October 22, 2008

We Must Study the Issue

We Must Study the Issue

Just what is needed. What a unique idea. Another study on how to end homelessness. Was it my imagination that 50 people, including the Mayor (Now Court Clerk, Michael Sullivan), the Assistant City Manager for Human Services (Not for Humans, but for Human Services), and many volunteers, created a five (?) month study to submit to the US Dept. of Human Services in order to get grant money (Yep!) to study ending homelessness. Is it a year ago that that study was done? Time for another. Who wants to order the food? Is the Sullivan Chambers available? Do we need microphones? Will there be public comment? Will the meetings be televised? Will it count toward vacation time? Will the city pay for my overtime? Do we need a facilitator to run the meetings?

Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM


Councilors want a plan to deal with homeless
By Jillian Fennimore/
Cambridge Chronicle staff
Wed Oct 22, 2008, 09:14 AM EDT

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