[From article]
Just about every European country voted a few weeks ago to establish a Palestinian state, much of it on land designated for Israel by the League of Nations after WWI. The Europeans, together with communist and Islamic countries and dictatorships around the world, wish to go even further by actually dividing Jerusalem, Israel’s capital, in two, as Berlin was after World War II. You see, in Europe it’s fashionable to believe that Islam would live up to its billing as a “religion of peace” if Muslims could have just one more state, a 58th Moslem state, right next to Israel. The state will be called a “Palestinian” state, but it will actually be a Hamas state.
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Indeed what ISIS is doing throughout the Mideast to Christian communities has nothing to do with the Israel situation, just as centuries of Islamic persecution of Christians in Islamic countries predates the modern state of Israel by 1300 years.
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Sweden is one of the primary countries pushing for an Arab Palestinian state. Swedish elites seem to care more about Muslim claims concerning land and honor than the terrible phenomenon of rapes happening to Swedish women on Swedish soil ever since the immigration into its midst over a decade ago of young men from Islamic countries.
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Fatah on its Facebook page now glorifies murdering Jews and promotes terrorism not only against Israelis but all Jews. Fatah is the PLO, the Arab group run by Mahmud Abbas, the man behind the Munich massacre and a Holocaust denier, the man Europeans and President Obama want the Israelis to trust and to sacrifice her security and land.
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Muslims in leadership today, its main players, want to wipe out Israel and Jewry.
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They did this to the entire Mideast, erasing societies and countries that were historically Christian or Persian or Acadian or Armenian.
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The ethnic cleansing over the centuries by Islam predates ISIS.
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Gaza did not become a democratic Muslim state with human rights, but an outpost for Hamas and terrorism, shariah, a proxy of Iran, and a launching pad to destroy Israel and Jewish children.
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While Europeans would like to tie Israel’s hands militarily, they need to realize the Muslim world will do the same thing to them on a domestic level. They will use ”civil rights and human rights” laws, what liberals love calling “profiling”, to disallow domestic police forces from defending their countries from homespun Islamic terrorism on the streets of Paris, London, Hamburg, Stockholm, Brussels, and Rotterdam.
January 23, 2015
Another Islamic Terror State?
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero
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