November 3, 2012

Politicians Support Education? Or Unions?

[This letter was published in the Thursday November 1, 2012 print edition of the Cambridge Chronicle on Page A8.] And online here

It is refreshing to see a Massachusetts politician who supports education. Massachusetts politicians uniformly and historically oppose education. Every campaign we find both candidates saying how much they do not want more education. Ahem! Nonetheless what they all do is throw money at the schools as if that will improve education. More money ends up in the treasuries of the teacher's unions who conveniently make campaign contributions to the same candidates who oppose/support education. Governments are used to launder money taken from taxpayers, through union bank accounts and back to the politicians who appropriated the money. Isn't that special? Quite a fund raising system in Massachusetts. The same pattern exists nationally. Public employee unions are strangling taxpayers, with a little help from politicians. Mark Steyn discussed this in his new book, After America, where he says both Republicans and Democrats are unable to stop spending other people's money. Governments will run out of money. Unions will confront their dues paying members being fired or their demands being reduced. Will they stop robbing the taxpayers with their politician partners? Public officials lack spines. Will taxpayers force them to do what is right and hold them up while they do it?

Guest commentary: Curiosity opens the door for education
By Timothy P. Murray
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Oct 23, 2012 @ 08:10 AM

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