February 28, 2011

Officials Waste Taxpayer Funds

Is this one more example of misguided government, wasting taxpayer funds? Is it theft of taxpayer funds? The Executive Director of taxpayer funded Cambridge Elder Services uses his position for personal political purposes. He justifies it by citing support for his position by the people he is supposed to serve, what he is paid to do. At least if his bureaucracy was protecting elders in Cambridge. For more than eight years I petitioned that organization for help stopping criminal abuses by police and FBI informants who conducted unlawful surveillance, criminal harassment and character assassination contrary to law. They declined assistance giving the reason I was unable to prove that I was NOT mentally ill. Consider that! It is impossible to prove a negative. It also shows that the taxpayer funded organization discriminates based on disability. What difference does it make? Police abusing a person with a disability is more egregious. O'Neill's Elder Services unit denies services and protection for a person that they believe has a disability. How charming.
They also denied having jurisdiction. According to their mission as stated in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) they did have jurisdiction. One aspect of the abuses is a women that I dated for three months when I was student in law school. For 35 years she and her latest husband who works for the FBI have a major role in this criminal abuse by broadcasting in three states, the lie that I was a retired drug dealer. They said they were my friends while doing this and being paid by the FBI to conduct the abuse. The Executive Director supports the Obama health care boondoggle. Does he have permission to speak for taxpayers? Like other officials in Massachusetts he uses his official position for personal political purposes. These abusers of power speak for people they are supposed to help, they discriminate contrary to law, and waste taxpayer money. Business as usual in Cambridge. Please note that Elder Services is one of many government agencies which withheld protections and still do. Nor is the FBI couple alone in participating. Six crime families and government progressives joined in as a adult version of Lord of the Flies.

[From article]
"Exit polls from last November’s elections show that most seniors were confused or unaware of the benefits of the Affordable Care Act.
[. . .]
Elders don’t like being used as pawns in a political game that has nothing to do with desperately needed healthcare reforms. Seniors want the new law to given a chance to succeed."


Letter: Don’t repeal healthcare law
Executive Director
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Jan 12, 2011 @ 08:08 AM

1 comment:

theszak said...

Budgeted for with public funds, the stenographic machine record of the public meeting of Boston City Council needs to be made more open. The stenographic machine there records the Councilors' deliberations, all the Councilors' words spoken in the public meeting of the Council for public feedback, comment, questions, suggestions