shows how myopic (or bigoted) most people are.


Friday, Mar 20, 2009
President Obama's Very Special Gaffe on Leno
Special Privileges for Wealthy and Politically Connected?

The NAACP demonstrates its influence. When will affirmative action promoters include persons with disabilities who are 70 percent unemployed or under employed? Persons who have ever been accused of mental illness are 85 percent unemployed or underemployed? State and US discrimination laws make no distinction between kinds of unlawful discrimination in employment. Why do journalists, corporations and government agencies? Does having politically connected and wealthy advocates determine which laws are enforced? That would mean that wealthy and politically connected groups are getting special privileges while vulnerable persons do not, just like the courts.


Wednesday, Mar 25
NAACP Sends A Warning Shot Across The Bow Of Big Name Advertisers
Spy Agency

March 26, 2009

State of the City (Cambridge MA) Address 2009

Mayor Denise Simmons' delivers state of the city address
Thu Mar 26, 2009, 12:55 PM EDT
Cambridge Chronicle

- The full text of Mayor Denise Simmons' state of the city address, delivered Wednesday night:

Good evening! Thank you all for coming to City Hall for tonight’s State of the City address. One year ago, I stood before you and delivered my inaugural address as the new legislative leader of Cambridge. On that night, I told you about how proud I’ve been to live my entire life in Cambridge, a city that has cultivated a reputation as a national hub of education, tolerance, and inclusion. I pointed to the greatness of living in a city where a person is judged upon their merits, and not upon aesthetics like one’s skin color, one’s gender, or one’s orientation. There was a time when being an openly-lesbian person of color would have precluded one from winning elective office, or from even running for elective office; indeed, there are still many areas in the country where this is true. As my own story proves, though, Cambridge is not one of those places, and we are proud to serve as a beacon of enlightenment and illumination to our countrymen. Since the night of that inaugural address, we have had an eventful year; we all watched excitedly as the presidential season unfolded, we struggled with the worsening economy, we debated about the different paths that our City might take moving forward, and we welcomed a new colleague to the City Council. Every day has brought with it new challenges and opportunities for our city, and I have felt so privileged to serve as your Mayor throughout it all. As we stand at the mid-point of my administration, the hard work and challenges are only just beginning.

Before going any further, I would like to acknowledge two changes in the City Council: with our friend and colleague, Brian Murphy, having left for a new role with the Commonwealth, we welcome our new friend and colleague, Councilor Larry Ward. I am also very pleased that Councilor Seidel has taken on the role of Vice Mayor – thank you, Councilor Seidel. And in addition to thanking the rest of my colleagues on the City Council for their presence this evening, there are also several local officials I’d like to recognize:

Tonight, I wish to touch upon some of what we have accomplished over the past twelve months, and on what we hope to accomplish in the year ahead. We shall be facing many challenges in 2009, a year that has already been marred by one of the greatest recessions in decades. While there are no easy answers on how to best survive this downturn, we can take comfort in knowing that Cambridge has many strengths to draw upon. We remain an international hub of the biotech sector; we are home to two of the most renowned educational institutions in the world; we have excellent stewards guiding our city’s finances. And perhaps most important, we are a community full of resilient people. I have every confidence that we shall weather this storm. But in order to do so, we are going to need to pull together as a community, to lean on each other, and to be charitable towards one another.


A sense of stability and prosperity will ultimately return – but until that time, we have our work cut out for us. The ripple effects of the downturn impact everyone, to one extent or another, and these trying times may demand some difficult decisions from us all. The municipal government, the schools, the local businesses, and the households of Cambridge are all going to have to do some strategic belt-tightening in the months ahead. We’re all going to have to get creative in finding ways to pair down our budgets. For households, it may mean more carpooling, being vigilant about spending only on the bare necessities, or keeping the air conditioners off this summer. For businesses, it may mean freezing wages, cutting bonuses and overtime, and scaling back hours of operation. And for City Hall, it has meant taking measures like shutting down all of the City’s computers at the end of each work day, which can save upwards of $350,000 in electricity cost per year. It has also meant rolling back on the size and scope – if not the spirit – of various celebrations such as Italian Heritage Month, the Senior Picnics, and St. Patrick’s Day. My office has also scaled back the amount we spend on the various receptions we host, and these moves alone have collectively saved us tens of thousands of dollars. My office shall continue seeking areas where we can lower our costs, recognizing that if we are to preach fiscal discipline to our constituents, we must practice it ourselves, as well.


For all the economic turbulence, Cambridge remains in healthy fiscal shape – especially when compared to other cities across the state and the nation. In 2008, Cambridge was one of only twenty cities in the country to earn a prestigious “Triple A” rating by the nation's three major credit rating agencies. This is because our excellent financial stewards continued to engage in sound fiscal practices and the prudent use of our funds. In a time when many cities and towns in Massachusetts are struggling with administrative cuts and disruptions of service, and they have been forced to lay off police officers and firefighters, Cambridge has been able to preserve our current level of essential services.

However, we do face some harsh realities. Just last month, Governor Patrick reduced our financial aid by $2.6 million; while this is only ten percent less than we had expected from the State, and while this is only a fraction of our $434 million dollar budget, the impact is real. Scores of City vacancies must now remain unfilled for the time being, and we expect a further reduction – of approximately $6.6 million – from the Commonwealth for Fiscal Year 2010. That loss is going to have to be absorbed somewhere, and our financial team is working hard to soften the blow. The City Manager also reports the following:

During the last 12 months, Cambridge saw an increase in the amount of revenue raised through property taxes, and an increase in our free cash. Our actual revenues for the City exceeded our projections, and we also saw increased total assessed values. Along with our Triple A credit rating, these strong financial indicators provide the City with enormous fiscal flexibility and stability.

These factors are important as we navigate through the difficult economic times. We are going to need to continue expanding non-property tax revenue. We need to encourage expansion of the tax base, to exercise restraint on expenditures, and to use our reserve funds wisely. We are not insulated from current economic realities, but we have positioned ourselves well to respond to these challenges.

When we prepare the FY10 Budget process, the following issues must be recognized and factored into our calculations:

1. The depth and scope of the current economic downturn suggests that we may not see a significant improvement until calendar year 2010. It also appears that the economy will get worse before we are able to turn the corner.

2. Unemployment rates, which continue to increase, will invariably impact the revenue and cash flow generated by our property owners, residents, and those who would pump money into the local economy.

3. Two of our major employers & taxpayers, Harvard and MIT, are projecting budget and construction cut-backs, which shall continue to have ripple effects on our economy.

4. We expect a further reduction in State aid next year – likely $4 – $8 million below what we received this year. We shall also see a reduction of revenue from the hotel/motel tax, excise tax, building permit fees, and water & sewer service fees.

5. It is unlikely that we will be able to replenish the entire $17 million used in Free Cash in FY09, as we were able to do in previous fiscal years, due to the economic downturn.

Based on the above dynamics, we cannot assume that we can develop a FY10 Budget that can absorb state aid reductions, flat non-property tax growth, operating and debt cost increases without SOME offsetting operating, capital, and position reductions.


I speak for the entire City when I thank Mr. Healy, Louie DePasquale, David Kale, and the entire Financial Team for expertly guiding Cambridge through this economic downturn. Their diligence and expertise has ensured that we can continue the flow of government services, in spite of the inhospitable financial climate.

As difficult as it is for the City government to navigate these choppy waters, it is perhaps even more so for the individual families and residents. President Truman once said, “It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression when you lose your own.” And my office has been seeing too many people experiencing that depression. We are regularly visited by people on the cusp of unemployment, or who are already unemployed. You can see the stress and the strain in their eyes, as these folks wonder how they’re going to feed their children, how they’re going to afford their medications, and how they’re going to afford their rent. More often than not, we will refer these people to our Office of Workforce Development. With services such as the Cambridge Employment Program, the dedicated staff at the OWD seeks to match over 350 active job seekers with local businesses every year. As you can imagine, the number of job seekers has increased in 2008, and this task has become significantly more daunting in light of the hiring freezes and layoffs in many companies.


One of the critical goals before us is to help thaw that hiring freeze – and to identify where the jobs of tomorrow are going to come from. That is the reason why, last year, I pushed for the launch the Green Jobs Task Force. “Green collar” jobs are defined as “family supporting, middle-skill jobs that contribute significantly to preserving or enhancing environmental quality,” and they can be integrated into already existing industries. We have seen studies suggesting that the Green Economy is a $341 billion dollar industry which shall create 5.3 million jobs nationwide, and we are working to ensure that many of those new jobs are created here. Our task force contains a cross section of city employees, environmental experts, business leaders, and interested citizens, and it is charged with developing a policy that will link training and employment to emerging jobs in the green economy.

Since we want to ensure that no one is left out of the jobs created in this field, I have also helped launch the Urban Mass Green Alliance. The Alliance is dedicated to educating minority communities about the benefits of the green economy, and to helping minorities get in on the ground floor of the new career paths being created. Minority communities were largely left out of the internet boom of the early 1990’s, leading to a digital gap, and the effects are palpable in our city’s classrooms today. When the next train of economic prosperity is leaving the station, we want to see everybody on board!


So far this evening, we have discussed some of the harsh economic realities that we face. We have recognized that we are all under enormous stress and financial strain. And we appreciate that all the pressures of the daily grind are going to be taking their toll on everyone’s nerves. While a municipal government does not have the power to wipe all these factors away, I firmly believe that we should bend over backwards to avoid unnecessarily contributing to all the stress. Those of us who work for the City can sometimes forget that seeking assistance or answers from one’s local government can feel intimidating in the best of the times. During times of economic distress, however, it can feel downright overwhelming.

This is why it is absolutely essential that City officials and employees renew our commitment to providing excellent service to our constituents. I have reiterated to my staff that we must work extra hard to treat everyone with courtesy and respect. We should always be mindful of the pressures and burdens that may be afflicting our constituents, and then we must avoid adding to those burdens. Ultimately, we must never lose sight of the fact that we are public servants. I sincerely hope that this message resonates loud and clear across the City.

Of course, there are some people in our City for whom excellent service is already second nature. These are people who are empathetic to a fault, they perform their jobs with unwavering efficiency, and they are quick to lend a hand or offer a smile. These people think nothing of going above and beyond the call of duty, and while they do not ask for our recognition – they unquestionably deserve it. That is why I have established the Mayor’s Luminary Awards Program. Those who are selected are people who manage to brighten the lives of others, and whose kindheartedness warms our community. We have chosen to honor people who work for the City, as well as those who reside here. As you will learn, all of these folks regularly manage to go that extra step. We have most of the awardees for the first quarter of 2009 in attendance tonight, and I would like to take a moment to briefly recognize each of these extraordinary people:

Our January City Luminary is Stacia Joyce from the Emergency Management Department. She was one of the first people on the scene of the Prince Street Fire in December. There was a cold wet rain that night, but at 3:30 am, Stacia was already on the scene. She instinctively started doing triage, collecting the names of all the victims, finding out what their immediate needs were, and then coordinating with the different City agencies to make certain everyone had the information they needed to start the humanitarian efforts. By 7 that morning, when most people would be going home to get some rest, she was just getting started, making sure no one fell through the cracks, and she truly was a guardian angel for all the families that day.

Our February City Luminary is the ENTIRE Public Works Department. I wanted to single out several people from the DPW for their wonderful dedication, efficiency, and friendliness – until I realized that there were simply TOO MANY people that fit that description. Department Head Lisa Peterson is here to accept the award on behalf of the department, and ALL Public Works employees deserve our praise for keeping City Hall tidy, cleaning our streets and our various messes, setting up and breaking down our celebrations, decorating our festivals, and tirelessly helping to make every event possible. And this is without mentioning their Herculean task of keeping our streets and sidewalks passable during the snowy winter months. Those who do not work for the City will sadly never fully appreciate all the important roles the DPW workers fill, nor will they appreciate the truly fantastic personalities within the department. Needless to say, we are all in your debt.

Our March City Luminary is Duane Brown, Affirmative Action Officer for the HR Department – Duane has long been a sunny, friendly, and knowledgeable presence in City Hall. He has patiently shepherded countless job-seekers through the frustrating process of applications, interviews, anticipation, and acceptance. Duane approaches his roll by serving as a tireless cheerleader, patient life coach, friendly advisor, and well-informed appraiser. In a position that some may assume with cool detachment to guard against burning out, Duane has always put one hundred percent of himself into the job. He always tells it like he sees it, goes out of his way to assist his colleagues, and makes everyone feel like a valued friend. All that, and he’s got a megawatt smile that could give President Obama a run for his money.

Our January Luminary Citizens are Adam Travis & Akshata Kadagathur – These Harvard undergrads, both products of the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, have long volunteered at the student-run Harvard Square Homeless Shelter. There, they met shelter resident Maximilien Yelbi. Mr. Yelbi moved here from France four years ago to attend a prep school in Fitchburg. He had no place to stay, so he bounced from one homeless shelter to another while balancing a full course load and working three jobs to pay his school tuition. He ended up at the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter, dreaming of attending a four year college. Adam and Akshata quickly became his support system, assisting him with researching schools, completing financial aid forms, and purchasing a suit for his interviews. The partnership between Mr. Yelbi, Adam, and Akshata paid off when he received a full academic scholarship from Hamilton College, which included the costs of room and board. Adam and Akshata could not be here with us tonight, but I wanted to share their amazing story with you.

Our February Luminary Citizen is Ardeene Goodrich – Ardeene is currently the Area 4 Coalition Coordinator, but the truth is, she has ALWAYS been working to improve her community as a tireless community organizer. Ardeene’s life is all about bringing neighbors together, always finding new ways to make the city a warmer place for all. She has spent time as a Youth Advocate, a Peace Commissioner, and a crusader against gun violence. Ardeene has helped organize neighborhood meetings to make certain that people have the most current information on how to stay safe, and she has worked to connect children and families to the city resources they might otherwise not know about. Due to her natural warmth and ability to instantly put people at ease, this exceptional woman brings to mind that old phrase: “She never meets a stranger.” Additionally, a more interesting and versatile conversationalist you will not find. Cambridge is extraordinarily lucky to have her!

Finally, our March Luminary Citizens are Robert Bridgeman & His Staff – Robert is a Director of Programs at Harvard University’s Phillips Brooks House Association, and he and his staff have been key players in helping us launch the Boys to Men Program and the Mayor’s Girls Leadership Program. Planning and executing such programs are often a complicated process of locating resources, working up budgets, drumming up enthusiasm, and devoting long hours of hard work – but Robert and his staff were just SO amiable and enjoyable to collaborate with. Robert won us the use of the Phillips Brooks House for the Boys to Men program, and helped recruit Harvard Undergrad students to work on both the boys’ and the girls’ groups. This sort of activity comes naturally to Robert, though, as he has spent his entire adult life working with Cambridge youth as a mentor, an advisor, and an inspiration. Thank you, once again, to Robert, his staff, and to all of our Luminary Awardees!


Our Luminary Awardees exemplify one of the principals that has guided me throughout my life: the fact that each and every one of us has a duty to be engaged in the world around us. Many people find it easy to grumble and complain about their community, but not enough people are prepared to roll up their sleeves and pitch in to make it better. Now, that’s just a quality that was instilled in me when I was growing up, and since winning a seat on the City Council several years ago, I have been looking for ways to pull more and more people into the process. Whether it’s through volunteering, or joining City boards and committees, or attending City Council meetings – everyone has an obligation to get involved in their community!

As Mayor, I have looked for ways to make it easier for residents to get involved, to get people excited about being involved. One way of accomplishing this goal has been through inviting people to join the Mayor’s Senior Advisory Committee and the GLBT Commission. Both of these groups have been invaluable in giving voice to the issues and concerns that are raised within these communities, and in working with me to find constructive solutions. I know some of the members of these committees are with us tonight, so I do wish to thank them all for giving back to their City.

Another, broader way to get increase civic engagement has been through holding Town Meetings that focus upon a specific theme and are open to the public at large. Last year’s GLBT Town Meeting, for example, was held right here in the Sullivan Chamber, and the room was filled energized participants. That night, City Councilors and other officials were able to mix, mingle, and hear directly from their GLBT constituents about what aspects of the City are responsive to their needs, and what areas have room for improvement. The meeting highlighted the fact that we greatly value and encourage the participation of all our constituents, and that their continued participation can only improve our community. Weeks later, we held a more somber Town Meeting that focused upon the rise of homophobia in the local Haitian community. We have reason to believe that this intolerance contributed to the death of a young man, and this meeting created an opportunity to bring people together; it also created an opportunity to explore the roots of where this homophobia might be coming from, and to figure out how to stamp it out. For many in the local Haitian community, the healing process truly began that night, and while the circumstances that led to this meeting were tragic, we received so much positive feedback from people who said it gave them a good outlet to channel their grief, and a way to plug in to the greater community around them.

Raising awareness about community concerns has also been a key component of my ongoing meetings with the local spiritual leaders of Cambridge. These monthly “Clergy Breakfasts” are always open to representatives from the City’s many churches, mosques, and temples, and the focus is upon how they can work best with the municipal government in the offering of various social services. Whether Cambridge residents are suffering from homelessness, joblessness, addiction to drugs and alcohol, mental illness, or simply a sense of being overwhelmed by their lives, they will often ultimately make their way to MY office, or to the front door of a house of worship. We can offer them our sympathies and our solace, but ultimately our job is to figure out where to direct these people for some real assistance. Thus, we’ll often invite representatives from Just-A-Start, CASPAR, Transition House, the Guidance Center, and the Multi-Service Center – all places that are filled with dedicated, knowledgeable, caring professionals – to explain who they are, what they do, and how we can all coordinate our efforts to best assist people. The response to these meetings has been fantastic, and I think we have all benefitted from the chance to share information with each other.

Civic engagement, information sharing, and social services have also intersected in the realm of our City that is overseen by our outstanding police department. Commissioner Haas has done an excellent job of reaching out to the community, working to engage the different neighborhoods in the process, and establishing strong relationships with residents to help deter criminal activity. The police have also been generous with attending neighborhood meetings to debrief folks on ways to increase their safety. This was the case last summer, when there was a wave of violence in Area 4. Commissioner Haas and several of his deputies attended a meeting organized by the Area 4 residents, to answer their questions, calm their fears, and dispense some useful information. This marked a turning point in the amount of criminal activity in the area, and the professionalism and accessibility displayed by our police department deserves recognition. I include the excellent work of the Auxiliary Police Force in this praise, and I was so pleased to host the Auxiliary Police Dinner in their honor last year.


Hosting the Town Meetings and the Clergy Meetings have been excellent ways of bringing the community together, and I look forward to building upon our past successes over the coming year. Another area where we have increased community participation has been in the search for a new Superintendent of Schools. The School Committee and I have taken pains to make this an open process, and we have worked to ensure that a wide variety of voices and viewpoints are considered. We have brought in a professional search firm to help us locate the most qualified pool of candidates, and they have held informational sessions with the School Committee, teachers, central office administrators, and different community groups. Additionally, an on-line survey was created to gather input from those who did not make it out to the informational sessions, so this truly has been a collaborative effort between us all.

This process has also presented us with a fantastic opportunity to inject some fresh energy and ideas into our schools. Whomever we end up hiring is going to be taking us into a brand new era – and the new Superintendent is going to have to take into account all the new technologies, the shifting economy, and the more advanced skills that our kids will need as a solid foundation for future success. There are sure to be a great deal of challenges for the incoming Superintendent, but I am fully confident that we will pick the right person for the job.

Concurrent to this search, the School Committee and the Interim Superintendent have been hard at work to ensure that our schools remain competitive. To this end, we recently updated our goals for the 2008-2009 school year. These goals include the need to:

• Accelerate achievement for ALL students.

• Ensure that students demonstrate skills in critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving, global awareness, and communication.

• Ensure that we establish and implement a system for longitudinal assessment of student growth over time.

• Utilize strategic planning process and documents to guide our decision making for the next three-to-five year period.

• Ensure a safe, nurturing, and healthy school environment for all.

In addition, we remain committed to eliminating the gap in academic performance between sub-groups of students; we support the Interim Superintendent’s efforts to balance the budget with limited staff reductions – an amazing feat in light of the multi-million dollar deficit; and we are keeping a watchful eye over the CRLS renovation project, which is due to be completed by this Fall. Taken together, all of these points demonstrate our City’s commitment to educational excellence, and in making certain that the kids coming out of Cambridge public schools are placed on a path towards achievement and success.

At this time, I would like to ask the members of the Mayor’s Girls Leadership Group who are present to please rise.

As an official AND as a parent, I know that we can never have too many programs that invest in our children. And that’s why one of my proudest accomplishments from this past year has been the launch of the Mayor’s Girls Leadership Group, which is designed to expose our 8th grade girls to strong, successful women who will give them some insights into what they’ll need to really thrive as they become young adults. The program is held each month at City Hall, and it gives 35 girls an opportunity to participate in lively discussions with strong, successful female leaders from the business, non-profit, and political worlds. The women discuss what they were like as 8th graders, and how their hard work, good study habits, and commanding social skills opened up a world of opportunity and success for them later in life. This gives our members a glimpse of what they, too, can achieve if they work hard now and they continue to make the right decisions. In addition to the Girls Group, we have also co-sponsored a Fall & Spring “Boys to Men” program with Phillips Brooks House for 8th Grade boys at Harvard University, again focusing on academics and social skills. I would now ask that we all please give a hand to the young ladies of the Girls Leadership Group who are here tonight, and we recognize all their hard work.

The Girls Leadership Program is something that I have been interested in launching for years, so I am very pleased that it has been so successful. I am equally pleased that another project I have long been working on has made significant progress in the past year. I am referring to the movement to erect a proper memorial to civil rights pioneer Prince Hall. During the Revolutionary War era, Prince Hall was responsible for establishing the first school for African-Americans, he petitioned to allow African-Americans to fight for the country’s independence, and he advocated for the freedom and equality of all men. For whatever reason, he has largely been standing in the shadows of history – but we’re not going to let him stay there. In the past year, we have identified an appropriate spot for a monument on the Cambridge Common, we have selected an artist to create a befitting memorial, and we have broken ground. By the time I leave the Mayor’s Office, Cambridge will have a standing memorial to this trail blazer of civil rights, further cementing our City’s reputation as a bastion of liberty and inclusiveness.

By the time I leave the Mayor’s Office, I also hope I can say that our people are living healthier, happier lives. Physical and mental well-being are too often overlooked and lost in the shuffle, and that is why I have recently launched the Mayor’s Wellness Initiative. This initiative is my answer to those who mistakenly believe that you need to be wealthy and have the luxury of free time in order to take good care of yourself. You don’t need great wealth or unlimited time – you just need some creativity and determination. The great challenge behind this initiative was for community members to harness that creativity to design their own wellness programs that would incorporate physical activity, healthy eating, and mental health into their everyday routines. We received so many innovative and fun sounding proposals, and we ended up selecting twelve programs that my office then provided modest seed money for. I have been so impressed by the people of Cambridge banding together and getting serious about their personal maintenance, which is probably even more important in light of the stress and strain we’re all facing.


As I was preparing my remarks for this evening, I realized that there is something ELSE that has impressed me about Cambridge, and this harkens back to the Girls Leadership Group – there is an abundance of strong, intelligent, inspiring women among us! From Representative (and former Mayor) Alice Wolf and Ambassador Swanee Hunt, to everyday heroes like Ms. Goodrich and Ms. Joyce, to my dedicated and phenomenal educational advisors in the Mayor’s Office, Lenora Jennings and Bridget Rodriguez, there are just so many formidable female role models in Cambridge!

I mention this because March is Women’s History Month, and our country is becoming increasingly used to seeing strong women in prominent roles. It was not that long ago when “a woman’s place was in the kitchen,” and the United States was mostly governed by wealthy white men. Those men may have had good hearts, and they may have been empathetic souls, but there is no way they could have completely grasped the American Experience from the unique perspective of a woman. And it should come as no surprise that Cambridge was one of the earlier communities to understand this. We picked our first female mayor nearly forty years ago, and we have always had strong, intelligent women actively participating in our City.

This month, Cambridge celebrated Women’s History Month with a number of different events. For example, the Cambridge Women’s Heritage Project commemorated the 1971 takeover of a Harvard-owned building by women who would go on to found the Cambridge Women’s Center. A documentary about the takeover was viewed at the celebration, and a marker from the Historical Commission was unveiled at the takeover site. My staff and I held a reception in the Mayor’s Parlor to honor the work of the Women’s Commission, and to commemorate the Report on the Status of Women and Girls in Cambridge. We also held “A Look at Women in Cambridge Now,” the Women’s Data Workshop Preliminary Findings and Recommendations, which shall be used to help shape policy in Cambridge. There were several other events this month that reflected upon and celebrated the many strong women who shaped our city, and who paved the way for all of us – myself included.


Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you all for joining us this evening. As I look back upon my first year in office, I do so with a mix of pride, gratitude, and determination. There has been a wealth of experiences that I could not have imagined when I first entered elected office. Even down to the events that have taken place just inside the Mayor’s Parlor – in the past twelve months, we have opened the Parlor to visiting dignitaries from other countries and from our Sister Cities, and to those who just wanted to watch the swearing in of the new president. In that parlor, we have hosted receptions for community partners who run womens’ shelters, and for those who have literally risked their lives for their neighbors. And in that parlor, I have been visited by countless members of the community. I have laughed with you during moments of joy, and I have commiserated with you during moments of pain. And whether it has been in the Mayor’s Parlor, or meeting in my office, or walking through Central Square, I have worked with you all to figure out how your city government can be more responsive to your needs. This is the type of work I cherish, and I have great expectations for what we can accomplish – together – in the year ahead.

To conclude tonight’s address, I would like to introduce Derek Zinky, who shall play Bach Prelude and Fuge for us. Thank you all, and good night.
Emanuel Profits from Stint at Freddie Mac

"Emanuel's primary contribution was explaining to others on the board how to play the levers of power.",0,5682373.story

Rahm Emanuel's profitable stint at mortgage giant
Short Freddie Mac stay made him at least $320,000
By Bob Secter and Andrew Zajac
Chicago Tribune reporters
3:18 PM CDT, March 26, 2009
The Trivial Governor

Whatever is inconvenient to the Harvard corporate lawyer Governor is
trivial. (DAVID S. BERNSTEIN, "Tone deaf," Boston Phoenix, March 25,
2009) His tenure on the boards of major corporations provided his
perspective of millions of dollars as trivial, while providing no
management experience. He pretends to have a reason for his actions
and lack of actions by discrediting his critics. Personal attacks pass
for public discourse e.g., "Some people think they are smart, but
they're just cynics."

If there were an opposition party to the Conformists who run the state
there would be some oversight on this inept Governor. But the elected
Democrats are reluctant to attack their straw man. They keep the power
and let him ride around in his Cadillac and appoint his campaign
contributors to six figure sinecures.

Talking Politics
Tone deaf
Can Gov. Deval hear the thunder of jeers?
Boston Phoenix
March 25, 2009

March 25, 2009

Cambridge and DC Politicians are High Level Hypocrites

Focusing on over-paid employees, the City Council should scrutinize itself each earning about $100,000 including a $35,000/year research assistant. The City has two city managers who earn over $200,000 each. Then there are the assistant city managers all of whom make over $100,000/year. Then there are the dozens of employees who do little more than push paper they send on to state agencies. The City should pass an order hiring the low paid workers (are any of them illegal aliens welcomed by the city's sanctuary city policy?) and give up their sinecures. That might satisfy taxpayers more than bashing Harvard. The City Council diverts attention from their own abuses as the Obama tax cheats blame AIG for the bonus laws they voted for and signed. Both groups of politicians are high level hypocrites and all should be replaced. Obama got a $100,000 bonus from AIG and Chris Dodd got a $300,000 bonus from AIG and his wife is on the Board of an AIG subsidiary. How much money did these city councilors get in Campaign contributions from Harvard administrators?

City Council Calls on Harvard To Keep Low-Wage Workers
Published On Wednesday, March 25, 2009 1:21 AM
Harvard Crimson Staff Writers
Major Newspaper Recognizes Cambridge Leaders

Recognizing that there is no recession in hiring for government employees, this columnist focuses on two of Cambridge's finest politicians who no longer need to worry about a failing corporation for their income. Taxpayers have an unlimited supply of money.


In hack musical chairs, no pol gets eliminated
By Howie Carr
Boston Herald
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
UK Uses Spy Planes with Thermal Imaging to Snoop On Energy Abuse


Council uses spy plane with thermal imaging camera to snoop on homes wasting energy
By Andrew Levy
Daily Mail (UK) online
Last updated at 2:40 AM on 24th March 2009
Comedians Ignore Obama

"For those who pay close attention to the news of late it is clear there is an enormous, almost daily crop of low-hanging fruit just ripe for sketch comedy’s harvest. It is not uncommon to watch or read the news of the day and think “this should be on ‘Saturday Night Live’ this weekend.” It seems like a missed opportunity if not painfully dishonest to watch comedy programming and note their inability or unwillingness to score obvious laughs with the country’s most obvious subject - the President of the United States."
[. . .]
"First Lady Michelle Obama recently confessed to ABC’s Robin Roberts that their weekly Wednesday night cocktail parties in the White House get so wild that furniture has been broken. In the interview, she further admitted to repeatedly warning her guests to tone it down. A high school drama club could write this sketch."

Remember When SNL Was Funny? (Obama Ushers in New Era of Comedic Irresponsibility)
by Chris Stigall
Big Hollywood

March 24, 2009

Obama Campaign Intimidated WGN Radio Chicago

Pardon the Obama Media Hypocrisy!
by Brian Jennings
March 24, 2009
SCOTUS May Ban Film as Political Speech

The case is Citizens United v. FEC, 08-205.

"Hillary: The Movie":

Federal Election Commission:

Background on the case:

Court hears arguments over anti-Hillary movie
Mar 24 12:44 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

March 23, 2009

US Agency Buys Cheaper Chinese Condoms

Stimulus? U.S. to buy Chinese condoms, ending Alabama jobs
Mike McGraw
Kansas City Star
March 23, 2009
Schenectady NY Mayor Considers Martial Law


Monday, March 23, 2009

Schenectady mayor considers options, martial law over police woes
Updated: 03/19/2009 06:07 AM
By: Steve Ference
Capital News 9
MIT Police Destroy Newspapers with Story About Police Corruption

Two Police Officers Suspended for Recycling 300 Copies of ‘The Tech’
By John A. Hawkinson
The Tech (MIT)
March 20, 2009
Health Care Workers Battle Super Bugs

Check out the blog at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital (Boston) kept by their President, Paul Levy. He promotes the basics of washing hands between patients. A British study found the germs are also passed after touching a cell phone. In 1890 Louis Pasteur was ridiculed by doctors when he demanded that doctors wash their hands between patients. 130 years later the problem remains.;secondStory

CBS, 60 Minutes Promotes Psychiatry

Mr. Safer believes in psychiatry, which is no more than personal opinion masquerading as science. Mr. Ayers does not sound ill. Is uttering profanity a mental illness too? That is the problem with psychiatry. If a person says or does something that a psychiatrist does not like or does not understand, the psychiatrist declares it a mental illness. Journalists promote this business. Do the drug company advertisements on 60 Minutes have any influence on their perspective? When has 60 Minutes done a feature on discrimination toward persons accused of mental illness? How many persons with disabilities does 60 Minutes or CBS News employ?;FeatureBoxTabs2


How Mr. Ayers And Mr. Lopez Became Friends
Morley Safer Reports On A Unique Urban Fable That Happens To Be True
60 Minutes
CBS News
March 22, 2009

March 20, 2009

End of America

"The AIG bonus firestorm is a diversion from real issues , but it puts the ghastly political classes who make U.S. law on display for what they are: ageing self-serving demagogues who have spent decades warping the U.S. political system for their own ends. We see the system up close, law-making that is riddled with slapdash, incompetence and gamesmanship.

[. . .] the U.S. government has embarked on a fundamental reshaping of America. It is designed, in short, to bring on the end of America."

Terence Corcoran: Is this the end of America?
By Terence Corcoran
Posted: March 19, 2009, 7:38 PM by NP Editor
Financial Post

* * *

Here are some comments appearing beneath the article.

by Ron P
Mar 20 2009
10:35 AM
Two things:
1. The current administration, including the Fed, reminds me of the one that preceded me in an organization I once was hired to fix. I called their philosophy: "The Great Idea School of Management." From their residue I could see that they were bright and young and devoid of basic knowledge in management principles and practices.
2. The Congress and the administration clearly show what gives them their joy and motivation to engage in "public service": "It's fun playing with other people's money."
[. . .]

by NoSocialism4USA
Mar 20 2009
11:43 AM
Wondering why nobody is talking about The US President's update of 1404.10 effective immediately on Jan 23 2009.
Read it yourself @ link below:

Department of Defense
NUMBER 1404.10
23 January 2009
SUBJECT: DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This Directive:
a. Reissues DoD Directive (DoDD) 1404.10 (Reference (a)) under a new title to establish the policy through which an appropriately sized subset of the DoD civilian workforce is preidentified to be organized, trained, and equipped in a manner that facilitates the use of their capabilities for operational requirements. These requirements are typically away from the normal work locations of DoD civilians, or in situations where other civilians may be evacuated to assist military forces where the use of DoD civilians is appropriate. These employees shall be collectively known as the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce. Members of the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce shall be organized, trained, cleared, equipped, and ready to
deploy in support of combat operations by the military; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; restoration of order; drug interdiction; and stability operations of the Department of Defense in accordance with DoDD 3000.05 (Reference (b)).

by Flesh
Mar 20 2009
3:39 PM
Dont worry about the civilian force obama is making. If they get uniforms we will know who to shoot at.


by NoSocialism4USA
Mar 20 2009
4:07 PM
Re: "If they get uniforms we will know who to shoot at. "
Unfortunately, they'll be our children & grandchildren.......that's how they do it you see.....turn our own kids against us, just like Hitler.....
Obama Ridicules Special Olympics

"When asked about the bowling alley in the White House, Obama joked to Leno that his average score of 129 'was like the Special Olympics or something.'"

If the President expresses ridicule and lack of compassion for persons with physical disabilities what does he think about persons accused of mental illness? This shows the myopia of members of other alleged vulnerable groups toward persons with disabilities. This is especially apparent in Cambridge MA where I live. My efforts trying to draw attention to abuses of persons with disabilities is met with tin ears by politicians and journalists, who are persons of color, homosexuals and women.

The most recent example was for the local newspaper to censor my comments criticizing the Mayor. In the name of tolerance this city's leaders (the host city to Harvard and MIT) are intolerant of dissent.

President Obama's 'Special Olympics' Joke Lands Him In Hot Water
Obama apologizes for remark made on 'The Tonight Show With Jay Leno.'
March 20 2009
By Jocelyn Vena

* * *

Obama apologizes for remark
March 19, 2009
11:05 PM EDT Updated: 3/20/09 9:48 AM EDT

* * *

Special Olympics bowler: I can beat the president!
Mar 20 12:59 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

* * *

Obama Apologizes to the Right People
by Julia Gorin
Big Hollywood
March 20, 2009

* * *

Maria Shriver: Obama Special Olympics 'joke' hurts
Mar 20 02:10 PM US/Eastern

* * *

Sarah Palin Comments

The Campaign Spot
Jim Geraghty
National Review online
March 20, 2009

March 19, 2009

National Spontaneous Taxpayer Protest.

March 18, 2009


Obama In St Patrick's Day Teleprompt Blunder
Sky News
12:26pm UK, Wednesday March 18, 2009
A teleprompt blunder has led to Barack Obama thanking himself in a speech at the White House in a St Patrick's Day celebration.
AIG Bonuses in Perspective; Obama's AIG Bonus; Geithner's Role Creating the Throwing Money Policy

This comment on the Heritage Foundation blog expresses my sentiments.

ARGH: The AIG Fiasco Gets Worse
James Gattuso
The Foundry
March 18, 2009

Jerome Zacny writes:
March 18, 2009
Mr. Geithner doesn’t know how the AIG bonus package got into the
bailout plan he crafted. Mr. Dodd doesn’t know how his amendment to
the bailout, restricting bonuses to executives, became “gutted” to
exempt bonus payments to AIG executives from those restrictions. Mr.
Obama doesn’t know how all of this happened and is now “outraged”. At
least that’s what his teleprompter said. These people are either the
biggest liars in government, or they are the most inept, lazy and
irresponsible people to ever work in Washington.

I tend to believe the latter. Trying to determine the biggest liar in
government is like trying to determine the largest grain of sand on
the beach. The safer bet is that no one actually read the compilation
of provisions that were crammed into the bailout legislation. Mr.
Obama turned the whole enterprise over to Mr. Geithner and the
Legislature. The Legislators put their ideas on paper and turned those
papers over to their staffers, who completed the bill and sent it to
the President. Mr. Obama promptly signed the bill into law. Now, those
who are responsible claim to have no idea how these bonus payments
ever found their way into the provisions of the bailout.

Nobody, not the President, not Ms. Pelosi, not Mr. Geithner, not Mr.
Dodd or his boss Harry Reid bothered to read the final version of the
bailout legislation before putting it into law. Everyone involved
trusted others to do their jobs for them. Now, when the fecal matter
hits the fan, they are all “outraged”.

This isn’t the only piece of important legislation that went unread
before being signed into law. The “stimulus” legislation was well over
a thousand pages long. It would be safe to say that no one read the
entire draft of this legislation, other than the typist who produced
it, before it was signed into law. There will be no shortage of
“outraged” legislators, no doubt including Mr. Obama himself, when we
all discover later exactly what was put into law. We may discover that
we have negated the Constitution, ceded the Southwest U.S. back to
Spain, the Southeast U.S. back to France, Alaska back to Russia and
the rest of the Country back to England. Who would know, no one read
those thousand pages before passing the legislation and signing it
into law. Perhaps that’s what Mr. Obama meant when he said the
legislation “wasn’t perfect”.

This kind of irresponsibility would not be tolerated in any other
environment. Can you imagine standing before a judge trying to explain
how you, an ostensibly rational adult, should not be held accountable
to the terms of an agreement or contract that you signed, based on the
argument that you didn’t read it?

This administration likes to talk a lot about accountability.
Teachers, doctors, bankers, stock brokers, insurance companies all
should be held accountable. But what about U.S. Representatives,
Senators, the President and their minions? Should they not be held
accountable? How can the American public have any confidence at all in
“representatives” who don’t read the legislation for which they vote?
Why should the American public have any confidence in a President that
signs into law legislation that he has not read?

* * *
“Treasury Secretary Geithner is disingenuous at best and untruthful at
worst when he says that he ‘inherited the worst fiscal situation in
American history.’
The truth is that Secretary Geithner didn't inherit the policy of
throwing billions of taxpayer dollars at failing companies - he helped
create it.

Even before he was Treasury Secretary - when he was still head of the
New York Federal Reserve - Geithner was so deeply involved in the
government's bail out of Bear Stearns, its take over of Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac, and its bailout of AIG that this was the Washington
Post's headline from September 19, 2008:

"In the Crucible of Crisis, Paulson, Bernanke and Geithner Forge a
Committee of Three".

The first meeting of the first bailout - of Bear Stearns - was held in
Geithner's office. And the first meeting of what has become a $170
billion bailout of AIG was held - where else? In Geithner's New York
Fed office.

March 18, 2009 Vol. 4, No. 11
Bankruptcy, Not Bailout
Human Events
by Newt Gingrich

* * *

Obama Received a $101,332 Bonus from AIG
March 17, 3:01 PM · 582 comments
Dan Spencer
Right Side Politics Examiner

March 16, 2009

Obama Fingers

The company says it was unaware of the possible racist overtones of the product.,1518,612684,00.html

Speigel Online
Tender, Juicy Obama Fingers Hit the Shelves
By Charles Hawley

March 14, 2009

Obama and Lincoln

This is Abraham Lincoln's quote:

"You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. You cannot legislate the poor into
freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.

What one person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving. The Government cannot give to anybody anything that the
Government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get
the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take
care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to
work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is surely
the end of any nation's future."

Abraham Lincoln

And Obama thinks he's like Lincoln ... Incredible.

…And wasn't it Margaret Thatcher that once said “The trouble with
socialism is that you eventually run out of somebody else's money.” (?)
Intolerance in the Name of Tolerance

Cantabrigians counter anti-gay church protest
By Jillian Fennimore/
Cambridge Chronicle staff
Fri Mar 13, 2009, 02:30 PM EDT

Great civics lesson here. The Mayor of all the people said "we are all here to stand up against ignorance and evil. . . so we can show them what . . . tolerance looks like." Let's see, the paradigm in Cambridge is - "If someone disagrees with you they are ignorant, and evil." I might add they usually add racist and mentally ill. Instead of having a dialogue the Mayor uses personal insults. That shows she has no rational arguments. What a great lesson to teach high school students. That is what Cambridge looks like. Don't dare disagree with the homosexual lobby which runs the state or you will be sorry. This is how a minority of thugs censor free speech. Dictatorship, you rear your head in Cambridge teaching young people intolerance in the name of tolerance. Just what was predicted. The minister named Christians but not Jews as an interest group. Shame forgetting the most vocal supporter of the homosexual lobby. Eric Holder laments cowardice of white people to talk about racism? Here's why.

March 13, 2009

Salaries of Top Five Employees at NPR

1. Managing Editor Barbara Rehm, $383,139.
2. All Things Considered host Robert Siegel [pictured], $350,288.
3. Morning Edition host Renee Montagne, $332,160.
4. Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep, $331,242.
5. NPR afternoon programming director Richard L. Harris, $190,267.

Funny With Money: NPR Cancels Newspaper Subscriptions, While Anchors Make Six Figures
By Tim Graham (Bio | Archive)
March 13, 2009 - 09:22 ET

March 12, 2009

Mexican Cartels Plague Atlanta

Mexican cartels plague Atlanta
By Larry Copeland and Kevin Johnson
March 8, 2009
Illegal Immigrants Might Get Stimulus Jobs

Illegal immigrants might get stimulus jobs, experts say
By William M. Welch
March 12, 2009
How to Hide a Trillion Dollars

How to Hide a Trillion Dollars
David Kreuzter
• Posted March 5th, 2009 at 3.27pm in Energy and Environment.
Andrea Mitchell Agrees With Barney Frank that Tax Cheats are OK

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Pleads 'Guilty' to Barney Frank for Media Scrutiny of Obama Appointees
By Jeff Poor (Bio | Archive)
March 11, 2009 - 15:59 ET
Will Ferrell Thinks Obama Too Politically Savvy for Satire

Will Ferrell: Obama Thinks So Carefully, He's 'Too Politically Savvy' For Satire
By Tim Graham
March 11, 2009 - 11:27 ET

Democrats Wanted Bush To Fail on Septemebr 11

Democrats Wanted Bush to Fail on September 11, 2001

Fox: Carville, Greenburg Told Reporters They Wanted Bush to Fail -- On the Morning of 9/11
By Tom Blumer
March 11, 2009 - 23:33 ET

Iraqi Gets 3-Years for Throwing Shoes at Bush

Iraqi Gets 3-Years for Throwing Shoes at Bush

Last update - 13:02 12/03/2009
Lawyer: Iraqi journalist jailed for 3 years for hurling shoes at Bush
By The Associated Press
Cambridge, MA, the Un-Community

This writer is correct. In Cambridge there is no support for individuals by other individuals. The city is dominated by academics who are the most competitive humans on earth. They thrive and delight in another's suffering. Collectivism rules in Cambridge and other cities. If you are a member of a group of preferred victims you may get support. But if not you are ignored and the predators are free to devour. Look to the successes of the Amish and Mennonite communities. They support each other unlike the secular humanists in Cambridge.

Guest commentary: Community is ultimate answer to recession malaise
By Peter Pruyn
Cambridge Chronicle
Mon Mar 09, 2009, 04:00 PM EDT
High School Student Kills 16 in Germany

What are the odds that this young man was taking anti depressants as his treatment? Those drugs cause too much violence. The drug companies and the psychiatrists must be held accountable for all these deaths.

'I have guns and tomorrow I go to my school and show them what I can do:' Chilling message school gunman posted online hours before massacre
By Allan Hall
Daily Mail online (UK)
Last updated at 12:26 PM on 12th March 2009

March 10, 2009

Haters Have No Rights

If the church is 'toxic' will the Hazardous Waste Squad of the Fire Department require a permit? The Mayor exposed them as haters who do not have any rights. The loving Democrats in the Conformist City should hate them back, and deny them their right to speech, their right assemble, the right to petition and their right redress. The First Amendment excludes haters. This church has no right to demonstrate and no right to believe. They are haters. Democrats are lovers and believe in inclusion. These haters must be excluded! If not they may elect the entire city council and take control of the state legislature. They are growing so fast they are becoming a public menace. Give the students the day off to confront these haters by yelling at them, 'You are haters. You are haters!' That would be a great civics lesson in how the Conformist Party works. This church is the cause of poverty, the fighting in Gaza, and the devastation of the rain forest too, and the failing banking system.

Guest commentary: Westboro Baptist Church ‘deserves a courageous stand’
By Larry Aaronson
Cambridge Chronicle
Tue Mar 10, 2009, 10:48 AM EDT

[Comment on Cambridge Chronicle web pages]
Mark Jaquith
1 day ago [Copied March 12, 2009]

1. Roy check your meds.

2. moto, according to Webster's
One entry found.
Main Entry: homophobia
Pronunciation: \h-m-f-b-\
Function: noun
Date: 1969
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

3. Vic read it again. You seem to have missed his point.

I defer to a couple of inspiring figures in my life.
John Lennon: 'All you need is Love'
Bugs Bunny: 'What a maroon!'

[My email to Mark Jaquith after flagging it as abuse.]

Dear Mark,

I admire and I'm grateful for your comments and actions on behalf
of the citizens of this city regarding development But it appears that
you have a limited perspective for rights of citizens.
You disappoint me with your personal attack. It shows you have no
rational argument and hate persons with disabilities something that
Mr. Lennon and Bugs Bunny did not teach you.
Clueless Cambridge Journalist

Is this why the Editors 'forgot' to publish Griffin's column? Other references to security cameras disappeared from their blog. Obama's local newspaper keeps the voters informed. Ahem! Why do Homeland Security cameras offend when others do not? Harvard and many private individuals have security cameras operating watching public spaces. They abuse their video tapes power worse than the government. Nothing like clueless voters to support or oppose something for irrational reasons. Amazing how many Cambridge elitists believe that cameras prevent crime. More amazing is that this long term citizen-columnist of the Conformist Party City does not know how the city works. It is a question for him whether the City Manager did this by himself? The unelected one man ruler boasts that he has the statutory power to make contracts in the name of the City. He tells the City Council they should be grateful that he informs them after the fact. Griffin, have you ever seen a City Council meeting? Do you know what form of government the city has? There is no civil or constitutional liberty to be free of cameras in a public space. It is well established law. There's no right to privacy in a public place. Do you really reject the fact that Bush prevented any further attacks on this country? The current mayor of the city of conformists wants a policeman on every corner but opposes the USA PATRIOT Act. How is that rational? For many years the Ashburton state office building required screening before entering. Did Bush control security at the State House? Mexican drug cartels are invading the country and you call them 'alleged terrorists?' Regarding the FBI, were you outraged when they allowed Bulger to murder 19 civilians? Were you comfortable while Joe Salvati, Peter Limone and two who died in prison were framed for murder and jailed for 30 years? Have you noticed that the FBI has not changed? Do you think the City police and the state police have any cameras in the City?

Griffin: Smile, your picture might not be taken
By Richard Griffin/Growing Older
Cambridge Chronicle
Mon Mar 09, 2009, 11:48 AM EDT

March 9, 2009

No More Partying for Banks Only?

Why is the partying over only for banks? What about the spineless, self-serving politicians and the greedy union leaders exploiting their workers?

‘Animal House’ Party Days Are Over for U.S. Banks: John Kerry
March 6, 2009
Commentary by John Kerry

Purpose of Second Amendment

Texas state representative, Suzanna Gratia-Hupp, whose parents were killed by an insane gunman while her gun was out in the car, gives very moving and bold testimony about the REAL reason that the second amendment was designed to protect our God-given right to keep and bear arms

Suzanna Gratia-Hupp:
What the Second Amendment is REALLY For
05:23 - Oct 1, 2003

March 5, 2009

Is This Going on at Your Schools?

Mar 4, 2009 11:53 pm US/Eastern
Grade-Fixing Scandal Rocks N.J. High School
Fort Lee High Principal, Guidance Counselors May Be Behind Scheme To Get Students Into Competitive Colleges
Dave Carlin

March 4, 2009

Obama Journalist Calls GOP Nazis

CNN Host D. L. Hughley: Republicans 'Literally Look Like Nazi Germany'
By Matthew Balan
March 2, 2009 - 15:38 ET
Obama’s PR Flack Attacks Another Journalist

Gibbs Does It Again -- Responds Directly to Media Criticism of Obama, This Time CNBC's Cramer
By Jeff Poor
March 3, 2009 - 17:59 ET

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Jim Cramer Replies

Cramer Takes on the White House, Frank Rich and Jon Stewart
By Jim Cramer
Main Street
March 9, 2009
Politico Exposes Obama's Strategy to Attack Rush Limbaugh

Politico Exposes White House and Media's Anti-Limbaugh Strategy
By Noel Sheppard
March 4, 2009 - 12:58 ET
Mainstream media omits revealing the record of Obama's appointee to lead the US Dept. of HHS

Obama Names Abortion Extremist to HHS; Media Silent
By Colleen Raezler
March 4, 2009 - 16:23 ET
Obama: If you pay taxes you can't work here!

So long White House gig! My taxes are in order
By Howie Carr
Boston Herald
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Harvard and Big Pharma

Not mentioned are the many abuses of a too-close relationship between universities and the drug industry. In recent years many academic professors take money to sign their names on drug company research studies, which were manipulated for the benefit of drug companies and to deceive the public. The research is published in academic journals signed by prominent professors which further misleads medical professionals and the public. This is a corruption of the scientific process and undermines science and academic research.

Harvard as Big Pharma
Published On Sunday, March 01, 2009 10:55 PM
Murder and Mayhem in Mexico

This is a feature about how bad the situation is in Juarez Mexico near the US border with El Paso, Texas. After many years of Americans consuming drugs and US government officials enabling the transport of drugs into the US, the drug cartels are out of control in parts of Mexico. They kill hundreds of police and threaten police officials. The violence is spreading into the US. Elected officials and police flee their towns after many of their men are murdered. Why is this not a regular feature of the mainstream media?

Thousands of Mexican soldiers pour into the country's most violent city in crackdown on drug gangs
By Andrew Malone
Daily Mail online (UK)
Last updated at 12:07 PM on 04th March 2009

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Mexican Drug Cartels now Killing in Houston

Mexican cartels infiltrate Houston
Recent arrests in a mistaken killing point to the perilous presence of gangs
Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle
March 7, 2009, 9:28PM

Emergency Police Dispatcher Abuse

Florida Woman Calls 911 Three Times at McDonald's

Many radio and TV shows have ridiculed this woman for calling 911 when she was not served after paying for her food. There are two unaddressed issues mostly by the discussion. First she paid for food she did not get. The restaurant refused to refund her money. That is theft. Secondly Police dispatchers are not police officers. Many of them if not most are not trained in constitutional rights as police officers are trained. Often they make bad decisions on whether to send an officer or not. In this case they believed she was misusing their office. The dispatchers sent a patrol car. There are many instances when they abuse their power. They often ignore persons they believe to be mentally ill contrary to state and US laws. They often do corporations in the city favors by diverting the calls to officers who will not issue summonses for violations of city ordinances. So it is not as silly as the media portrays this. The media should study the abuses of dispatchers nationally to curb their abuses of citizen's rights.
Homosexuals Promote Mob Rule

Glad to see that the homosexual lobby is focused on the country’s best interest. While the financial system crumbles, the homosexual lobby focuses laser-like on same sex marriage and fights the will of the people in three states. The efforts to thwart voters by exploiting sympathetic courts and judges shows how devoted they are to the constitutional process and the public good.
When McCain-Palin supporters take to the streets to demonstrate around Harvard University, Barbara Streisand’s home and Bill Ayers’ home, will the homosexual lobby support that mob as well? If mob rule is preferred let all interest groups protest the outcome of voting. States can save millions by eliminating the ballot box, which always gets it wrong when homosexuals are involved.


Legality of Same-Sex Marriage Ban Challenged
By Ashley Surdin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, November 11, 2008; A02
Good Money for Goodwin
Source: New York Times, November 21, 2008

Psychiatrist Frederick K. Goodwin, who hosts a popular show on National Public Radio called "The Infinite Mind," earned "at least $1.3 million from 2000 to 2007 giving marketing lectures for drug makers income not mentioned on the program," reports Gardiner Harris. This revelation and other news about Goodwin's consulting work makes him "the latest in a series of doctors and researchers whose ties to drug makers have been uncovered by Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa. ... Mr. Grassley is systematically asking some of the nation's leading researchers and doctors to provide their conflict-of-interest disclosures, and he is comparing those documents with records of actual payments from drug companies. The records often conflict, sometimes starkly." Goodwin claims he informed his program's producer, Bill Lichtenstein, of his consulting work for drug companies, a claim that Lichtenstein strongly denies.

March 3, 2009

Organized Crime and the Nation

Organized crime has a major presence in all activities in this country. No government is free of their presence. It is almost as if criminal lawyers, criminal corporations and accountants lobby Congress to make major frauds legal. Savings and Loan and HUD preceded the investment scams. Aren't we fortunate that Obama won? His campaign focus was on the economy not national security. He openly expressed his vision of redistributing wealth on PBS radio in Chicago in 2001. His negative comments about the economy drive the market further down. Is he intentionally, or stupidly trying to destroy the nation? In foreign affairs his weakness shows even more now than during the campaign. He wants Israel to give their wealth to help Palestinians build their nation. What happened to the billions in US foreign aid given to Arafat and Abbas? Does Obama think he can fool or bully the Israelis as easily as he fooled some Americans to get elected?

The Vast Capitalist Conspiracy
The Daily Beast
by Tina Brown
March 2, 2009
Democrats Only Do Personal Attacks

Funny how Democrats perceive the discussion between Limbaugh and Steele as good for Democrats. Was it Eric Holder who wanted the cowards to discuss racism during weekend socializing? There are no investment frauds, or misappropriation of stimulus funds, or international drug wars going on in the southwestern US. The nation needs socializing to discuss racism. And when they do they are a called racists. Here are two leaders publicly discussing issue differences, unlike Dimmowitts who only know how to express their personal hatred.

Stop Lecturing Us, Mr. President
The Daily Beast
by Nicolle Wallace
March 2, 2009