December 30, 2008
Obedience to Job and to Authority
Obedience to Job and to Authority
Missing from this analysis is the nature of humans to obey authority. Yale's Stanley Milgram established this in the 1960s and it was reaffirmed this year. Lenny Bruce provided another aspect which few admit, i.e. job security, the strongest motivation of humans. Who will jeopardize his or her job to stop a criminal abuse? Notice how few prosecutions of public officials occur in Massachusetts?
'Doubt' Creeps Into View of Sex Scandal
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Missing from this analysis is the nature of humans to obey authority. Yale's Stanley Milgram established this in the 1960s and it was reaffirmed this year. Lenny Bruce provided another aspect which few admit, i.e. job security, the strongest motivation of humans. Who will jeopardize his or her job to stop a criminal abuse? Notice how few prosecutions of public officials occur in Massachusetts?
'Doubt' Creeps Into View of Sex Scandal
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Russian Scholar: US Will Break into Parts
Russian Scholar: US Will Break into Parts
DECEMBER 29, 2008
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010
By Andrew Osborn
Wall Street Journal
DECEMBER 29, 2008
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010
By Andrew Osborn
Wall Street Journal
December 28, 2008
Beefcake Obama Rules
Beefcake Obama Rules
Unlike George Bush, all Obama needs to do is take off his shirt. Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaida will swoon, ending all threats.
New York Post
Last updated: 6:23 am
December 28, 2008
Posted: 1:42 am
Unlike George Bush, all Obama needs to do is take off his shirt. Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaida will swoon, ending all threats.
New York Post
Last updated: 6:23 am
December 28, 2008
Posted: 1:42 am
Anti Israel Propaganda RE Gaza Attacks
Anti Israel Propaganda RE Gaza Attacks
[See video clips at
Wartime in Gaza: The worst anti-Israel charges you'll hear
By Bradley Burston
Haaretz Correspondent
December 28, 2008
[See video clips at
Wartime in Gaza: The worst anti-Israel charges you'll hear
By Bradley Burston
Haaretz Correspondent
December 28, 2008
December 27, 2008
New Air Force Weapons
New Air Force Weapons
Army Orders Pain Ray Trucks; New Report Shows 'Potential for Death'
October 11, 2008, ABC News
After years of testing, the Active Denial System -- the pain ray which drives off rioters with a microwave-like beam -- could finally have its day. The Army is buying five of the truck-mounted systems for $25 million. But the energy weapon may face new hurdles, before it's shipped off to the battlefield; a new report details how the supposedly non-lethal blaster could be turned into a flesh-frying killer. The announcement arrives on the same day as a new report from less-lethal weapons expert Dr. Jürgen Altmann that analyzes the physics of several directed energy weapons, including Active Denial, the Advanced Tactical Laser (used as a non-lethal weapon), the Pulsed Energy Projectile (a.k.a. "Maximum Pain" laser) and the Long Range Acoustic Device (a.k.a. "Acoustic Blaster"). Dr. Altmann describes the Active Denial beam in some detail, noting that it will not be completely uniform; anyone unlucky enough to be caught in the center will experience more heating than someone at the edge. And perhaps more significant is his thorough analysis of the heating it produces -- and the cumulative effect if the target does not have the chance to cool down between exposures. In U.S. military tests, a fifteen-second delay between exposures was strictly observed; this may not happen when the ADS is used for real. "As a consequence, the ADS provides the technical possibility to produce burns of second and third degree. Because the beam of diameter 2 m and above is wider than human size, such burns would occur over considerable parts of the body, up to 50% of its surface."
Army Orders Pain Ray Trucks; New Report Shows 'Potential for Death'
October 11, 2008, ABC News
After years of testing, the Active Denial System -- the pain ray which drives off rioters with a microwave-like beam -- could finally have its day. The Army is buying five of the truck-mounted systems for $25 million. But the energy weapon may face new hurdles, before it's shipped off to the battlefield; a new report details how the supposedly non-lethal blaster could be turned into a flesh-frying killer. The announcement arrives on the same day as a new report from less-lethal weapons expert Dr. Jürgen Altmann that analyzes the physics of several directed energy weapons, including Active Denial, the Advanced Tactical Laser (used as a non-lethal weapon), the Pulsed Energy Projectile (a.k.a. "Maximum Pain" laser) and the Long Range Acoustic Device (a.k.a. "Acoustic Blaster"). Dr. Altmann describes the Active Denial beam in some detail, noting that it will not be completely uniform; anyone unlucky enough to be caught in the center will experience more heating than someone at the edge. And perhaps more significant is his thorough analysis of the heating it produces -- and the cumulative effect if the target does not have the chance to cool down between exposures. In U.S. military tests, a fifteen-second delay between exposures was strictly observed; this may not happen when the ADS is used for real. "As a consequence, the ADS provides the technical possibility to produce burns of second and third degree. Because the beam of diameter 2 m and above is wider than human size, such burns would occur over considerable parts of the body, up to 50% of its surface."
Honest Obama Brings Change to D.C.
Honest Obama Brings Change to D.C.
Honest Barack Obama brings change to D.C. Ahem! Unlike previous Presidents, he promises to post the names of the contributors to the Inaugural Balls on the Internet. Hollywood celebrities and corporate billionaires give $50,000 each. Obama holds onto the remaining money from the $750 million he raised for his poor man’s campaign. This article shows you can fool most of the voters some of the time. The Comments to this article say it all.
Roy Bercaw, Editor, ENOUGH ROOM
Stars of Hollywood, high-tech open wallets for Obama party
Dec 26 05:54 PM US/Eastern
Honest Barack Obama brings change to D.C. Ahem! Unlike previous Presidents, he promises to post the names of the contributors to the Inaugural Balls on the Internet. Hollywood celebrities and corporate billionaires give $50,000 each. Obama holds onto the remaining money from the $750 million he raised for his poor man’s campaign. This article shows you can fool most of the voters some of the time. The Comments to this article say it all.
Roy Bercaw, Editor, ENOUGH ROOM
Stars of Hollywood, high-tech open wallets for Obama party
Dec 26 05:54 PM US/Eastern
Animal Farm in D.C.?
Animal Farm in D.C.?
It is always inspiring to see groups historically discriminated against having access to prominent newspapers and the Presidency. (“You’re Likable Enough, Gay People,” The New York Times, December 27, 2008) Frank Rich writes about homosexuals quarreling over which homosexual clergyman should say a prayer at the new president's inauguration. While they argue over spoils persons with disabilities continue to be ignored by these formerly oppressed groups. Adding insults to injuries journalists, politicians and clergy speak of persons with disabilities and act toward them disparagingly. Is there any wonder why journalists and politicians have so little respect among the citizens of this country?
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Op-Ed Columnist
You’re Likable Enough, Gay People
The New York Times
Published: December 27, 2008
It is always inspiring to see groups historically discriminated against having access to prominent newspapers and the Presidency. (“You’re Likable Enough, Gay People,” The New York Times, December 27, 2008) Frank Rich writes about homosexuals quarreling over which homosexual clergyman should say a prayer at the new president's inauguration. While they argue over spoils persons with disabilities continue to be ignored by these formerly oppressed groups. Adding insults to injuries journalists, politicians and clergy speak of persons with disabilities and act toward them disparagingly. Is there any wonder why journalists and politicians have so little respect among the citizens of this country?
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Op-Ed Columnist
You’re Likable Enough, Gay People
The New York Times
Published: December 27, 2008
Celebrities, Science and Politics
Celebrities, Science and Politics
One more article about celebrities and science. Again in this article Tom Cruise's criticism of psychiatry is cited as wrong. Still no critical skills by journalists regarding psychiatry. Journalists are as clueless as ordinary people when it comes to being fooled by corporate greed and PR.
Harvard psychiatrist Joseph Biederman (doesn't he look like the Harvard psychiatrist in the Mel Gibson film Conspiracy Theory?) took $1.6 million from drug companies to promote drug treatment. He failed to inform his employers at Mass General Hospital and at Harvard Medical School. For money he signed his name to an article published in medical journals that was written by drug companies.
Researchers Fail to Reveal Full Drug Pay
The New York Times
Published: June 8, 2008
This makes the entire apparatus for relying on medical peer review journals suspect. It undermines the entire medical apparatus of approving new treatments. If money determines what treatments are good how reliable are they?
Why are celebrity opinions on science ridiculed when politicians accept their endorsements and their millions to run for office? Without Hollywood celebrities and their money would Barack Obama have won the election? Why are they stupid regarding science but smart about politics? Does money make one intelligent? (I know that rich people think they are smart because they are rich; and that they are rich because they are smart.)
From The London Times Online
December 27, 2008
Don’t take health tips from celebs if you know what’s good for you
by David Rose
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
One more article about celebrities and science. Again in this article Tom Cruise's criticism of psychiatry is cited as wrong. Still no critical skills by journalists regarding psychiatry. Journalists are as clueless as ordinary people when it comes to being fooled by corporate greed and PR.
Harvard psychiatrist Joseph Biederman (doesn't he look like the Harvard psychiatrist in the Mel Gibson film Conspiracy Theory?) took $1.6 million from drug companies to promote drug treatment. He failed to inform his employers at Mass General Hospital and at Harvard Medical School. For money he signed his name to an article published in medical journals that was written by drug companies.
Researchers Fail to Reveal Full Drug Pay
The New York Times
Published: June 8, 2008
This makes the entire apparatus for relying on medical peer review journals suspect. It undermines the entire medical apparatus of approving new treatments. If money determines what treatments are good how reliable are they?
Why are celebrity opinions on science ridiculed when politicians accept their endorsements and their millions to run for office? Without Hollywood celebrities and their money would Barack Obama have won the election? Why are they stupid regarding science but smart about politics? Does money make one intelligent? (I know that rich people think they are smart because they are rich; and that they are rich because they are smart.)
From The London Times Online
December 27, 2008
Don’t take health tips from celebs if you know what’s good for you
by David Rose
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Misguided Mocking of "Scientific Illiterate" Celebrities?
Misguided Mocking of "Scientific Illiterate" Celebrities?
This article ridicules celebrities and politicians for inaccurate statements about science. Included is this.
"scientific reviewers, [. . .] lambasted Tom Cruise, for his comments on psychiatry being a crime against humanity, and Julianne Moore, who warned against using products full of unnatural chemicals.
'The real crime against humanity continues to be the enduring misery caused by the major mental illnesses across the globe, and the continuing lack of resources devoted to supporting those afflicted,' said the psychiatrist Professor Simon Wessely."
But psychiatry is not science. It is personal opinion (mental illnesses are made up by consensus) masquerading as science. Psychiatry is a boondoggle that harms humans in the name of good. If that is the standard for inclusion in this article, it raises the question of the accuracy of other criticism of celebrities and politicians.
Journalists are as easily corrupted as politicians. They have misguided notions about psychiatry, and are seldom skeptical of this business which is dangerous to health and freedom.
Scientific illiteracy all the rage among the glitterati
By Steve Connor, Science editor
The Independent (UK)
Saturday, 27 December 2008
This article ridicules celebrities and politicians for inaccurate statements about science. Included is this.
"scientific reviewers, [. . .] lambasted Tom Cruise, for his comments on psychiatry being a crime against humanity, and Julianne Moore, who warned against using products full of unnatural chemicals.
'The real crime against humanity continues to be the enduring misery caused by the major mental illnesses across the globe, and the continuing lack of resources devoted to supporting those afflicted,' said the psychiatrist Professor Simon Wessely."
But psychiatry is not science. It is personal opinion (mental illnesses are made up by consensus) masquerading as science. Psychiatry is a boondoggle that harms humans in the name of good. If that is the standard for inclusion in this article, it raises the question of the accuracy of other criticism of celebrities and politicians.
Journalists are as easily corrupted as politicians. They have misguided notions about psychiatry, and are seldom skeptical of this business which is dangerous to health and freedom.
Scientific illiteracy all the rage among the glitterati
By Steve Connor, Science editor
The Independent (UK)
Saturday, 27 December 2008
December 26, 2008
Homosexual McCarthyism
Homosexual McCarthyism
These tactics should be used for those who refuse to stop psychiatric
abuses, especially the elected officials.
Prop 8 foes turn to 'blacklist' tactics
By William M. Welch,
Dec 21 2008
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
These tactics should be used for those who refuse to stop psychiatric
abuses, especially the elected officials.
Prop 8 foes turn to 'blacklist' tactics
By William M. Welch,
Dec 21 2008
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Nine Percent of Americans Approve Congress' Performance
Nine Percent of Americans Approve Congress' Performance
Rassmussen Poll December 2008
Rassmussen Poll December 2008
December 24, 2008
Media Research Center's Quotes of the Year
Media Research Center's Quotes of the Year
December 20, 2008
Psychiatric Drugs are Dangerous
Psychiatric Drugs are Dangerous
What does Amato mean saying, 'Substance use is often linked with mental health issues.' Is it only persons with 'mental health issues' who use substances? Who decides what a 'mental health issue' is? Is it like a mental illness that is created by consensus? Amato does not say that psychiatric medications create emotional and cognitive problems for the people who take them. Other drugs besides opioids cause harm to humans, who sometimes harm others after ingesting the drugs. This abuse of psychiatry should be included in the mission of the CPC. Cambridge's Robert Whitaker wrote 'Mad in America,' which elaborates on this subject.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Cambridge Chronicle
Guest commentary: There’s a new program at the Cambridge Prevention Coalition
By Mary Amato
Thu Dec 18, 2008, 03:35 PM EST
What does Amato mean saying, 'Substance use is often linked with mental health issues.' Is it only persons with 'mental health issues' who use substances? Who decides what a 'mental health issue' is? Is it like a mental illness that is created by consensus? Amato does not say that psychiatric medications create emotional and cognitive problems for the people who take them. Other drugs besides opioids cause harm to humans, who sometimes harm others after ingesting the drugs. This abuse of psychiatry should be included in the mission of the CPC. Cambridge's Robert Whitaker wrote 'Mad in America,' which elaborates on this subject.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Cambridge Chronicle
Guest commentary: There’s a new program at the Cambridge Prevention Coalition
By Mary Amato
Thu Dec 18, 2008, 03:35 PM EST
Cambridge MA,
Psychiatric Abuse,
Psychiatric Drugs
December 18, 2008
Zen of Diversity
Zen of Diversity
Diversity Boston excluded persons with disabilities in the early
issues. (Media Farm, "Very zen," Weekly Dig, December 17, 2008) I
wrote 112 letters to the Globe Publisher (Richard Gilman) and all of
the advertisers about this exclusionary pattern in their magazine.
Even rehab hospitals were unconcerned. A few banks and corporations
responded but not Harvard.
Diversity means different things to different people. Ethnicity
is important if it is a large vocal one. Same with racial diversity.
One wonders why there is so much resistance to including persons with
disabilities in the full enjoyment of their rights and privileges. Is
it possible that Boston and MA are intolerant toward vulnerable
persons? Say it isn't so Barack?
[Media Farm]
Very zen
By Media Farm
Weekly Dig
December 17, 2008
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Diversity Boston excluded persons with disabilities in the early
issues. (Media Farm, "Very zen," Weekly Dig, December 17, 2008) I
wrote 112 letters to the Globe Publisher (Richard Gilman) and all of
the advertisers about this exclusionary pattern in their magazine.
Even rehab hospitals were unconcerned. A few banks and corporations
responded but not Harvard.
Diversity means different things to different people. Ethnicity
is important if it is a large vocal one. Same with racial diversity.
One wonders why there is so much resistance to including persons with
disabilities in the full enjoyment of their rights and privileges. Is
it possible that Boston and MA are intolerant toward vulnerable
persons? Say it isn't so Barack?
[Media Farm]
Very zen
By Media Farm
Weekly Dig
December 17, 2008
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
December 16, 2008
Police Abuse TASERs
Police Abuse TASERs
The argument used to purchase TASERs is that it is a less lethal means of subduing a suspect. But as we see in this article the police cite less harms to officers as the reason to use TASERs. That is the trouble with these lethal devices -- they are abused. Watch the TV show COPS and see how they use TASERs when a person does not obey a command. The cops forget what they are doing. Power makes them drunk.
Amnesty International : Cops should stop using tasers
By Jessica Van Sack
Boston Herald
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The argument used to purchase TASERs is that it is a less lethal means of subduing a suspect. But as we see in this article the police cite less harms to officers as the reason to use TASERs. That is the trouble with these lethal devices -- they are abused. Watch the TV show COPS and see how they use TASERs when a person does not obey a command. The cops forget what they are doing. Power makes them drunk.
Amnesty International : Cops should stop using tasers
By Jessica Van Sack
Boston Herald
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
One More Elitist Politician
One More Elitist Politician
What is the surprise about Caroline Kennedy wanting an appointment to a prestigious position? Is the NY State Governor any less venal than Illinois' Blagojevich? Obama is as much a part of the Kennedy cult as she is. Her "surprise(?)" early support for Obama fits with the fact that Ed Kennedy sponsored Obama's father as as a student at Harvard. Obama was a Kennedy man before he was born. Since Nixon was discredited the eastern liberal establishment retook control of the US Government. Elites run the country. Caroline is a member of the elite liberal establishment. What's the surprise? See how they attacked Gov. Palin?
Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 -
What is the surprise about Caroline Kennedy wanting an appointment to a prestigious position? Is the NY State Governor any less venal than Illinois' Blagojevich? Obama is as much a part of the Kennedy cult as she is. Her "surprise(?)" early support for Obama fits with the fact that Ed Kennedy sponsored Obama's father as as a student at Harvard. Obama was a Kennedy man before he was born. Since Nixon was discredited the eastern liberal establishment retook control of the US Government. Elites run the country. Caroline is a member of the elite liberal establishment. What's the surprise? See how they attacked Gov. Palin?
Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 -
Who runs the government?
Who runs the government?
The US government paid Martorano $20,000 when he was released from prison. He served about 7 months for each murder. It appears that organized crime families now run the US and state governments. Why else would they pay him? Criminals in New York State are prohibited from profiting from a crime. Criminals run Massachusetts. No surprise that Martorano is encouraged to profit from murder. Kevin Weeks made money and had a book published. Journalists are as corrupt as the politicians in this state.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Whitey Bulgers’ pal free to make another hit – in theaters
By Dave Wedge
Boston Herald
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The US government paid Martorano $20,000 when he was released from prison. He served about 7 months for each murder. It appears that organized crime families now run the US and state governments. Why else would they pay him? Criminals in New York State are prohibited from profiting from a crime. Criminals run Massachusetts. No surprise that Martorano is encouraged to profit from murder. Kevin Weeks made money and had a book published. Journalists are as corrupt as the politicians in this state.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Whitey Bulgers’ pal free to make another hit – in theaters
By Dave Wedge
Boston Herald
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Fantasy Passing as Fact
Fantasy Passing as Fact
This article repeats one more false belief among limousine liberals about Gov. Sarah Palin. She did not say that she could see Russia from her window. It was the delightful Tina Fey who said that on SNL. Please try to distinguish between reality and fantasy. I know it is difficult, for not only are the voters clueless but also too many journalists. It is a trying time in this country. The electorate is clueless being misled by misguided journalists who fail to keep the voters informed. Just try reporting the facts not what you want them to be.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Reasons to Love New York
13. Because a Wasilla Phenom Is No Match for a Big-City Anchor
By Jennifer Senior
New York Magazine
Published Dec 14, 2008
This article repeats one more false belief among limousine liberals about Gov. Sarah Palin. She did not say that she could see Russia from her window. It was the delightful Tina Fey who said that on SNL. Please try to distinguish between reality and fantasy. I know it is difficult, for not only are the voters clueless but also too many journalists. It is a trying time in this country. The electorate is clueless being misled by misguided journalists who fail to keep the voters informed. Just try reporting the facts not what you want them to be.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Reasons to Love New York
13. Because a Wasilla Phenom Is No Match for a Big-City Anchor
By Jennifer Senior
New York Magazine
Published Dec 14, 2008
Gov. Sarah Palin,
Katie Couric,
New York City
Democracy is Fragile
Democracy is Fragile
[This piece was sent to me on the internet. I do not know the source but have read similar accounts. What I can add is that democracy formed only in one of one-hundred Athenian City States. Athens discovered silver and mined it. It was able to create a democracy because it had a lot of wealth. Is freedom dependent upon wealth?
There is little knowledge or concern among many politicians and political activists for their responsibilities under a democratic system of government. In Massachusetts there is no concern about having a two-party system. Journalists are as clueless as the voters. It is not hopeful that this democracy will last. In his award winning book, Development as Freedom, Amartya Sen states the minimum requirements for a thriving democracy: a two party system; a free press and an informed electorate.]
I often hear about this democracy countdown. It is interesting to see it in print.
How Long Do We Have?
About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:
1. from bondage to spiritual faith;
2. from spiritual faith to great courage;
3. from courage to liberty;
4. from liberty to abundance;
5. from abundance to complacency;
6. from complacency to apathy;
7. from apathy to dependence;
8. from dependence back into bondage"
Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Democrats: 19 Republicans: 29
Square miles of land won by: Democrats: 580,000 Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Democrats: 127 million Republicans: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Democrats: 13.2 Republicans: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Republican won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this great country. Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..." Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.
[This piece was sent to me on the internet. I do not know the source but have read similar accounts. What I can add is that democracy formed only in one of one-hundred Athenian City States. Athens discovered silver and mined it. It was able to create a democracy because it had a lot of wealth. Is freedom dependent upon wealth?
There is little knowledge or concern among many politicians and political activists for their responsibilities under a democratic system of government. In Massachusetts there is no concern about having a two-party system. Journalists are as clueless as the voters. It is not hopeful that this democracy will last. In his award winning book, Development as Freedom, Amartya Sen states the minimum requirements for a thriving democracy: a two party system; a free press and an informed electorate.]
I often hear about this democracy countdown. It is interesting to see it in print.
How Long Do We Have?
About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:
1. from bondage to spiritual faith;
2. from spiritual faith to great courage;
3. from courage to liberty;
4. from liberty to abundance;
5. from abundance to complacency;
6. from complacency to apathy;
7. from apathy to dependence;
8. from dependence back into bondage"
Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the 2000 Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Democrats: 19 Republicans: 29
Square miles of land won by: Democrats: 580,000 Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Democrats: 127 million Republicans: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Democrats: 13.2 Republicans: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Republican won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of this great country. Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..." Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.
Amartya Sen,
Development as Freedom,
New Book from MIT on Minimum Wages
New Book from MIT on Minimum Wages
A new book published by MIT and written by economists concludes that minimum wage laws reduce employment opportunities for less-skilled workers, reduce their earnings, do not reduce poverty, and have long-term adverse effects on wages and earnings by reducing the acquisition of human capital.
December 2008
ISBN-10: 0-262-14102-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-262-14102-4
Minimum Wages
David Neumark and William L. Wascher
A new book published by MIT and written by economists concludes that minimum wage laws reduce employment opportunities for less-skilled workers, reduce their earnings, do not reduce poverty, and have long-term adverse effects on wages and earnings by reducing the acquisition of human capital.
December 2008
ISBN-10: 0-262-14102-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-262-14102-4
Minimum Wages
David Neumark and William L. Wascher
December 14, 2008
Pat Boone, Pundit

Pat Boone, Pundit
[An edited version of this letter was published in the February/March issue of the American Journalism Review (AJR).]
Pat Boone notes important dangers of the homosexual lobby to the constitutional process, and their lack of respect for the rights of others. Missing from the Rieder's discussion of same sex marriage is the religious rights and the voting rights of those who oppose it.
Escalating from being sore losers to mob rule, threatening people for exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights is a crime in some states (MA, e.g.). It does not matter if the person doing the intimidation is acting under color of law or not.
It is troubling that responsible academic journalists fail to sound the alarm of dangers to constitutional freedoms when losers intimidate voters.
The dumbing down of the electorate lays at the feet of negligent journalists who fail to keep the public informed about what freedom in this country depends. The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, speech and the right to vote against the most vocal interest groups. Mr. Reider fails to mention this.
From AJR, December/January 2009
Pat Boone, Pundit
The white-bread '50s singer is very, very upset that you don't see the link between Mumbai and the gay rights movement.
By Rem Rieder
Rem Rieder ( is AJR's editor and senior vice president.
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Ten Most Awkward Political Gaffes.
Ten Most Awkward Political Gaffes.
December 13, 2008
Courageous Capuano Clueless About Eliot Sptizer
Courageous Capuano Clueless About Eliot Sptizer
Before Eliot Spitzer was exposed trying to hide his payment to a prostitution ring, called structuring, his office used the NY State Police to investigate the President of the New York State Senate, Joe Bruno a Republican. The Albany DA, the State Public Integrity Commission, the Inspector General, and the Times-Union (newspaper) of Albany joined in the cover up of this abuse of power. Spitzer’s bank notified Dept. of Homeland Security as they are required to because Spitzer asked the bank not to use his name. Fred Dicker, New York Post reporter and NY’s Attorney General Andrew Cuomo showed integrity and did their jobs. New York is not as corrupt as Massachusetts. They eventually oust criminals in office unlike the Bay State. Spitzer is a graduate of Harvard Law School like Barack Obama, Barney Frank, and Franklin Raines. Chuck Turner is a Harvard Graduate. The New York Post reports the events leading up to Spitzer’s resignation. Stop wasting taxpayer funds and time.
Courageous Capuano expresses concern about why the Feds and New York State Attorney General investigated New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. Why does he join the outrage of the NY Public Integrity Commission, the Albany County District Attorney and the Albany Times-Union seeking to cover-up the abuses of the Harvard Law grad? Capuano laments the atrocities in Sudan by government thugs there. How many of Capuano's constituents live in New York or Sudan? When a constituent petitioned his office for relief from malfeasance in Massachusetts, he pretended not to receive dozens of calls, letters and faxes. That's as courageous as Obama suggesting that Gov. Blagojevich resign.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Capuano: Spitzer prostitution investigation ‘political retribution?’
Posted on November 26, 2008
by David Harris
Cambridge Chronicle Politics Blog
Before Eliot Spitzer was exposed trying to hide his payment to a prostitution ring, called structuring, his office used the NY State Police to investigate the President of the New York State Senate, Joe Bruno a Republican. The Albany DA, the State Public Integrity Commission, the Inspector General, and the Times-Union (newspaper) of Albany joined in the cover up of this abuse of power. Spitzer’s bank notified Dept. of Homeland Security as they are required to because Spitzer asked the bank not to use his name. Fred Dicker, New York Post reporter and NY’s Attorney General Andrew Cuomo showed integrity and did their jobs. New York is not as corrupt as Massachusetts. They eventually oust criminals in office unlike the Bay State. Spitzer is a graduate of Harvard Law School like Barack Obama, Barney Frank, and Franklin Raines. Chuck Turner is a Harvard Graduate. The New York Post reports the events leading up to Spitzer’s resignation. Stop wasting taxpayer funds and time.
Courageous Capuano expresses concern about why the Feds and New York State Attorney General investigated New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. Why does he join the outrage of the NY Public Integrity Commission, the Albany County District Attorney and the Albany Times-Union seeking to cover-up the abuses of the Harvard Law grad? Capuano laments the atrocities in Sudan by government thugs there. How many of Capuano's constituents live in New York or Sudan? When a constituent petitioned his office for relief from malfeasance in Massachusetts, he pretended not to receive dozens of calls, letters and faxes. That's as courageous as Obama suggesting that Gov. Blagojevich resign.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Capuano: Spitzer prostitution investigation ‘political retribution?’
Posted on November 26, 2008
by David Harris
Cambridge Chronicle Politics Blog
Harvard Appoints Lawyer to Teach Ethics
Harvard Appoints Lawyer to Teach Ethics
How is the focus of Harvard University's Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics different from city, state and US laws? Did I miss some ethical standards besides those? Does Harvard Law School teach law, and how to get around laws? Lessig will reportedly teach 'what happens when public institutions depend on money from sources that may be affected by the work of those institutions - for example, medical research programs that receive funding from pharmaceutical companies whose drugs they review, or academics whose policy analyses are underwritten by special interest groups.' Is there any problem with a Harvard psychiatrist getting $1.6 million for signing his name to articles written by drug companies? What happens is that people are encouraged to take unsafe drugs which make people ill. Duh! Do academic consultants to School Committees have any conflicts with colleagues who teach at their institutions? What happens is they get their associates high paying jobs. Duh!
Are there not enough laws in place now? Or is the problem lack of enforcement by elected and appointed officials? Why will Lessig 'encourage teaching and research about ethical issues in public and professional life?'
Saying teaching ethics is of 'enormous importance to our democracy,' sounds like the Harvard Lawyer City Councilor (Hint: BM) promoting democracy by censoring citizen public comment.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Legal scholar Lessig joins Harvard Law faculty
Cambridge Chronicle
Fri Dec 12, 2008, 04:51 PM EST
How is the focus of Harvard University's Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics different from city, state and US laws? Did I miss some ethical standards besides those? Does Harvard Law School teach law, and how to get around laws? Lessig will reportedly teach 'what happens when public institutions depend on money from sources that may be affected by the work of those institutions - for example, medical research programs that receive funding from pharmaceutical companies whose drugs they review, or academics whose policy analyses are underwritten by special interest groups.' Is there any problem with a Harvard psychiatrist getting $1.6 million for signing his name to articles written by drug companies? What happens is that people are encouraged to take unsafe drugs which make people ill. Duh! Do academic consultants to School Committees have any conflicts with colleagues who teach at their institutions? What happens is they get their associates high paying jobs. Duh!
Are there not enough laws in place now? Or is the problem lack of enforcement by elected and appointed officials? Why will Lessig 'encourage teaching and research about ethical issues in public and professional life?'
Saying teaching ethics is of 'enormous importance to our democracy,' sounds like the Harvard Lawyer City Councilor (Hint: BM) promoting democracy by censoring citizen public comment.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Legal scholar Lessig joins Harvard Law faculty
Cambridge Chronicle
Fri Dec 12, 2008, 04:51 PM EST
ABC NEWS on Conspiracy
ABC NEWS on Conspiracy
This article by Lauren Cox accepts psychiatry without questions. (LAUREN COX, "What's Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires?" ABC News, Dec. 12, 2008) She is unconcerned that psychiatric illnesses are created by consensus not science.
Cox says "subcultures built on paranoid theories like gang stalkers, points to an understudied corner in psychiatry: Who are the people who believe such theories in the quiet of their homes, and what does such behavior mean for a person teetering on the edge of mental illness?"
What is "the edge of mental illness?" Is it like being "a little bit pregnant?"
Cox says, "Whether or not conspiracy theories harm people who are susceptible to mental illness is a matter of debate among psychiatrists." If a fact is subject to debate is it a scientific fact? If it is "a matter of debate" how can it be used to decide if a person's speech or behavior is mental illness? Can anyone cite a rational standard for who is not "susceptible to mental illness?" Have some persons' (e.g., psychiatrists') genes been cleansed of mental illness?
Cox quotes a high ranking official of the National Alliance of Mental Illness. Is that different from the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill? That organization was founded by parents of persons accused of mental illness. NAMI is used by all forms of their formal name. NAMI gets about $3 million each year from drug companies to promote drug treatment. They do not advocate for the rights of the accused. Many if not most clueless journalists describe NAMI as advocates. But they do not identify that they advocate for more funds for more drug treatment. NAMI's idea of discrimination is denying a person drug treatment. They do not care about being denied police protection from psychiatric criminals and from ordinary criminals. NAMI promotes forced treatment. What other illness uses police to force treatment?
"Most people with major mental illness don't believe in conspiracy theories," said Dr. Ken Duckworth, medical director of the National Alliance of Mental Illness. How does he know that? Has he asked all persons accused of "major" mental illness? Why did Cox report that comment with no evidence?
According to Angus MacDonald, a spokesperson for the mental health charity NARSAD, and an associate professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, most delusions begin with general, unexplained feelings of discontent that are caused by a problem with the brain. It's only when someone tries to search for an explanation for their feelings that a delusion forms.
Do these sentences make any sense? What is the connection between "unexplained feelings of discontent" and "a problem with the brain?" Where is the evidence of any connection? Why is this statement quoted with no evidence? Is this sloppy journalism? Or is it a PR piece masquerading as news?
Does quoting a "spokesman" for a charity make any sense? If the matter has not been studied what value do MacDonald's comments have? Are they any more than personal opinion?
"You're sitting across from your therapist and they say, 'Well why would they do all of this?' And you've got the answers because you've studied online," he said.
Like Donald Rumsfeld, MacDonald asks and conveniently answers his own questions. He omits any other possible answers, such as they are paid to conduct surveillance and harassment. It is a criminal enterprise. Furthermore, do therapists ask rape victims why they were raped? Motive is a matter of fact to be determined in a court not in a therapist's office.
This article shows that psychiatric standards are being used to determine what speech is acceptable or if it should be censored by psychiatry. This is a First Amendment issue. Speech and behavior protected by the US Constitution and by state laws are being prohibited by psychiatrists who do not like or do not understand the speech or the behavior. This is a totalitarian practice that must end. Why do journalists encourage censoring protected speech?
This article marginalizes crime victims saying they are mentally ill. The same people make being mentally ill a matter for unlawful discrimination. What difference does it make if a person is mentally ill? Is that a crime, a contagious illness? Is it ever OK to ignore a person due to alleged mental illness?
That was done to homosexuals, Black Americans, women, rape victims and children. In December 2008 it was reported that the Chinese government is using psychiatry to discredit whistle blowers. Are we expected to believe that Americans do not that?
A rational explanation for stalking, harassment as a criminal conspiracy is these people may be human subjects for involuntary government human experiments. The US Air Force tests high tech directed energy weapons for many years. The US government has a long and despicable history of conducting non-consenting human experiments on civilians.
Michael D'Antonio wrote about radiation experiments over 30 years on developmentally disabled persons at the Fernald School in Massachusetts. ("Atomic Guinea Pigs," New York Times Magazine, August 31, 1997; State Boys Rebellion, Simon and Schuster, 2004) The experiments were conducted from 1944 to 1974. It was not recognized as an abuse by journalists until 2003 after US Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary released documents admitting the government's role working with MIT and Quaker Oats Company.
When students at the Fernald School figured out who was doing what to them, they complained to the Department of Energy. Government employees referred to the victims as "the crazies." How is this different from what this article and the drug company promoters say about the current victims of abuse?
Government psychiatrists and colleagues deny they abuse mental patients using them for experiments. Patients are alleged to have lucid moments when they give informed consent. The rest of the time when they complain about abuse they are ignored as in this article.
Roy Bercaw - Editor
Cambridge MA USA
What's Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires?
As Conspiracy Communities Grow, Mental Health Docs Are Left With Big Questions
ABC News Medical Unit
Dec. 12, 2008
This article by Lauren Cox accepts psychiatry without questions. (LAUREN COX, "What's Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires?" ABC News, Dec. 12, 2008) She is unconcerned that psychiatric illnesses are created by consensus not science.
Cox says "subcultures built on paranoid theories like gang stalkers, points to an understudied corner in psychiatry: Who are the people who believe such theories in the quiet of their homes, and what does such behavior mean for a person teetering on the edge of mental illness?"
What is "the edge of mental illness?" Is it like being "a little bit pregnant?"
Cox says, "Whether or not conspiracy theories harm people who are susceptible to mental illness is a matter of debate among psychiatrists." If a fact is subject to debate is it a scientific fact? If it is "a matter of debate" how can it be used to decide if a person's speech or behavior is mental illness? Can anyone cite a rational standard for who is not "susceptible to mental illness?" Have some persons' (e.g., psychiatrists') genes been cleansed of mental illness?
Cox quotes a high ranking official of the National Alliance of Mental Illness. Is that different from the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill? That organization was founded by parents of persons accused of mental illness. NAMI is used by all forms of their formal name. NAMI gets about $3 million each year from drug companies to promote drug treatment. They do not advocate for the rights of the accused. Many if not most clueless journalists describe NAMI as advocates. But they do not identify that they advocate for more funds for more drug treatment. NAMI's idea of discrimination is denying a person drug treatment. They do not care about being denied police protection from psychiatric criminals and from ordinary criminals. NAMI promotes forced treatment. What other illness uses police to force treatment?
"Most people with major mental illness don't believe in conspiracy theories," said Dr. Ken Duckworth, medical director of the National Alliance of Mental Illness. How does he know that? Has he asked all persons accused of "major" mental illness? Why did Cox report that comment with no evidence?
According to Angus MacDonald, a spokesperson for the mental health charity NARSAD, and an associate professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, most delusions begin with general, unexplained feelings of discontent that are caused by a problem with the brain. It's only when someone tries to search for an explanation for their feelings that a delusion forms.
Do these sentences make any sense? What is the connection between "unexplained feelings of discontent" and "a problem with the brain?" Where is the evidence of any connection? Why is this statement quoted with no evidence? Is this sloppy journalism? Or is it a PR piece masquerading as news?
Does quoting a "spokesman" for a charity make any sense? If the matter has not been studied what value do MacDonald's comments have? Are they any more than personal opinion?
"You're sitting across from your therapist and they say, 'Well why would they do all of this?' And you've got the answers because you've studied online," he said.
Like Donald Rumsfeld, MacDonald asks and conveniently answers his own questions. He omits any other possible answers, such as they are paid to conduct surveillance and harassment. It is a criminal enterprise. Furthermore, do therapists ask rape victims why they were raped? Motive is a matter of fact to be determined in a court not in a therapist's office.
This article shows that psychiatric standards are being used to determine what speech is acceptable or if it should be censored by psychiatry. This is a First Amendment issue. Speech and behavior protected by the US Constitution and by state laws are being prohibited by psychiatrists who do not like or do not understand the speech or the behavior. This is a totalitarian practice that must end. Why do journalists encourage censoring protected speech?
This article marginalizes crime victims saying they are mentally ill. The same people make being mentally ill a matter for unlawful discrimination. What difference does it make if a person is mentally ill? Is that a crime, a contagious illness? Is it ever OK to ignore a person due to alleged mental illness?
That was done to homosexuals, Black Americans, women, rape victims and children. In December 2008 it was reported that the Chinese government is using psychiatry to discredit whistle blowers. Are we expected to believe that Americans do not that?
A rational explanation for stalking, harassment as a criminal conspiracy is these people may be human subjects for involuntary government human experiments. The US Air Force tests high tech directed energy weapons for many years. The US government has a long and despicable history of conducting non-consenting human experiments on civilians.
Michael D'Antonio wrote about radiation experiments over 30 years on developmentally disabled persons at the Fernald School in Massachusetts. ("Atomic Guinea Pigs," New York Times Magazine, August 31, 1997; State Boys Rebellion, Simon and Schuster, 2004) The experiments were conducted from 1944 to 1974. It was not recognized as an abuse by journalists until 2003 after US Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary released documents admitting the government's role working with MIT and Quaker Oats Company.
When students at the Fernald School figured out who was doing what to them, they complained to the Department of Energy. Government employees referred to the victims as "the crazies." How is this different from what this article and the drug company promoters say about the current victims of abuse?
Government psychiatrists and colleagues deny they abuse mental patients using them for experiments. Patients are alleged to have lucid moments when they give informed consent. The rest of the time when they complain about abuse they are ignored as in this article.
Roy Bercaw - Editor
Cambridge MA USA
What's Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires?
As Conspiracy Communities Grow, Mental Health Docs Are Left With Big Questions
ABC News Medical Unit
Dec. 12, 2008
Censorship by Scientists
Censorship by Scientists
[These are excerpts from a previous article by Lauren Cox who wrote an article about conspiracy theories.]
“Francesca Grifo, director of the scientific integrity program at the Union of Concerned Scientists in Washington D.C., agrees with Kempner on this point.
‘This notion of the chilling effect hits across the federal government,’ said Grifo. ‘It's not just the folks who are being funded by federal funds, it's career scientists as well.’
Grifo said her group has noticed the influence of politics can dissuade scientists from studying anything, including wildlife, when economics or ideologies are at stake.”
[My comment posted on]
Censorship of science has a long history. The greatest example is when Copernicus observed that the Earth was not the center of the Universe. Galileo recanted his support for Copernicus when he was threatened. St. Bruno was executed. At the same time psychiatry replaced the Church as censor of unpopular or new knowledge, which denies the current dominant paradigm. What makes matters worse is that psychiatry masquerades as science when it is no more than personal opinion. Psychiatric illnesses are created by consensus not science. These unscientific illnesses are used to discredit proponents of unpopular ideas. See related article
What's Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires?
As Conspiracy Communities Grow, Mental Health Docs Are Left With Big Questions
ABC News Medical Unit
Dec. 12, 2008
conspiracy theories. The entire article is an example of psychiatry censoring an unpopular category of ideas.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
[These are excerpts from a previous article by Lauren Cox who wrote an article about conspiracy theories.]
“Francesca Grifo, director of the scientific integrity program at the Union of Concerned Scientists in Washington D.C., agrees with Kempner on this point.
‘This notion of the chilling effect hits across the federal government,’ said Grifo. ‘It's not just the folks who are being funded by federal funds, it's career scientists as well.’
Grifo said her group has noticed the influence of politics can dissuade scientists from studying anything, including wildlife, when economics or ideologies are at stake.”
[My comment posted on]
Censorship of science has a long history. The greatest example is when Copernicus observed that the Earth was not the center of the Universe. Galileo recanted his support for Copernicus when he was threatened. St. Bruno was executed. At the same time psychiatry replaced the Church as censor of unpopular or new knowledge, which denies the current dominant paradigm. What makes matters worse is that psychiatry masquerades as science when it is no more than personal opinion. Psychiatric illnesses are created by consensus not science. These unscientific illnesses are used to discredit proponents of unpopular ideas. See related article
What's Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires?
As Conspiracy Communities Grow, Mental Health Docs Are Left With Big Questions
ABC News Medical Unit
Dec. 12, 2008
conspiracy theories. The entire article is an example of psychiatry censoring an unpopular category of ideas.
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
December 12, 2008
Barack "I'm Different From All The Rest" Obama
Honest Barack Knows Nothing
Honest Barack Knows Nothing
It is very amusing how Republicans see only corruption of Democrats and the Democrats only see corruption of Republicans. They believe that their own politicians do not lie, only the opposition politicians. This is classic denial and stupidity among the voters. How can anyone believe what any politician says or does is on the up and up. Obama especially is a pol from Chicago and is a Harvard lawyer. Barney Frank, Eliot Spitzer, Franklin Raines and Marc Dreier (charged with $380 million fraud and criminal impersonation) are all Harvard lawyers. As Howie Carr (Boston Radio Talk Show host says of the Massachusetts legislature) "Nothing on the level. Everything's a deal. No deal too small." If Obama had nothing to do with the Blagojevich scandal why is he playing CYA instead of expressing outrage as any concerned citizen is doing?
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
FBI: Illinois Governor Sought To "Sell" Obama's Senate Seat
Wanted President-Elect to "Put Something Together . . . Something Big"
December 9, 2008
It is very amusing how Republicans see only corruption of Democrats and the Democrats only see corruption of Republicans. They believe that their own politicians do not lie, only the opposition politicians. This is classic denial and stupidity among the voters. How can anyone believe what any politician says or does is on the up and up. Obama especially is a pol from Chicago and is a Harvard lawyer. Barney Frank, Eliot Spitzer, Franklin Raines and Marc Dreier (charged with $380 million fraud and criminal impersonation) are all Harvard lawyers. As Howie Carr (Boston Radio Talk Show host says of the Massachusetts legislature) "Nothing on the level. Everything's a deal. No deal too small." If Obama had nothing to do with the Blagojevich scandal why is he playing CYA instead of expressing outrage as any concerned citizen is doing?
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
FBI: Illinois Governor Sought To "Sell" Obama's Senate Seat
Wanted President-Elect to "Put Something Together . . . Something Big"
December 9, 2008
December 8, 2008
Pure American Psychiatrists
Pure American Psychiatrists
Why is it news that the Chinese government (and the Former Soviet Union) places whistle blowers in mental hospitals but when the US, state and local American governments do the same it is never recognized as the same abuse? The genes of American psychiatrists have been cleansed of greed, mendacity and sadism?
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Chinese paper says whistleblowers are sent to mental wards
By Andrew Jacobs
International Herald Tribune
Published: December 8, 2008
Why is it news that the Chinese government (and the Former Soviet Union) places whistle blowers in mental hospitals but when the US, state and local American governments do the same it is never recognized as the same abuse? The genes of American psychiatrists have been cleansed of greed, mendacity and sadism?
Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Chinese paper says whistleblowers are sent to mental wards
By Andrew Jacobs
International Herald Tribune
Published: December 8, 2008
Chinese Government,
Psychiatric Abuse,
Only Typical White People Are Racist
Only Typical White People Are Racist
New York Gov. David Paterson's real goal, he said, is to follow in Barack Obama's footsteps and be president of the United States, because: "Once you go black, you don't go back."
This is not racist because it was said by a black man? Ahem! If Bush or McCain or Palin said it, it would be the front page story for weeks. Stop the nonsense please.
Roy Bercaw, Editor, ENOUGH ROOM
December 08, 2008
Categories: Antics
Gov. David Paterson at the Gridiron: He said what?
New York Gov. David Paterson's real goal, he said, is to follow in Barack Obama's footsteps and be president of the United States, because: "Once you go black, you don't go back."
This is not racist because it was said by a black man? Ahem! If Bush or McCain or Palin said it, it would be the front page story for weeks. Stop the nonsense please.
Roy Bercaw, Editor, ENOUGH ROOM
December 08, 2008
Categories: Antics
Gov. David Paterson at the Gridiron: He said what?
Black Racism,
David Paterson,
White Racism
The Perfect People
The Perfect People
George Geller Of Teamsters Local 237 “that represents school safety agents and said [. . .] This is a force that is 75 percent female, 95 percent black and Latino and the idea that they are persecuting poor students in New York City is preposterous." (Cindy Hsu, “Student: I Was Beat Up By Security For Having Cell
Teen Sues NYC High School,” NEW YORK (WCBS-TV), Dec 8, 2008) What is preposterous is suggesting that female, black and Latino school employees are incapable of abusing their power. This is pure nonsense to suggest that some ethnic groups and one gender are perfect and do not have the ability to be cruel and oppressive. That is what makes the discrimination lobby thrive. Some groups are angels and white heterosexual males are all pure evil. Stop the nonsense and recognize that all people are the same and have the same potential negative characteristics.
Roy Bercaw, Editor, ENOUGH ROOM
Dec 8, 2008 8:03 pm US/Eastern
Student: I Was Beat Up By Security For Having Cell
Teen Sues NYC High School; Others Allege 'Separate Room' Where Agents Hand Out Fistful Of Discipline
Cindy Hsu
George Geller Of Teamsters Local 237 “that represents school safety agents and said [. . .] This is a force that is 75 percent female, 95 percent black and Latino and the idea that they are persecuting poor students in New York City is preposterous." (Cindy Hsu, “Student: I Was Beat Up By Security For Having Cell
Teen Sues NYC High School,” NEW YORK (WCBS-TV), Dec 8, 2008) What is preposterous is suggesting that female, black and Latino school employees are incapable of abusing their power. This is pure nonsense to suggest that some ethnic groups and one gender are perfect and do not have the ability to be cruel and oppressive. That is what makes the discrimination lobby thrive. Some groups are angels and white heterosexual males are all pure evil. Stop the nonsense and recognize that all people are the same and have the same potential negative characteristics.
Roy Bercaw, Editor, ENOUGH ROOM
Dec 8, 2008 8:03 pm US/Eastern
Student: I Was Beat Up By Security For Having Cell
Teen Sues NYC High School; Others Allege 'Separate Room' Where Agents Hand Out Fistful Of Discipline
Cindy Hsu
December 6, 2008
Sen. Clinton Eligible to be Secretary of State?
Sen. Clinton Eligible to be Secretary of State?
In this Heritage Foundation blog entry the Constitutional
provision regarding appointment of Senators is noted.
In a related matter, i.e., whether Obama is a natural citizen of
the US, now winding its way through the US Courts,
discussed the matter while selling pictures of Obama.
Eddie Murphy's film wife discovers him in bed with another woman.
Murphy says, "Who you gonna believe me or your lying eyes?" We are
supposed to believe these Harvard and Yale politicians rather than the
Constitution. Let's see, Barack Obama, Eliot Spitzer are Harvard Law
grads, along with Barney Frank, Franklin Raines, and Marc Dreier
arrested for criminal impersonation (see
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
In this Heritage Foundation blog entry the Constitutional
provision regarding appointment of Senators is noted.
In a related matter, i.e., whether Obama is a natural citizen of
the US, now winding its way through the US Courts,
discussed the matter while selling pictures of Obama.
Eddie Murphy's film wife discovers him in bed with another woman.
Murphy says, "Who you gonna believe me or your lying eyes?" We are
supposed to believe these Harvard and Yale politicians rather than the
Constitution. Let's see, Barack Obama, Eliot Spitzer are Harvard Law
grads, along with Barney Frank, Franklin Raines, and Marc Dreier
arrested for criminal impersonation (see
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Rewriting History
Rewriting History
Lou Lumenick says, "Nixon's undoing, of course, was the Watergate
break-in - and its extensive coverup - that he had authorized as part
of his campaign for re-election in 1972." (LOU LUMENICK, "Nixon's The
One," New York Post, December 5, 2008) What role do journalists play
in the dumbing down of America?
Nixon vigorously protected his employees trying to cover up the
break-in at the Democratic party headquarters. Nixon did not order the
break-in. John Dean approved that. (Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin,
"Silent Coup," silent,
Political intelligence and strategy were kept at the candidate's
headquarters. The motive at Watergate was to retrieve an address book,
which had Dean's phone number in it.
Making up facts keeps the electorate ignorant. Film reviews are
not reliable history.
Nixon's The One
New York Post
Last updated: 10:59 am
December 5, 2008
Posted: 12:19 am
Roy Bercaw, Editor, ENOUGH ROOM
Lou Lumenick says, "Nixon's undoing, of course, was the Watergate
break-in - and its extensive coverup - that he had authorized as part
of his campaign for re-election in 1972." (LOU LUMENICK, "Nixon's The
One," New York Post, December 5, 2008) What role do journalists play
in the dumbing down of America?
Nixon vigorously protected his employees trying to cover up the
break-in at the Democratic party headquarters. Nixon did not order the
break-in. John Dean approved that. (Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin,
"Silent Coup," silent,
Political intelligence and strategy were kept at the candidate's
headquarters. The motive at Watergate was to retrieve an address book,
which had Dean's phone number in it.
Making up facts keeps the electorate ignorant. Film reviews are
not reliable history.
Nixon's The One
New York Post
Last updated: 10:59 am
December 5, 2008
Posted: 12:19 am
Roy Bercaw, Editor, ENOUGH ROOM
Film as History,
Richard Nixon,
December 1, 2008
Harvard Psychiatrist Conflict of Interest
Harvard Psychiatrist Conflict of Interest
Here are 5 articles regarding Harvard psychiatrist Joseph
Biederman and apparent conflicts of interest. He signed his name to
articles that were written by drug companies. He accepted more than $1
million from drug companies, and did not inform his employer Mass
General Hospital, or Harvard Medical School. The first three are from
the NYTimes. The next two are from the Harvard Crimson.
* * * * *
Expert or Shill?
New York Times
Published: November 29, 2008
* * * * *
Research Center Tied to Drug Company
New York Times
Published: November 24, 2008
* * * * *
Researchers Fail to Reveal Full Drug Pay
New York Times
Published: June 8, 2008
* * * * *
Harvard Medical School To Reexamine Conflicts of Interest Policy
Reevaluation comes amid allegations of unreported income against three
Harvard psychiatrists
Published On Monday, June 16, 2008 5:17 PM
Crimson Staff Writer
* * * * *
Summer Happenings at Harvard Medical School
Published On Sunday, September 14, 2008 11:32 PM
Crimson Staff Writer
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Here are 5 articles regarding Harvard psychiatrist Joseph
Biederman and apparent conflicts of interest. He signed his name to
articles that were written by drug companies. He accepted more than $1
million from drug companies, and did not inform his employer Mass
General Hospital, or Harvard Medical School. The first three are from
the NYTimes. The next two are from the Harvard Crimson.
* * * * *
Expert or Shill?
New York Times
Published: November 29, 2008
* * * * *
Research Center Tied to Drug Company
New York Times
Published: November 24, 2008
* * * * *
Researchers Fail to Reveal Full Drug Pay
New York Times
Published: June 8, 2008
* * * * *
Harvard Medical School To Reexamine Conflicts of Interest Policy
Reevaluation comes amid allegations of unreported income against three
Harvard psychiatrists
Published On Monday, June 16, 2008 5:17 PM
Crimson Staff Writer
* * * * *
Summer Happenings at Harvard Medical School
Published On Sunday, September 14, 2008 11:32 PM
Crimson Staff Writer
Roy Bercaw - Editor ENOUGH ROOM
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