November 26, 2012

Man Charged With Three Murders

This charming public spirited civilian took time from his busy life, volunteering to end the suffering of three men who he said were enemies of the United States.  No one was watching this gentleman. No police, no crime families, no Communists, no FBI informants, no campus police. But in Cambridge MA where they have a superior knowledge of public safety requirements,  all of the above take turns conducting 24/7 surveillance, harassment, threats, provocations, humiliation, ridicule, sleep deprivation of a 70-year-old white man who they say has a severe disability. Isn't that revealing of the high priorities of the host city of Harvard University and MIT? In Massachusetts prisoners convicted of homicide get taxpayer funded sex change operations along with counseling. But law abiding citizens get harassed and have their careers, and reputations thrashed as a public service using taxpayer funds. Is that why Mr. Obama won re-election? Do criminals rule the government mechanisms?

[From article]
“He says he worked for the FBI and CIA. He was leery talking to the
NYPD,” the source said. “He wouldn’t talk to anyone but the CIA or
FBI.” So cops played along.
[. . .]
He earlier told interrogators that the murders of three Middle Eastern
shop owners was “a plan to promote world peace,” the Staten Island
Advance reported.

Door-to-door salesman admits to gunning down three Brooklyn businessmen: sources
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:05 AM, November 22, 2012
Posted: 1:51 AM, November 22, 2012

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