January 7, 2009

Obama's Consumer Tech Experts

Obama's Consumer Tech Experts

Technology here is only consumer communications. High tech military weapons to discredit and to control critics is not discussed. Communication technology can give the appearance of access while shutting out ordinary citizens. Citizens can contribute public service without asking the White House, which like celebrities will use it for photo opportunities. Citizen input regarding quality of schools will NOT happen until teachers unions no longer exist. Unreliable Wikipedia entries are the standard for information? Ahem! Tech savvy wealthy professionals are politically naive to believe Honest Barack is not like the rest of the politicians. Honest Abe Lincoln was an ordinary man with acute political skills. Obama is a great speaker and a Harvard elitist. How much longer will his speaking ability hide his lack of decision-making ability and his lack of substance? What will Obama reveal about high tech military weapons used for surveillance, harassment, to discredit, to censor and to control citizen critics? During the campaign he excluded Fox News from his plane.


How Obama's New Tech Tsar Can Save America
by Nicholas Ciarelli
Daily Beast

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