October 18, 2013

Kentucky Lawyer Makes Millions Getting Applicants on Social Security Disability

[From article]
In 1960, fewer than 500,000 people received disability payments. Now, the Social Security Administration disability program pays benefits to 12 million people.
[. . .]
Conn got $3.9 million in fees in 2010 alone, when he was the third-highest-paid disability lawyer in the country.

So who are number one and number two? What did they focus on number three?Is he the Republican?

[. . .]
Eric Conn's legal fate is unknown. He is being sued for fraud, and he refused to testify at a recent Senate hearing. In the spirit of George Plunkitt, he seen his opportunities and he took them. Those opportunities came courtesy of the heedlessness of the contemporary welfare state.


Jewish World Review
Oct. 15, 2013/ 11 Mar-Cheshvan, 5774
Profiting from the welfare state
By Rich Lowry

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