Charlie Baker, Governor of Massachusetts
2015 brings a new Governor for Massachusetts. But the bureaucracy lags behind and acts the same as under the previous Governor. Over the past 25 years a group of Harvard University campus police and their employees conducted a brutal campaign of surveillance and harassment. It continues in 2015. Never having had any positive response to previous complaints, I stopped complaining to city and state officials. It was a waste of my time, something encouraged by police over 44 years, wasting my time, that is. They all say, "He's crazy." and ignore my complaints. Legally these depraved police employees are abusing a disabled person, with police protection. It is how the Harvard University campus police thugs and their employees are able to cover up their abuses. "He's crazy." covers it all. Bullies love to prey on vulnerable citizens, especially white male citizens, who are not homosexual.
I live on property owned and operated by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. When I experienced criminal acts, my calls to the Cambridge police dispatchers were diverted to Harvard University campus police, who did not respond to my calls. When I was able to get through to Cambridge police they did respond and took my complaint. But the Harvard University campus police (HUPD) did not stop their abuses.

The enabling Mass General Law statute reveals that HUPD are special state police and have jurisdiction to enforce state laws on the property of Harvard University. I noticed how they act outside of their jurisdiction regularly. When I gathered evidence of health hazards over which the city of Cambridge has jurisdiction and not the HUPD, three HUPD officers stopped me and questioned me. When I explained to them that they were negligently trained they became sarcastic, asking me if I was going to train them. I've written many times about this problem and spoke to the city government and to the police in the city of Cambridge. It is a police problem which the city police enable by ceding jurisdiction to HUPD even when they do not have it.
It is unlikely the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety will change the way that HUPD operates. But I want them to stop harassing me. I am not charged with any crime. I have no notice of any allegations against me. But the HUPD freely harasses me and follows me. The last instance was on Thursday January 29, 2015.

At about 3:30 PM I called to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety MEOPS. The receptionist referred me to Lisa Morales, said to be an executive assistant. Her telephone greeting names Andrea Cabral as the Secretary of Public Safety. According to the state web pages Thomas G. Gatzunis, is the current Commissioner. I do not know the difference between the Secretary and the Commissioner. But on my last visit to the MEOPS it was explained to me that the MEOPS does not have jurisdiction over local police. But It does have jurisdiction over state police and the special (campus) state police.

Thomas G. Gatzunis, Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Safety
Nonetheless Lisa Morales left a voice mail message telling me that the campus police are under the State office of Education. I left a voice mail for her that the state makes the HUPD special state police and thus they are under the MEOPS. The next day she called again stating in a voice mail that she may have someone to refer me to. Aha! The bureaucratic plot thickens.
I know a lot about giving citizens the run around. I've experienced it over many years in large institutions and government agencies.Often it is not intentional, but incompetence. I do not know what it is in this case. I stopped interacting with government as a result of their disinterest in addressing abuses by police. I do not participate in the lawless protests on state highways. I am not a supporter of the "black lives matter" movement which slanders police. But I do object to the abuses of police power for personal and for political purposes which is what the HUPD does regarding me.
I read one book about bureaucracy that explained that the best time to obtain redress and to seek changes is when there is a new administration, e.g., a new governor and his new team. Thus I will send this as a letter to the new commissioner. If there is a response, I will update this post at that time.
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