April 28, 2009

Fines Due to Negligence of Officials

The taxpayer covers for intentional negligence of public officials. It is now 36 years after the Rehabilitation Act required entities getting US taxpayer funds to be accessible to persons with disabilities. 36 years!!! The ADA became law in 1990, 19 years ago. Public officials continue to ignore the basic Constitutional Rights (e.g., to travel) of persons with disabilities. This shows how depraved these politicians are. They suck up to powerful and politically connected women, homosexuals and African Americans but ignore persons with disabilities. The MCAD and the Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice (Hello Cadillac Deval) ignored complaints. Only the Architectural Access Board a state agency acts to enforce the laws. The pols should pay these fines out of their own pockets and be banned from government employment for life.




Dumb as bricks: MBTA’s $265G goes chop-chop
By Richard Weir
Boston Herald
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 -

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