No mention of crime that may not be reported, e.g., rapes on campuses which are now under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Education under a secret legal concept. Then there are crimes against persons with disabilities and elder citizens, which are never reported because they are never investigated. After all who would commit a crime against a disabled person or an elder? It must be near time for contract renewals. Crime is usually down at that time. When it is budget approval time crime stats are usually up requiring larger taxpayer appropriations. Not saying this applies to Cambridge which is not like all the rest of the cities and towns in America.
[From article]
Cambridge police define serious crimes as a combination of violent crimes, such as homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault, and property crimes, including burglary, larceny and auto theft.
[. . .]
Rape cases, on the other hand, have increased from 24 reported incidents in the first 363 days of 2013 to 31 reported sexual assaults over the same time frame in 2014, the BridgeStat report said.
The department, Warnick said, has multiple initiatives and policies to help combat rape and sexual assaults, and to support victims.
[. . .]
To view the full report, visit cambridgema.gov/cpd/communityresources/BridgeStat.
Police: Crime reaches historic low in Cambridge
By Sara Feijo
sfeijo (at) wickedlocal.com
Posted Jan. 21, 2015 @ 12:25 pm
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