August 26, 2009

Only Black Men Understand?

Attorney King says white people "will also never know what it feels like to be stopped by a police officer on the street for no apparent reason, or to feel watched in a store while shopping for your kids, or to get uncomfortable on a dark street because you sense the white couple coming toward you is uncomfortable, or (in politics) to read criticisms about you that seem out of bounds -- and wonder whether these things happen because you are black." (CHARLIE KING, "RACE & POLITICS: NAVIGATING IN A NEW ERA," New York Post, August 25, 2009) This is a self-serving unsubstantiated nonsensical race based claim. Police, storekeepers, and pedestrians target people for many reasons not just skin color.

He adds, "It is completely understandable when an African-American leader asserts that race has a role in his or her unfavorable treatment, because race and racism still plague African-Americans as a group." This is a faulty argument. People treat morons and a boors unfavorably. Some black people are paranoid. Some use race to bully others to get special treatment.

After arguing that allegations of racism are effective in black districts he
concludes that it is bad state-wide. Does he imply that if the state was a majority black it would be good strategy?

New York Post
Last updated: 3:52 am
August 25, 2009
Posted: 2:59 am
August 25, 2009

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