[From interview]
The instability we're seeing in England at the moment is only temporary. In the long run, the British will profit, just like we'd profit from leaving the EU.
[. . .]
We'd finally get our national sovereignty back, as well as our autonomy in matters of monetary and immigration policy -- just like Switzerland. That's my favorite example: a country in the heart of Europe, that even has individual trade agreements with China and Japan. The British too -- Germany's third-largest trading partner -- will reach an agreement with the EU.
[. . .]
Look at why the British wanted this exit! Politicians like Prime Minister David Cameron have lost all sense of reality. The people have seen how billions were spent on Greece and Turkey, on deals with Erdogan or for asylum seekers.
[. . .]
I haven't promised anything for the future. Instead, I have said what I would have done differently in the past. My party's supporters have seen how European political leaders are allowing asylum seekers and migrants to come to us and how they're spending billions of euros on them. In Dubai, the police drive Lamborghinis. These countries aren't poor. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states should take care of these people. They're closer, have the same religion, the same climate, the same culture. That's how I would have solved this.
[. . .]
I believe just like you do that these people should find protection. But we can't take any more. For me, the asylum seekers here aren't refugees. They came through six or seven safe countries. According to the Dublin regulations, they must stay in the first safe country they reach.
[. . .]
Whether you like it or not -- I want to close the Dutch borders. My constituents don't want more refugees. I'm not ashamed to represent these voters. I'm proud of it.
[. . .]
That's exactly the problem: The European Central Bank in Frankfurt with its idiotic zero interest rate policy. By doing so, the banks have slashed our pensions, and this concept is toxic for our economy. We want to determine our own monetary policy.
[. . .]
The Swiss can, the Norwegians too. Why not us? Whether we then follow the Germans economically or another country remains to be seen. I'm not like the Brexiteers. I don't deny that we have to permit immigration and the right of establishment for capital and services. I also don't have a problem with people from Slovakia and Lithuania. But I do have a problem with immigration from Islamic countries. The EU leaves us no freedom to determine our own immigration and asylum laws. That's why leaving the EU is necessary.
[. . .]
You only see things in a negative light. We could reintroduce the guilder. That would create costs for two years, but would bring advantages starting with the third year. That is according to one of our studies carried out by a serious economic institution. We could still follow the euro. There are a lot of possibilities.
[. . .]
May I quote another study from a Dutch university that was produced long before the refugee crisis? It says that immigration from non-Western immigrants costs our state 7.2 billion annually, much more than closing the borders and visa limitations would.
[. . .]
I don't have anything against Canadians or Australians. But we will make the decision as to who we want to allow into our country and who we will outlaw. We wouldn't have to accept people from Portugal any more, for example, if the Portuguese continue giving refugees from Somalia a visa for the Schengen area.
[. . .]
It's already a million Muslims! As long as they obey the law and respect the constitution, nobody has anything to fear. They can stay and they have the same rights and the opportunity for a fantastic life in Holland. But when somebody has dual citizenship and commits a crime, his Dutch passport should be revoked and he should be deported to the other country, even if he was born here. If we were to set an example with the Moroccans, for example, it would have an enormous effect. Eighty percent of those people with a passport from the Netherlands who go to Syria as jihadists are actually Moroccans.
[. . .]
You can remain friends, even without EU membership. The Prüm Convention, according to which data for combatting crime is exchanged, is a good example of international cooperation.
[. . .]
Studies from universities in Holland and Berlin confirm that 80 percent of Muslims in the Netherlands believe it is a heroic deed to travel to Syria as a fighter. A university in Amsterdam reports that 11 percent of Muslims are prepared to use violence against non-Muslims and against Muslims. I have travelled a great deal -- to Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt -- and can very well differentiate between moderate Muslims and Islam. Islam is not a religion, but an imperialist ideology like communism or fascism.
[. . .]
The differences are immense! I could talk about them for hours. Once again, whether you like it or not: Islam wants to destroy us and I want to prevent it. That's why I founded my party and it has the support of 25 percent of voters according to surveys. I will not stop fighting against Islam until I have achieved freedom for our country.
Interview with Geert Wilders: 'The Netherlands Would Profit from Leaving the EU'
Interview Conducted by Susanne Koelbl
July 01, 2016 – 06:42 PM
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