June 19, 2008

‘Good news’ for this world-class city

Letter: ‘Good news’ for this world-class city

[This letter was published in the June 19, 2008 edition of the Cambridge Chronicle. Online on June 16, 2008.]

Mon Jun 16, 2008, 03:38 PM EDT
Cambridge -

This is good news for the supporters of Cambridge as a world-class city where there is a lot of street crime. (Erin Smith, “Police warn residents about Central Square wallet snatchers,” Cambridge Chronicle, Jun 11).

Festive streets of world-class cities make for fun cities. Bold rodents biting 7-year-olds, a Triple A bond rating, and a $6 million award for discrimination are exciting events.

Teens raise funds on the streets without a lawyer or any written proposals. Yes, this sounds like the world-class city manager is taking care of business.


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